Chapter 861 On TV


But as soon as he raised his hand, he was already slapped on the face.

Chen Yang's slap was crisp and decisive, without any hesitation.

So almost no one at the scene reacted. When he fired, everyone was dumbfounded!

Especially that Ah Wei, who raised his fists and froze in place.

After being stunned for two or three seconds, he clearly felt the burning pain on his face!Only then did he react.

"Fuck, you really want to die! Give it all to me! Beat him to death!" Ah Wei roared angrily, his eyes were red.

Those younger brothers were also awakened by Ah Wei's roar, and immediately rushed towards Chen Yang, wanting to gang up on Chen Yang.

But this kind of battle is without suspense.

A group of ordinary gangsters want to teach Chen Yang a lesson just because of the large number of them. Isn't that just wishful thinking?

Within ten seconds, seven or eight younger brothers were all knocked down by Chen Yang's immovable effort!Lying on the ground crying in pain.

The woman was proud one second, but was stunned the next!

And that furious Ah Wei instantly lost his temper like a deflated ball.

There is only fear like seeing a ghost in a pair of eyes!

"If you can't attract customers, just grab them by force. You guys are good enough. Doing this kind of thing in the busiest street in this county? It opened my eyes." Chen Yang said angrily.

"No... no brother, we didn't mean that. Don't get me wrong. You can leave now. I will definitely not stop you." The woman immediately replied tremblingly.

She is a bullying guy, now seeing that all the thugs in her shop have been dealt with by Chen Yang, so she is afraid and dare not provoke her.

But she had this idea, but Chen Yang didn't want to leave.

No matter what he said, Chen Yang was also a university educated person with a sense of social responsibility.

How could such a cancerous store stay?

Chen Yang didn't talk nonsense to this woman, he took out his phone and called the police.

When the woman saw that Chen Yang called the police, she immediately panicked and hurried up to speak nicely to Chen Yang.

"Brother, it's not easy for me to open this small shop. Can you let me go this time? I'll compensate you, so don't call the police!" The woman pulled Chen Yang's arm and begged.

But Chen Yang ignored her at all, and called the police, telling the situation here.

Seeing that Chen Yangzhen had called the police, the woman exchanged a glance with Ah Wei, and immediately prepared to run away.

But they were caught by Chen Yang one by one.

"You still want to leave? What are you thinking about? Just stay here and wait for it to be dealt with."

Seeing that she was arrested and returned, the woman suddenly regretted it.

It's not good to offend anyone, but to offend such an iron plate.

One must know that it will become like this now, she dare not provoke her no matter what!

The woman's psychological defense is relatively low, and she just sat in the store and started crying. Although Ah Wei didn't cry, he was trembling, and he couldn't stand up.

Just like that, Chen Yang waited in the store for about ten minutes, when the police arrived.

After a brief understanding, a large-scale investigation began.

What's happening on the front door, the inside doesn't know, so when it comes time to knock on the door, there's still a lot going on in the middle!

Chen Yang just glanced casually, and didn't stay here any longer.

As long as someone handles it, he doesn't care about verbal rewards or rewards.

Even in the process of haircutting, a den was destroyed casually, and there is nothing worthy of praise.

Chen Yang thought so in his heart.

After leaving the shop, I walked some distance and found a regular barber shop to cut my hair.

After cutting his hair, Chen Yang walked back to the hotel.

Walking into the room, Chen Yang saw Wang Qingyue lying on the bed watching TV.

A pillow was pressed under her chest, and a pair of jade legs were swinging back and forth behind her, which looked a bit moving.

"I'm back."

Wang Qingyue glanced at the movement at the door.


Chen Yang responded with a smile, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Just after washing, I heard Wang Qingyue calling him outside.

"Chen Yang, hurry up and read the news. This is very interesting news. A guy was blackmailed, and instead subdued seven or eight gangsters, and helped destroy the criminal den!"

Chen Yang was not interested in any news at all.

But when he heard Wang Qingyue's description outside, he immediately ran out and looked around.

Seeing what was being reported on TV, Chen Yang froze for a moment.

Isn't this the den that I destroyed just now?

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, then stopped watching, and went straight to the sofa to sit and play with his mobile phone to rest.

Wang Qingyue, on the other hand, was still lying on the sofa reading the report with gusto.

While watching, he was still muttering something, but Chen Yang didn't pay attention to it, so he didn't know.

They stayed like this until after five o'clock in the afternoon, before Wang Qingyue turned off the TV and got out of bed.

"Hey, Chen Yang, when did you cut your hair? Did you go out to get your hair cut just now?" Wang Qingyue only noticed that Chen Yang's hair had become shorter at this moment.

"Yeah, thinking about business tomorrow, I cut it short so that it looks more energetic." Chen Yang nodded with a smile.


Wang Qingyue snorted, and went to put on her shoes without thinking too much.

After she finished putting on her shoes, she squinted her eyes and looked at Chen Yang again: "You went out to get a haircut? The unnamed hero who destroyed the den just now was also blackmailed by having his hair cut... Could it be you?"

It is not surprising that Wang Qingyue has such thoughts, after all, most people are ordinary people, and there are very few people who can fight a group alone.

And what happened on TV happened when Chen Yang was out, so Wang Qingyue contacted Chen Yang naturally.

Hearing Wang Qingyue's question, Chen Yang was not humble, stood up with a smile and nodded: "Yes, it's me."

Wang Qingyue's eyes lit up immediately when she saw Chen Yang admit it.

"Wow, is it really you? Such a coincidence?"

Chen Yang was taken aback by Wang Qingyue's active reaction.

Because he remembered that Wang Qingyue was not as lively and talkative as she is now, how did she become like this today.

Could it be that the fight at home brought the distance between them closer?

"It's really a coincidence. I just wanted to find a place to cut my hair, and I didn't expect to encounter such a thing." Chen Yang said helplessly.

Seeing Chen Yang's helpless look, Wang Qingyue couldn't help but smile.

"That's true, such things are rare."

After his expression returned to normal, he said again: "It's getting late, let's go down to eat, and after we eat, let's go out for a walk to experience the characteristics of this place! Let's see how rich the nightlife is."

"Okay, let's go."

Chen Yang never wanted to stay in the room, so he nodded directly, then walked out of the room together, went to the restaurant of the hotel, and had dinner.

During the meal, Wang Qingyue asked a lot about washing her hair today.

In fact, it is a very common thing, but it may be because it was on TV, which made Wang Qingyue find it quite interesting, so I asked a little more.

Chen Yang didn't want the atmosphere to be dull, so he chatted with Wang Qingyue a lot on this topic.

(End of this chapter)

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