Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 85 The Surprised Uncle Xiao


The big wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms crashed to the ground, and Nizi, who was not far away, was terrified.

And when Chen Yang saw the wild boar fell to the ground, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In the situation just now, I said I don’t panic, is it possible?

Chen Yang calmed down, then walked to Nizi's side, patted Nizi's back, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, the wild boar is dead."

After being told by Chen Yang, Nizi finally recovered from the shock.

She raised her eyes blankly, and looked at Chen Yang: "Brother Chen Yang...you are too fierce, you took care of such a big wild boar."

"Hehe, good luck, I was almost injured by this beast just now!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Then, what should we do now? This wild boar's body?" Nizi looked at Chen Yang in shock and asked. ,

"The corpse will naturally be taken down the mountain! This is more than 300 catties of delicious food! Wouldn't it be a pity not to take it down?" Chen Yang laughed.

"But Brother Chen Yang, this wild boar weighs at least 200 catties, how can you get down the mountain by yourself?"

"It's not two hundred catties, at least three hundred catties! I should be able to do it alone! Try it!" Chen Yang said, and after stretching his muscles and bones twice, he was ready to try to lift it up.

The size of this wild boar is twice as big as that of Chen Yang.

Logically speaking, no matter what, you can't carry it, and even if you can carry it, you can't walk.

But Chen Yang let out a low growl!Pick it up directly!


Nizi's eyes were shocked, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

She was really frightened by Chen Yang...

What kind of power is this!

Seeing Nizi's dull face, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Don't...don't look at it, just lead the way ahead!"

Chen Yang reminded.

"Oh... good!"

Nizi reacted belatedly, and hurriedly opened the way ahead with a hatchet.

With more than 300 kilograms of wild boar on his shoulders, Chen Yang was really struggling.

Moreover, the way down the mountain was very difficult, and Chen Yang complained in his heart.

He really wanted to lay down and take a rest, but in order to finish pretending this in front of Nizi, he couldn't stop!

Chen Yang gritted his teeth all the way and followed Nizi.

The emperor paid off, and the two finally went down the mountain and returned to the hospital.

"Brother Chen Yang, go in!"

Nizi opened the backyard door, and Chen Yang rushed in quickly, and then threw the huge wild boar carcass in the backyard.

Before Chen Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, a black shadow suddenly swooped down from the sky.

Seeing this, Nizi was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"Brother Chen Yang! Be careful!"

When Chen Yang heard the sound and looked back, Brother Diao flashed past his eyes, and finally stood on the body of the wild boar.

"Haha, girl, don't be afraid, this is my pet, not a bird of prey!" Chen Yang said with a laugh. ,

He knew that Nizi exclaimed just now because she was frightened by Brother Diao.


Nizi was taken aback for a moment, and moved to Chen Yang's side: "Brother Chen Yang...is this golden eagle your pet?"

"That's right!"

Chen Yang nodded triumphantly, then looked at the golden eagle again and said, "Brother Diao, call twice to listen."


Brother Diao tweeted twice to save face.

Seeing this, Nizi completely believed that this was Chen Yang's pet.

But even though she believed it, Nizi still had a hard time accepting it.

Because Chen Yang's various performances have refreshed her three views...

First he hacked the wild boar to death with two knives, and then carried a wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms down the mountain. This time he raised the golden eagle as a pet...

In just over an hour, I was shocked so much.

She felt like she was losing her mind.

"Nizi, help me watch some wild boars at home first, my basket and the rabbits I caught are still on the mountain! I have to go up the mountain again." At this time, Chen Yang suddenly said.

Nizi nodded blankly: "Okay."

With that said, Chen Yang was ready to set off again with the hatchet fastened.

But as soon as he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and added: "By the way, you remember to tell your mother not to go back to eat tonight. Brother will cook something delicious for you."


Nizi nodded again.

Then, Chen Yang really set off.

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to enter the mountain, Brother Diao also chased after him, and circled above Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and buried his head up the mountain.

