Chapter 857

Just as Chen Yang was thinking this way, a luxury car came outside the temperature-controlled room.

When Chen Yang heard the movement, he went out with the basket and took a look, and found that it was the girl Wang Qingyue who had come.

A loose shirt on the upper body and tight jeans on the lower body showed her perfect figure vividly.

Chen Yang took a look, and felt that he couldn't move his eyes away.

"Chen Yang."

Wang Qingyue was originally smiling when she got out of the car, maybe she noticed Chen Yang's hot eyes, so she blushed and called out to Chen Yang from afar.

It was only when Chen Yang heard the shout that he realized it from his reverie.

"Uh...Qingyue, why are you here? Where's your brother?" Chen Yang was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said.

Wang Qingyue walked up to him, gave Chen Yang a slight sideways look, and didn't care about it.

"My brother is working in the county seat. I came to see you and want to discuss something with you." Wang Qingyue said.

"Oh, what's the matter? Are you going to expand the constant temperature room to increase the production of wild mushrooms?" Chen Yang guessed.

Wang Qingyue was slightly surprised when she heard Chen Yang's guess, and then nodded: "Yes, how did you know."

"It's not easy. I'm confident in my wild mushrooms, so I know they'll sell well." Chen Yang laughed, with a little complacency on his face.

Wang Qingyue rolled her eyes: "Cut, when did you become so arrogant?"

"It's always been a little bit, but you didn't notice it."

Chen Yang smiled again, then put down the basket in his hand, and said, "If you have something to do, go to my house and sit and talk, it's not convenient."

"Yeah, good." Wang Qingyue also thought so, so she nodded and followed Chen Yang away from the constant temperature room to the medical center.

Back at the medical hall, Chen Yang arranged for Wang Qingyue to sit down, and then he made Wang Qingyue a cup of tea to express his interest.

Wang Qingyue took a sip, and Chen Yang said: "Tell me, what is your brother's plan, when will this constant temperature room be expanded, and to what extent will it be expanded?"

Wang Qingyue knew that Chen Yang had already guessed the reason for her visit, so she didn't hold back and just explained the situation.

"My brother said that recently a rich businessman who specializes in selling wild mushrooms in the next county wants to cooperate with us and buy wild mushrooms from us, and then he will be responsible for selling them, so he wants me to talk to you over there. If it is right, we will expand three constant temperature rooms at one time! Then the wild mushrooms will be sold to Gobi County every day!" Wang Qingyue said seriously.

When Chen Yang heard about the county next door, he looked a little surprised, because he thought that with Wang Hong's ability, it should be Gobi City.

How did it become a neighboring county?

The progress of this promotion is a little slow.

It seems that he still overestimated the speed of wild mountain fungus promotion.

But then again, their wild mountain mushrooms have only been mass-produced for a short time, and the business has expanded to the next county so quickly, which is not bad.

"So, you came to me this time because you want me to go on a business trip with you?" Chen Yang recovered and said.

Wang Qingyue nodded: "That's right, my brother originally wanted me to go alone, but I think it's better for you to accompany me, more or less."

When Chen Yang heard these words, he always felt a little weird, but he didn't say anything, but asked how long he was going.

"Soon, it will be a matter of a day or two at most. In fact, this matter is easy to talk about. We just went through the motions to make things more solemn." Wang Qingyue said.

When Chen Yang heard that it was just a process, and it wouldn't take long, he nodded and agreed.

"That's fine, I can still go with you for a day or two."

Chen Yang nodded, and then asked, "Then when shall we set off?"

"Just this afternoon."

"so fast."

"Why, do you have something to do in the afternoon? You can do it in the evening as well." Seeing Chen Yang's expression, Wang Qingyue thought Chen Yang was a little embarrassed.

In fact, Chen Yang was just a little unexpected.

"No, no, nothing in the afternoon, you can leave in the afternoon." Chen Yang said immediately.

"Okay, then we'll set off in the afternoon." Wang Qingyue saw that there was no problem, and smiled sweetly on her face. After that, she didn't continue to talk about this topic with Chen Yang, but talked about the Exercise Pill with Chen Yang.

When Wang Qingyue left last time, Chen Yang gave her many watches.

She has also been eating these days, and her strength has increased a lot, so she is proud to show off to Chen Yang that she is very powerful now.

"Hehe, hearing you say that, you want to make gestures with me?" Chen Yang heard the meaning behind the words.

Wang Qingyue smiled slightly: "That's right, that's what it means."

"Okay, then walk in the backyard?"

Seeing Wang Qingyue's full confidence, Chen Yang also got a little excited, wanting to teach this girl a lesson.

Some are too crazy.

Not to mention Wang Qingyue, her hands were itchy when she came here, and she wanted to compete with Chen Yang.

"Go, go, I'm not afraid of you."

So, the two came to the backyard to fight together.

Today Wang Qingyue was wearing skinny jeans. In order to compete with Chen Yang, she went to Chen Yang's room and changed into a pair of climbing yoga pants.

Although they are also tight, the yoga pants are soft and can be stretched no matter how you stretch them, so they are very convenient.

"Come on, let me give you a hand."

Standing in the yard, Chen Yang saw that Wang Qingyue was getting ready, and immediately put his left hand behind his back, leaving his right hand alone to hook Wang Qingyue and let her make a move.

Wang Qingyue smiled when she saw Chen Yang give her a hand, but she did shout arrogance, and then punched her.

Wang Qingyue took a lot of body training pills, which really improved the strength of her body greatly.

However, her speed has not improved significantly, so every shot she makes is extremely slow in Chen Yang's eyes.

Therefore, Chen Yang can easily dodge the past.

Chen Yang didn't fight back at first, and kept dodging.

Chen Yang easily dodged Wang Qingyue's more than ten consecutive attacks.

This feeling of fist hitting the cotton made Wang Qingyue feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Chen Yang, fight back."

"Counterattack? Are you sure?" Chen Yang looked at Wang Qingyue in surprise.

Wang Qingyue nodded affirmatively: "Sure, it doesn't make any sense if you don't fight back."

"Okay then, I'll fight back, you should be careful." Chen Yang reminded.


Seeing that Chen Yang was going to fight back, Wang Qingyue immediately regained her spirits, clenched her fists, and punched Chen Yang.

This time, Chen Yang really didn't dodge, he just stood where he was, and forcibly received the punch!

Wang Qingyue punched Chen Yang's palm, and then couldn't move forward!It felt like touching a very thick wall. She exhausted all her strength, but she couldn't shake it.

"Hehe, the strength is still a little weak."

Chen Yang showed a smiling face, and with a casual push, Wang Qingyue backed away.

The two are not on the same level at all.

(End of this chapter)

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