Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 864 Standing a memorial archway?

Chapter 864 Standing a memorial archway?

He observed Nie Shuping carefully, so naturally he couldn't continue to play with Wang Qingyue.

So Wang Qingyue, who was a little bored, watched it together with him, while gossiping and asking questions.

"Chen Yang, who is your acquaintance, what kind of acquaintance?" Wang Qingyue asked.

Facing Wang Qingyue's inquiry, Chen Yang did not hide anything, and directly told about Nie Shuping's situation.

After listening to Chen Yang's narration, Wang Qingyue finally understood what was going on.

"According to what you said, you really should take a good look at it. After all, this kind of place is very chaotic. If someone is coerced, as a fellow villager, you should really rescue it." Wang Qingyue nodded and said.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Chen Yang also nodded heavily, and while drinking with Wang Qingyue, he paid close attention to Nie Shuping's situation.

After observing like this for about an hour, there was finally another movement on the deck.

A few greasy uncles started to touch Nie Shuping and other women.

The other women were all smiling, and they didn't mean to resist, but they were full of charm!Take the initiative to drink and play with those greasy uncles.

Only Nie Shuping, the smile on her face is the kind of superficial smile, and when facing the salty hands of those people, there will be some pushing and shoving movements.

It seems to be very repulsive to their behavior, but I don't know the reason, and I dare not be too obvious.

Few people could pay attention to her small actions in a bar full of fish and dragons.

But Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue paid close attention to them, so Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue had a panoramic view of these small actions!

"This, it seems that there are some inside stories."

Wang Qingyue said.

When Chen Yang saw the situation, he naturally knew there was a situation in his heart.

But based on this alone, it was still difficult for him to go up to understand the situation, so he turned to Wang Qingyue and said, "Qingyue, can you do me a favor?"

Wang Qingyue is very smart. Hearing what Chen Yang said, she immediately knew what Chen Yang was going to do.

"You want me to go over and help you understand the specific situation?"

"Well, you're a woman, so it's more appropriate to make friends with you in the past. It's obviously inappropriate for me to be a man." Chen Yang nodded and said.

Wang Qingyue naturally understood this truth in seconds.

"Hehe, all right, then just watch, I'll find out for you." Wang Qingyue smiled confidently, raised a glass of wine, and was about to go over to help Chen Yang find out the situation.

But at this moment, the greasy uncle who was hugging Nie Shuping suddenly changed his face, and pushed Nie Shuping straight away, and then started cursing.

There were so many people in the bar, and the music was so loud that it was impossible to hear what the greasy man was saying.

But judging by his fierce appearance, he must be swearing and there is nothing good to say.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qingyue paused and looked at Chen Yang.

It means to ask, if this situation is over, should we go through it.

Chen Yang frowned, thought for a while, then stood up and pulled Wang Qingyue to go with him.

When I walked near the booth, I finally heard what the greasy uncle was saying!

"You stinky bitch! Come out to do this, and still pretend to be innocent with me? Go and call your manager!" The greasy uncle yelled angrily. They all sneered and made mocking remarks.

"That's right, it's a blessing for people like you to be able to drink with Mr. Zhang, and even set up a memorial archway! I really don't know what to do."

"Go, go, waiter, hurry up and call your manager, if this matter is not handled well, we will ask him to dismiss him!"


The four or five bosses all taunted, and Nie Shuping, who was pushed to the ground, burst into tears of shame.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang was already angry. Regardless of whether it was Nie Shuping's original intention or not, at least she didn't want to be passive!

Therefore, he was going to stand up and help Nie Shuping out.

But before he went out, he saw a 30-year-old man wearing a suit and tie, led by a waiter, coming here quickly through the crowd.

Chen Yang learned from the nameplate on his chest that this 30-year-old man is the manager of the bar!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. I'm really sorry. This person is new here. He doesn't know the rules. He offended you. I'll replace you right now." As soon as the manager came, he immediately bowed and apologized to Mr. Zhang. .

At the same time, with a serious expression, he looked at Nie Shuping who was sitting on the ground and said, "Aren't you going to get up and apologize to Mr. Zhang? You disturbed Mr. Zhang's elegance! See how I will deal with you later!"

Nie Shuping was obviously terrified of the manager.

Because when he heard the words "to be cleaned up", his body trembled obviously, which was an instinctive reaction.

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry." Nie Shuping cried and stood up, bowing and apologizing immediately.

Seeing Nie Shuping's apology, the manager immediately changed his face, and continued to apologize to Mr. Zhang with a hippie smile: "Hehe, I'm really sorry Mr. Zhang, I'll change it for you now, and you'll be satisfied."

With that said, the manager immediately took out his phone and wanted to change it.

But Mr. Zhang directly refused!

"No! I want this bitch today!"

"Uh... this..." The manager was obviously embarrassed when he heard this.

But Mr. Zhang insisted: "Pretending to be a white lotus with me? I will make her pay for it today! And I will take it away!"

"I'm here to do this job, what else can I do? Is the money not in place? I'll just give it to you."

The more Mr. Zhang said, the more he spoke in a bad tone. He even picked up the wallet on the sofa, took out a wad of banknotes, and threw it directly at Nie Shuping's face.

"Is this enough? Do you want to follow me?"

Mr. Zhang roared angrily, and Nie Shuping was so frightened that her body trembled.

But she still didn't speak, obviously, she didn't want to agree.

Seeing this, the manager at the side was afraid of offending Mr. Zhang, so he hurriedly stood up and spoke.

"Mr. Zhang has already given you a lot of face, you should agree quickly! The money has been paid, so don't toast and eat fine wine!" The manager's face was full of urgency, and there was also a sense of threat in his words.

When Nie Shuping heard this, if she shook her head: "No, manager... Didn't you say that you only dance and drink, and nothing else! This is definitely not allowed!"

Although Nie Shuping was afraid, she still had a bottom line, and she refused to agree to Mr. Zhang's unreasonable demands no matter what.

"You..." The manager immediately became angry, and wanted to continue to yell.

But Mr. Zhang was completely impatient.

Seeing that he was rejected so simply, he was so angry that he rushed over and slapped Nie Shuping on the face, knocking Nie Shuping to the ground.

This is not enough!He even rushed to beat him in a rage!

"Stinky bitch! How dare you not give me face! I want you to look good today!"

Mr. Zhang went up to beat him up, and the scene immediately became chaotic, and all the eyes of the bar were attracted.

But no one went up to stop it!Including that manager!Stand still and remain unmoved!

(End of this chapter)

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