Chapter 862 Bar

When the food is about the same, the topic is almost over.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom."

Chen Yang saw that he had almost eaten, so he stood up and found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and went to the front desk to pay the bill.

Then go back to the box, call Wang Qingyue, and go to the most prosperous street in this county together.

The reason why this county is prosperous is that there is a unique street that never sleeps!It has attracted many people to come and play.

Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue are also one of them.

The two walked side by side in the street, watching the crowds of people coming and going, vendors buying all kinds of snacks, and various entertainment venues where handsome men and beautiful women haunted, and they also had thoughts in their hearts.

Want to try a snack, and then enjoy the charm of this nightclub.

"Chen Yang, shopping is so boring, why don't we go in and have fun? Have a taste of the charm of nightclubs?" Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang walked to the door of a bar, and suddenly said strangely.

When Chen Yang heard it, he couldn't react: "It's just the two of us, let's go to the bar to have fun? Could it be interesting?"

Although Chen Yang seldom goes to such places, he also knows that these places need more people to be together to be fun.

What's the fun for the two of you to go in, just sit and listen to music and drink?

Chen Yang thought so in her heart, but Wang Qingyue thought differently. She just thought it was fun inside, so she wanted to go in and have a look.

"Oh, it's okay for the two of us, the big deal is that we two will compare our drinking capacity, and we don't want a group of talents to have fun." Wang Qingyue suddenly took Chen Yang's arm, and then pulled him inside.

Wang Qingyue's move seemed simple, but it made Chen Yang's blood boil.

It's just because Wang Qingyue hugged her too tightly, so that kind of touch is so real that it can't be more real!

Although through the clothes, Chen Yang can clearly feel that Wang Qingyue's size is definitely bigger than the three daughters of Yang Ruoxi, Li Han, and Wu Kexin!

He can even stand shoulder to shoulder with Nizi!


Chen Yang had a whim, but it was outside, he still forcibly suppressed those strange thoughts.

After being dragged into the nightclub by Wang Qingyue, the loud music made it impossible to speak.

However, when the two entered the door, a waiter still came up and pointed to his own service name tag, indicating that he needed help.

When Wang Qingyue saw the waiter coming, she was not polite, she turned around and went to Chen Yang's side, and asked Chen Yang to communicate with the waiter and open a booth for them.

"The booth, there are only two of us, how can we sit?" Chen Yang replied with some dumbfounding.

Wang Qingyue gave Chen Yang a helpless look, and then whispered in her ear: "Can't two people sit together? You can just drive. At worst, I'll just treat you. Come out and play to your heart's content!"

Chen Yang didn't want to open a booth, it wasn't a matter of money, it was just that the two of them were unnecessary.

But after Wang Qingyue said that, he couldn't continue to say anything, so he had no choice but to communicate with the waiter and ask for the best booth.

The waiter's expression changed when he heard Chen Yang's words, and his respect for Chen Yang Wang Qingyue was raised by four or five levels!

"This way sir! Please come with me."

The waiter made a ninety-degree bow, and then led Chen Yang to the inside of the bar.

The scene of this bar is full of anger, and the popularity is also very high.

Ordinary aisles need to be walked sideways, because the aisles are already full of people, and they can only walk inside by squeezing.

Chen Yang must be fine, but Wang Qingyue is a little inconvenient, so Chen Yang had no choice but to protect her.

In this way, the two entered the inner area of ​​the bar, and then set up a particularly conspicuous booth in the inner area.

"Sir, do you think this position is okay? This is the best position left." When he came to the booth, the waiter said loudly in Chen Yang's ear.

Hearing this, Chen Yang glanced around and found that although this location was not the best in the whole bar, it was indeed pretty good, so he nodded and settled down.

Sit down with Wang Qingyue.

Sitting on the card seat, the waiter immediately brought another tablet and asked Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue to order wine.

Chen Yang had almost never touched this kind of fancy wine, so he gave it to Wang Qingyue to order.

This girl Wang Qingyue didn't know what was going on, and ordered a lot of them in a random manner as soon as she got started, and Chen Yang was stunned.

It's just for two people to drink, do you need so much?

Isn't this pure waste? The drinks in bars are expensive.

Chen Yang really wanted to stop it, but when he thought that this girl's family was not short of money, it would not be a big deal to buy this bar, so he let her go.

In the end, she ordered all the wines that were pleasing to the eye. I don't know the exact amount, but it must be beyond the scope of what the two of them can drink.

Chen Yang felt dizzy, but the waiter holding the tablet was very happy.

He originally came here casually to entertain, thinking of leading someone to find a stage or something, but he never thought that he would meet such a big benefactor!

Can he be unhappy?And they still rely on alcohol to get commissions.

For what Wang Qingyue just did, he earned at least four or five thousand!

"Okay sir and madam, wait a moment, we'll serve drinks right away." Seeing Wang Qingyue finished ordering, the waiter immediately bowed respectfully, and then went down with the tablet.

"Why do you order so much, can the two of us finish drinking? You are a waste." After the waiter left, Chen Yang couldn't help but said.

But Wang Qingyue smiled: "What's the matter, the nightclubs are not closed anyway, so let's drink a little after a while, and leave after drinking."

Chen Yang felt really overwhelmed, but he ordered everything, and the money had already been given, so he couldn't ask for it back.

So I can only sit and drink Luo.

The atmosphere of the nightclub was in place, and Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue sat down for a while and felt a little excited. Watching the men and women dancing on the dance floor was quite enjoyable.

Although the two were in a high mood, they didn't drink, so they didn't let go completely.

I just sat on the card and waited for more than ten or twenty minutes.

After all the colorful wines on the table were served, the two of them finally started!

As soon as the wine was served, Wang Qingyue made Chen Yang a weird glass of wine that was still burning with blue flames.

This wine looks very good-looking, Chen Yang originally thought that the alcohol must not be high.

So he didn't observe at all, just clinked glasses with Wang Qingyue and drank it down.

As soon as the wine entered his mouth, Chen Yang almost spit it out. It was like a ball of fire, burning in his mouth and throat.

That feeling, Chen Yang knew it wasn't really popular!It's because the degree is too high, so it feels like this.

So in order not to lose face, Chen Yang endured the discomfort and swallowed it forcefully.

Chen Yang can also be considered a veteran of the liquor store, he has drunk many high-alcohol liquors.

But to be honest, I have never come across this kind of wine. It is like a raging fire, burning the mouth, throat, and even the stomach!

(End of this chapter)

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