Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 858 Small Lesson

Chapter 858 Small Lesson

Wang Qingyue felt the disparity in power, and she was extremely shocked in her heart, because she felt that Chen Yang was much stronger than when she first met him!

But this didn't stop her. After she stabilized her figure, she still attacked Chen Yang with her legs wide open.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that this would be enough, so he clicked it.

But unexpectedly, Wang Qingyue still called, which made Chen Yang feel bad, and wanted to teach this girl a little lesson.

Otherwise, the bigger she gets, the more energetic she gets.

So, when Wang Qingyue's fist was about to touch him, he dodged directly to his side.

Wang Qingyue originally thought that Chen Yang would stand still and take her punch hard, so she punched out all her strength without leaving any room.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yang dodged out of the way, which caused her to lose her footing, punched nothing, and fell forward.

"Ahhh...Chen Yang save me!"

Seeing that she was about to fall, Wang Qingyue immediately yelled in panic.

Chen Yang was waiting for this moment.

Seeing that he had quick eyesight and quick hands, he rushed up with one stride, and then stretched out his hands to catch Wang Qingyue in mid-air.

Didn't let her fall to the ground!

This action was carefully designed by Chen Yang, so it's as simple as hugging?

The arm behind Chen Yang was placed on Wang Qingyue's buttocks, while the other hand was used to hold Wang Qingyue to prevent Wang Qingyue from falling to the ground.

And in order to facilitate the trick, Wang Qingyue also specially changed into yoga pants. The softness of this kind of pants, as well as the closeness to the skin... are the best.

So, Chen Yang felt the same as if he didn't wear it!

Feeling the sensation and softness of the skin, Chen Yang almost had a nosebleed on the spot!

"You...you let me go..."

While Chen Yang was still feeling it seriously, Wang Qingyue in his arms had already reacted from the frightened state.

Wang Qingyue, who had reacted, also felt Chen Yang's hand behind him, which was placed where it shouldn't be!

Even pinched it very spiritually!So her face turned red all at once.

Hearing Wang Qingyue's voice, Chen Yang came back to his senses, and quickly let go of Wang Qingyue.

"Cough cough."

After letting go, Chen Yang coughed twice in embarrassment.

But Wang Qingyue was too shy to look up at Chen Yang.

"Uh...Qingyue, I thought you were about to fall, so I did it in a hurry. Don't think too much about it." Chen Yang originally wanted to keep silent, but the atmosphere was really too embarrassing, so he also He opened his mouth and explained one sentence.

Wang Qingyue naturally knew that Chen Yang hugged her to prevent her from falling.

But she is not angry about this now, she is angry about the two times when Chen Yang pinched her...

"Hmph! Don't explain, you are a pervert!"

Wang Qingyue suddenly snorted softly, raised her head and said this, then turned her head and went into the room.

When Chen Yang saw her reaction, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Although it is a bit colored...but is it so obvious?Why do you call yourself a pervert?

Chen Yang knew that Wang Qingyue wasn't really angry, so he didn't continue to explain, a pervert is a pervert!It doesn't affect anything anyway.

Chen Yang shook his head, then went to the kitchen to cook.

When the meal was ready, he called Wang Qingyue who was in the room to come out for dinner.

Wang Qingyue didn't answer, but she still walked out of the room.

At this time, Wang Qingyue had already changed back into her jeans, and all the blush on her face dissipated, and she returned to her normal expression.

"Let's sit down and eat. After eating, the two of us will start early. Don't make it too late." Chen Yang said.

"it is good."

Wang Qingyue responded to Chen Yang, and then sat down to eat together.

After eating, Wang Qingyue didn't intend to take a break, and was ready to go.

"So fast? Don't you take a break?" Chen Yang asked unexpectedly.

Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang looked at each other: "Didn't you say to leave quickly?"


Chen Yang was a little speechless. He said hurry up, but it wasn't so fast. He put down the bowls and chopsticks and set off. His home hasn't been settled yet.

"Wait for me, I'll come after I tidy up a little bit." Chen Yang said after a moment of silence.

"It's not like I'm going for a few days, what to pack, okay, then I'll wait for you in the car, hurry up." Wang Qingyue gave Chen Yang a blank look, and then went out to wait.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, then went to the backyard to arrange for Brother Diao and Wangcai, and then locked all the doors and windows of the house.

After finishing these, he set off with peace of mind.

"I'm driving?"

Walking to Wang Qingyue's car, Chen Yang wanted to go to the co-pilot, but saw that Wang Qingyue was already sitting in the co-pilot.

"That's right, there's no reason for a girl to go out and drive." Wang Qingyue looked at Chen Yang and nodded.

When Chen Yang heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, thinking that I am not your boyfriend, how can there be such a rule.

But this was just in his heart, he didn't say it out loud.


He nodded, bypassed the driver's seat again, got in the car and set off.

The straight-line distance between the neighboring county and Liuhe Village is actually not far, but there are mountains blocking it, so a lot of detours are required.

But fortunately, there is an intersection to the highway in the next town, so Chen Yang doesn't need to detour to the county to get on the highway.

Otherwise, you really have to go down a lot of wrong roads.

Chen Yang took Wang Qingyue and drove for more than two hours to the next county.

The size of this county is about the same as the county where Chen Yang is located.

After entering the urban area, Wang Qingyue in the co-pilot also immediately took out her mobile phone to contact the wealthy businessman.

After some communication, the time for the discussion was set at noon tomorrow.

"Tomorrow at noon? Then why are we here now? If I had known, I would have come tomorrow." Chen Yang thought it was tonight to talk, so he came here in such a hurry.

If I had known this earlier, I would be uncomfortable sleeping at home tonight.

"I didn't expect this rich businessman to suddenly have important matters to deal with, but it doesn't matter. I will stay here for tonight. Let's go out for a stroll in the evening. I heard that the entertainment industry in this county is very rich. It is known as the county that never sleeps. You can take a good look at it." Wang Qingyue said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, Chen Yang became interested all of a sudden, so he just came here to relax, which is really good.

"Hey, I can experience it, so what are we doing now? Find a hotel and settle down first?" Chen Yang smiled, and then asked tentatively.

Wang Qingyue thought for a while and nodded: "Yeah, let's find a place to stay first, and come out for a walk in the evening."

"it is good."

Seeing Wang Qingyue nodding, Chen Yang immediately started the car and went to the center of the county to find a very high-end hotel.

After parking the car, Chen Yang walked into the hall with Wang Qingyue.

Wang Qingyue belonged to the kind of sleazy, so when I came to this kind of place with Chen Yang, I was not afraid of misunderstanding or shy or anything.

It was normal to come to the front desk with Chen Yang and check in.

(End of this chapter)

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