Chapter 859


The front desk of this hotel is a man, looking up at Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue with a half-smile.

"Yes, you two, give me two of the best rooms, preferably next to each other." Chen Yang replied naturally, and then took out his ID from his pocket.

But when the receptionist heard what Chen Yang said, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Excuse me, sir, our hotel only has the best presidential suite."

"There's only one room?" Chen Yang was surprised on the surface, but he secretly rejoiced in his heart. Is this a chance given by God?

"Is there still a room with a lower level?" Chen Yang heard Wang Qingyue ask this question before he could chuckle to himself.

Hearing this sentence, the joy in Chen Yang's heart stopped abruptly, thinking that the opportunity was gone.

But it was really unexpected, the front desk still shook his head: "Ma'am, there are no more, today is the weekend, peak season, and there is only this one room in the whole hotel."

"Ah? There is only one room in the whole hotel?" Wang Qingyue's expression was surprised, and then she turned around without hesitation, wanting to leave here with Chen Yang.

But at this juncture, how could Chen Yang miss such a good opportunity.

God has an opportunity right in front of him, if he doesn't take advantage of it, it will be too much for God.

"Qingyue, don't rush to leave, first ask what's going on." Chen Yang held Wang Qingyue back.

Upon hearing this, Wang Qingyue stopped in her tracks.

Chen Yang chuckled, turned around and went to communicate with the waiter again.

After some communication, I learned that it is the weekend, so almost all the hotels and guesthouses in this central location are full.

After all, it is a nightless county, and while the nightlife is rich, this kind of business is also easy to do.

Hearing this situation, Wang Qingyue became very entangled.

Because if you don't open it, it means you have to stay away from the center. When you go out to play at night, it will be inconvenient to discuss business tomorrow.

Let's open it, how inconvenient is it for lonely men and widows?

"Qingyue, why don't you turn it on? At worst, you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the sofa. Anyway, the presidential suite is big enough, so it won't be a problem for one night." Just when Wang Qingyue was struggling, Chen Yang said suddenly.

Wang Qingyue was a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, she nodded and agreed to open a room.

Anyway, when I was in the mountains, it wasn't like I didn't have such close contact, and it wasn't very inconvenient.

"it is good."

Chen Yang smiled, then turned around and went to check in.

After giving the certificate and paying the money, Chen Yang got the room card and went upstairs with Wang Qingyue.

In the elevator, Chen Yang was still secretly grateful for such good luck.

But it happened that they ran into the last room.

Ding dong.

The elevator reaches the corresponding floor.

"Come on, the room is on this floor."

Chen Yang glanced down at the room card, said and walked out.

Wang Qingyue also walked out together, and then followed the instructions of the elevator, and the two found the room.

So Chen Yang swiped the room card, opened the door and entered the room.

This hotel is the most advanced in the county, so the decoration of the rooms and the like are all very luxurious.

But Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue didn't feel anything about it, on the contrary they thought it was normal.

Because I have seen this kind of scene a lot, and it is not the first time I have opened this kind of room.

After entering the room, Chen Yang immediately sat down on the sofa. After driving for more than two hours, his legs were numb.

"Phew, it's been a long time since I drove for such a long time, and I'm not used to it. If I knew it, I would have let you drive." Chen Yang said with a long breath.

Wang Qingyue also sat on the sofa next to Chen Yang, and when she heard Chen Yang's words, she smiled: "Guess why I asked you to drive?"

"Oh, you are aware of this situation, so let me be your driver." Chen Yang reacted and said.

"Hehe, you guessed it right."

Wang Qingyue covered her mouth and smiled, and directly admitted it.

Chen Yang was a little helpless, and was tricked by this girl.

Closing his eyes, Chen Yang rested comfortably.

After about 10 minutes passed, he suddenly opened his eyes again, looked at Wang Qingyue and said, "It's still early in the afternoon, why don't we go out for a stroll? It's so boring to stay in the room all the time."

Wang Qingyue was looking at her mobile phone at this time, and she didn't know what to look at, but she was a little preoccupied anyway.

When she heard Chen Yang talking to her, she turned her head and replied, "Go shopping? What's there to do?"


Chen Yang almost couldn't hold back, and laughed on the spot: "Shopping, isn't it your women's favorite? Why do you ask me such a thing?"

"Tch, I'm not an ordinary woman. I don't like shopping very much. I don't go out unless I really need to buy something." Wang Qingyue retorted with a little disdain, and the temperament of a heroine came out immediately. up.

"Haha, well, then if you don't like to go shopping, I'll just go shopping by myself. It's too boring to stay in the room." Chen Yang saw that Wang Qingyue didn't want to go, and he didn't force it. It's not bad for him to go out for a walk by himself.

After speaking, Chen Yang stood up and walked towards the door.

Wang Qingyue didn't say anything about it, she told her to come back early, and continued to look at her mobile phone.

Chen Yang went out of the room, took the elevator downstairs and left the hotel.

When Chen Yang came out, it was not purely for leisure, but for a purpose.

My hair is a bit long, so I wanted to find a barber shop and have my hair cut.

Tomorrow is still a business discussion, so it's better to be more formal.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if others thought they were bodyguards when they went out with Wang Qingyue.

Chen Yang walked out of the hotel for about 10 minutes, and found a barber shop that didn't look very good on a road with few people.

But Chen Yang still walked in. He just cut it shorter, and he didn't want to have a fashionable hairstyle, so there was no need to find a high-end barber shop.

Walking into the barber shop, Chen Yang glanced at the shop, and found that the counter of this shop was at the innermost part of the barber shop.

And sitting at the counter was a "Auntie!"

Seeing this aunt, Chen Yang immediately felt something was wrong.

In a normal barbershop, where can there be an aunt dressed like this?This kind of old and heavy makeup usually appears in informal places!

Chen Yang felt something was wrong, so he turned his head and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, the aunt noticed Chen Yang.

Seeing the visitors in the store, she immediately stood up and called Chen Yang enthusiastically.

"Hey boy! Are you here for a haircut?"

Chen Yang originally wanted to leave, but when he heard this, he paused for a while, then turned around and said, "Yes, can you cut your hair?"

"Yes, yes! Look at what you said, can we not cut our hair in this barber shop?" The aunt came out of the counter with a smile. She was not enthusiastic, and directly invited Chen Yang to go in: "Young man, come in first." Come wash your hair, and cut it after washing!"

Chen Yang saw that this situation was quite normal, so he felt that he was thinking too much.

So he nodded and walked in.

Behind this counter, there is a door leading to the inside.

At the invitation of this aunt, Chen Yang walked into the interior of the room.

Walking inside, the lights are a bit dim, but all the utensils for washing hair are there.

"Young man, sit down first, I'll get a little girl to wash your hair." Auntie cheerfully pulled a stool and motioned for Chen Yang to sit down, and then she continued to go inside.

At this time, Chen Yang still didn't think much, just sat on the stool and waited.

(End of this chapter)

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