Chapter 860

After waiting for two or three minutes, a girl with scantily dressed clothes and a bit of beauty came out following the aunt.

"Ah Han, it's this guest who wants to have his hair cut. Please entertain him first. I'll wait for you outside. When the washing is almost done, let the boss come out and cut his hair." The aunt took Ah Han to Chen Yang's side, smiling introduce.

Although every sentence is head-cut, it always sounds weird.

"Okay Miss Xia, don't worry, I will definitely wash this customer comfortably." The girl named Ah Han responded with a smile, and then the auntie walked out directly.

Only Chen Yang and Ah Han are left here.

Hearing the tone of the two of them talking, Chen Yang could already tell that something was wrong, and knew that this was an improper place.

But after thinking about it, I sat down, and the equipment for cutting hair here is quite complete, so I thought that it should also be able to cut hair.

"I just cut my head."

Chen Yang was afraid that Ah Han would act recklessly, so he made a special reply.

"Hahaha, good customer, don't worry, just cut your hair." Ah Han covered his mouth with a smile and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Chen Yang ignored her, and just put his head into the sink.

And that Ah Han also walked up immediately, and began to put hot water on Chen Yang and wash his hair.

In the beginning, everything was normal, washing hair, shampooing, massaging and so on.

But when it was time to wash off the foam, Na Ah Han suddenly became unruly.

A pair of fairly warm hands always touch Chen Yang's skin in a strange way, and the tone of his speech is also weird, all revealing hints!

To be honest, this Ah Han is still a bit charming.

If Chen Yang were an ordinary person, he would definitely be unable to hold on, even if he really came to cut his hair, he would be so hot and dragged into trouble.

But Chen Yang is not an ordinary person, what kind of beauty have you never seen before?

So, after she did this and exposed her identity, Chen Yang could only dislike her!Not a shred of other thought!

"Can you wash your hair well? If you can't wash it, just tell me, I'll change to another store." Chen Yang frowned and said in a cold voice.

When Ah Han behind him heard this sentence, his body paused obviously.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Yang to say that about her.

"Uh...customer, look what you're talking about. They just want to add some items to you to make your experience better..." The previous Ahan was a metaphor , but after being reprimanded coldly by Chen Yang, she didn't hold back, but became more direct.

Hearing these words, Chen Yang immediately felt disgusted.

A woman who is as good as she can be, what does she want to do with him?

Chen Yang straightened up, took the towel that was put aside and wiped all the water from his hair.

"No need! I'm not here to seek your kind of service. I just want to get a haircut. If I can't cut it, forget it!" Chen Yang said coldly, threw the towel away, and turned around to leave the room.

And Ah Han was completely stunned.

Maybe it was because he had never met a man like Chen Yang before, so he didn't know how to react for a while.

But after Chen Yang rushed out of the room, the aunt who was eating melon seeds at the front desk and watching TV reacted immediately.

Seeing Chen Yang rushing out, she hurried forward, stopped him with a smile and asked Chen Yang what happened and why she was so upset.

Chen Yang was extremely bored at this moment, but he still answered the man's words.

"Didn't I just cut my hair? What are you doing with me?" Chen Yang replied coldly, then pushed the woman away with his hand, and continued walking towards the door, preparing to leave here.

However, seeing that Chen Yang was about to leave the shop, the woman quickly chased after him.

"Hey, wait a minute, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" the woman stretched out her hand to stop Chen Yang, and said.

"You can't cut your hair, why don't I leave?" Chen Yang stared at her coldly.

She smiled strangely: "I can't cut my hair, and you can't leave either. You washed your hair here, don't you need to pay?"

Chen Yang was amused when he heard this.

Does it all cost money?

Chen Yang thought it was funny, but he did wash it too, so he didn't want to tangle with this woman, so he took out his phone and asked how much it was, and he planned to turn it around.

"How much? Five hundred!"

The woman folded her hands on her chest and said calmly.

When Chen Yang heard that it was five hundred, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"Five hundred? Use your water, plus shower gel, five hundred?"

"Of course, our Ah Han is the shop's signature. Does she not charge you a service fee for washing your hair? It's cheap to charge you five hundred, otherwise I plan to ask for one thousand!" The woman changed her face , the expression now is extremely mean.

It's completely different from the enthusiasm that Chen Yang just came in.

Seeing her reaction, Chen Yang knew that the deal couldn't be done, so he was going to blackmail him.

But it would be a big mistake if this bamboo pole hit him on Chen Yang's head.

"Then let me tell you clearly, if there is no five hundred, I will give you ten at most, do you want it?"

"Ten yuan? What the hell are you begging for? My mother said five hundred, otherwise you won't be able to leave today!" Standing in front of Chen Yang, the woman started playing tricks.

At this time, Chen Yang had no patience.

His face also turned cold.

"Let me say it for the last time. I have ten yuan, but I don't have five hundred. If you want it, I'll pass it on to you. If you don't want it, go away!"

Chen Yang lost his patience, and immediately raised his tone.

This woman is also a stern guy, seeing Chen Yang's attitude changed, her face immediately became a little flustered.

But she didn't intend to get out of the way, but directed towards the inner direction and called out to someone.

"Ah Wei, are you all dead? I'm going to be beaten up before you come out!"

This woman's voice is so loud that the whole building might be able to hear her shouting.

Immediately after she finished shouting, seven or eight men walked down the inner stairs, and then came to the woman aggressively.

"Who, who dares to make trouble here, I won't chop him up today!" Among the seven or eight people, Huang Mao, the leader, was the most arrogant, and asked fiercely when he came out.

Seeing these seven or eight people coming, the panic on the woman's face disappeared immediately, and what changed was self-satisfaction.

"Who else could it be? Just this kid." The woman smiled triumphantly, her eyes flicked in Chen Yang's direction.

That yellow hair, that is, Ah Wei, immediately looked at Chen Yang.

"Boy, are you arrogant? Have you heard of my name, Ah Wei? Do you want to die if you cause trouble on my territory!" Ah Wei said loudly.

Chen Yang's attitude at this time was already very cold.

"never heard of that."

"Hey, haven't you heard of it? Then I'll improve your memory today!" Ah Wei immediately lost his temper, and he raised his hand to hit Chen Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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