Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 856 The Redeemer

Chapter 856 Redemption

When Chen Yang woke up the next day, he immediately went to the backyard to check.

It was found that none of the five killers were missing, and they were all lying in the yard.

It's just that two of them had obvious marks of being scratched by Brother Eagle.

Obviously, these two wanted to escape, and Brother Diao was able to catch them back.

Looking at the wounds of the two people who were arrested, their wounds had already started to turn black, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing: "I've already reminded you, why don't you listen? I want to find myself guilty."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang turned his head to look at Brother Diao on the peach tree, and Wang Cai under the tree.

"You're doing pretty well, let's take the Bodybuilding Pill."

Chen Yang directly took out two elixirs and threw them over. Wangcai and Brother Diao spent the whole night watching, and it was hard work, so this elixir should be regarded as a reward.

When Brother Diao and Wangcai saw the Exercise Pill, their eyes lit up immediately, they flew down from the tree to catch it, and then quickly went back to the nest.

Chen Yang also planned to turn around and wash up, and then make breakfast.

"You... what do you want to do? What do you want to do to us?"

Just as Chen Yang was about to leave, a scratched killer in the yard suddenly spoke with difficulty.

Chen Yang stopped when he heard the voice.

"What should I do? Of course I'm waiting for Gu Honghu to send someone to find you."

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, as long as Gu Honghu sends someone to negotiate the price, I will let you go."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang ignored these people and went to the kitchen with a smile.

As for the killer in the yard, after listening to Chen Yang's words, they looked at each other in dismay, and then their eyes were full of shame.

They are professional killers, and now they are locked in the yard and sold as goods?

Pay to leave?

What a shame!

The killers realized this, and they were all filled with righteous indignation towards Chen Yang, gnashing their teeth.

But they have no choice but to do so.

He was seriously injured, and it was absolutely impossible to escape, and he had already tried last night, not to mention that he couldn't escape, and the end was miserable, the wound that was scratched by Brother Diao was still aching!

So they could only obey Chen Yang's mercy and stay in the yard honestly!

In this way, they stayed in Chen Yang's yard until after eleven o'clock in the morning.

When Chen Yang was watering and fertilizing the medicine fields in the yard, someone from the Gu family finally came to check.

It was Gu Ming who came, and he led a few people around Chen Yang's house pretending to be nonchalant, and looked into Chen Yang's house from time to time.

He looked sneaky, and those who didn't know thought he was going to come to Chen Yang's house to be a thief, so he came to check out the spot in advance.

But Chen Yang naturally knew that this guy wasn't here to be a thief.

This is for the five killers in the yard.

Chen Yang looked at Gu Ming looking around, trying to pretend to be natural, but couldn't help but smile, and didn't bother him, just letting him watch.

It's best to see all five killers clearly, so we can talk about it later.

Chen Yang smiled, lowered his head and continued to water and fertilize.

And after Gu Ming slowly approached, he also saw the killers lying in the yard in disorder, and Chen Yang watering the medicine field.

Seeing that Chen Yang was safe and sound, but the killers were seriously injured, Gu Ming was terrified.

He quickly took the people with him without saying a word, turned around and ran away, this is to go back to report the situation.

After Gu Ming ran away, about ten minutes or so later, Gu Hongwei came with a group of people aggressively.

Chen Yang knew from looking at their aura that they were planning to be tough.

And it just so happened that what he is most afraid of now is to be tough.

Anyway, whether it is force or reason, he has advantages, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Chen Yang, open the door."

Gu Hongwei led a group of people outside the wall, and yelled at Chen Yang, wanting to come in.

Chen Yang put down the bucket, glanced at it indifferently, and said with a smile, "Why should I open the door?"

Gu Hongwei had always been at odds with Chen Yang, but now that he knew that Chen Yang had dealt with their five killers, his expression became even more ugly.

"Why do you know it yourself!"

Gu Hongwei gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't open the door, you let me let those people go!"

When Chen Yang heard this, he laughed.

This guy doesn't turn corners at all, he asks people directly when he comes up.

Chen Yang originally thought that this guy would go around in circles with him.

But this is also good, save the nonsense.

"This is impossible. These people came into my house in the middle of the night to kill me, so I just let them go. How is this possible?" Chen Yang said softly with a faint smile on his face.

Although his tone was light, his intention of not letting go was very firm.

Gu Hongwei was very angry at this time, but he also knew that it was impossible for Chen Yang to release him for nothing, so he thought for a while and stopped playing around in circles.

Ask Chen Yang straightforwardly: "Tell me, what conditions do you have?"

"Hehe, refreshing."

Gu Hongwei was straightforward, and Chen Yang was naturally even more straightforward. He said directly: "200 million each, and you will take the money away immediately when it arrives."


Gu Hongwei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if wondering if it was worth it.

After thinking about it for about ten seconds, he still nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then you can make the payment now, and take the person away when the account arrives. I've been wailing here all night, and I can't take it anymore." Chen Yang waved his hands casually, as if to chase away flies. Five killers go.

Gu Hongwei was in a stable mood at first, but after seeing Chen Yang's performance, blue veins popped up on his forehead immediately!

Obviously he was angry, but he couldn't help Chen Yang, so he didn't explode!

Chen Yang didn't care about him, anyway, as long as his arrears were in place.

Chen Yang gave Gu Hongwei his card number, and then he did some operations on his side. It took about a minute or two, and the money arrived in the account.

"The speed is good enough, come in and take people away. We will do it in the future, try to find some capable people, and stop doing this good thing of giving money."

After the money arrived, Chen Yang couldn't help but mocked Gu Hongwei.

This time, the veins on Gu Hongwei's face grew even more!

"Go in and take people away!"

But after all, he still didn't explode, he gritted his teeth and told Gu Ming to go in and trust someone, and he turned around and left here.

Gu Ming brought a few people into Chen Yang's yard, and took all the killers out.

"Chen Yang, don't be too arrogant, anyone who offends my Gu family will end badly, just wait!"

, people dragged away, that boy Gu Ming did not forget to speak harshly to Chen Yang.

"Oh, then I'll just wait, but next time it won't be at this price, please pay attention."

Regarding Gu Ming's harsh words, Chen Yang just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.

He didn't know how many times he had heard this kind of nonsense.

If he was afraid, he wouldn't still be like this.

Watching Gu Ming and the others walk away, Chen Yang immediately took out his phone again, and directly transferred the 1000 million that had just arrived to Wu Kexin.

As a construction fund for the school.

Chen Yang handed over the cost of building the school to Wu Kexin.

So as long as there is a certain amount of money, Chen Yang will transfer it to Wu Kexin.

After transferring money to Wu Kexin, Chen Yang didn't stay in the backyard any longer, and went directly to the temperature-controlled room to help Aunt Wang and the others grow wild mushrooms.

The sales of wild mountain mushrooms are very good these days, and the daily production of several thousand catties is not enough.

So Chen Yang pondered in his heart, getting two constant temperature rooms out, so that should be enough.

But before doing this, I still need to discuss it with the brothers and sisters of the Wang family. After all, this is not his business alone.

(End of this chapter)

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