More than an hour passed, around four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yang came down from the mountain carrying baskets.

Back in the yard, Chen Yang fed the domestication pills to all the wild rabbits, and then threw them all into the breeding farm.

"Another 60 wild boars were caught today! There are more than [-] wild boars in total! Go up again in a few days to catch them, and it will be almost done." Chen Yang closed the iron gate with a smile, and then went back to deal with the wild boar carcasses.

It is a big project to deal with such a large wild boar carcass.

It will definitely not be done in a few hours.

"Brother Diao, if you have nothing to do in your spare time, go to the Weedy Slope more often, and don't let anyone with bad intentions do anything to my pheasants." On the way home, Chen Yang looked up at the circling Brother Diao said.

The hare farm is just behind Chen Yang's house, so Chen Yang is not worried at all.

But Chen Yang still had some concerns about the Weedy Slope land.

Because the weedy slope is far away from my home, and I have offended many people recently.

In case someone holds a grudge and does something to their farm, the loss will be great.

That's why Chen Yang emphasized again and again, asking Brother Diao to help him take a look.

Eagle Brother flies very fast, and it only takes one or two minutes to go back and forth between Weedy Po and Home.

Brother Diao in the sky understood what Chen Yang said.

Its sharp eagle let out a cry, and then flew towards the direction of the weedy slope.

"It looks like I have to build a nest for Brother Diao on the Weedy Slope! Otherwise, I will always feel uneasy!"

Chen Yang shook his head, and then returned home.

Back home, Chen Yang immediately asked Nizi to help him boil two large pots of boiling water.

Then he moved a few wooden benches from his home and set up the dead boar.

After wandering around the wild boar twice, he shook his head and said, "This wild boar is too big, I can't handle it all by myself, it looks like I have to find the master."

After saying that, Chen Yang went out again, to Old Man Xiao's house in the village.

Old man Xiao is the only pig butcher near Liuhe Village.

In the surrounding villages, every time a pig is slaughtered during the Chinese New Year, Old Man Xiao will be invited.

Chen Yang walked to Old Man Xiao's house along the village road, reached out and knocked: "Uncle Xiao! Are you at home?"

"Huh? Who is it?"

There was a rude response from inside the house.

"Me, Yoko."

Chen Yang said.

"Oh! Yoko! Wait a moment, I'll come and open the door."

Then, there was a sound of footsteps, and then the door opened.

The old man Xiao's face was slightly red inside the door, and he was still holding a bottle of liquor with only half a bottle left.

It seems that he is having a drink at home with nothing to do.

"Yangzi, what can I do with you?" Old man Xiao asked with blurred eyes,

"Master! There's a whole pig at home, and I can't handle it myself, so I want to ask you to help me!" Chen Yang said truthfully.

Originally, Uncle Xiao's eyes were still blurred.

As soon as he said that there was a pig who wanted to deal with him, he regained consciousness in an instant.


"How can this matter lie to you?"

"Okay! Then you wait, I'll go back and get some stuff!"

Uncle Xiao was very enthusiastic. After turning around and picking up the equipment for handling pigs, he dragged Chen Yang to the medical clinic.

That appearance is more active than Chen Yang.

After rushing to the hospital, Chen Yang took Uncle Xiao into the backyard.

When he came to the backyard, Uncle Xiao looked at the big wild boar lying on the wooden bench, his eyes almost popped out.

"Good guy, where did you come up with such a big thing?"

Uncle Xiao said with a face full of surprise.

"I met Nizi on the mountain picking medicine today! I took it down after trying my best!" Chen Yang replied.

"Awesome!" Uncle Xiao gave a thumbs up: "Such a big wild boar, even five or six strong men may not be able to take it down. I didn't expect you to handle it by yourself!"

While Uncle Xiao praised Chen Yang, he was also secretly shocked by Chen Yang's luck.

Such a wild boar, if Chen Yang was unlucky, he would definitely die under its fangs.

Why did Chen Yang find an opportunity and kill him instead.

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