Chapter 855 It's Really Here

This waited for more than three hours.

It was around twelve o'clock in the evening that there was no movement outside the house.

"It's finally here."

Hearing the sound of climbing outside the house, the corner of Chen Yang's mouth raised a strange arc.

He has been waiting for a long time, and today he wants this so-called killer for everything, and there is no return.

After the killer outside the courtyard climbed over the wall, he quickly moved towards the back door.

Chen Yang could clearly hear their footsteps, so he could tell what they were doing now through their footsteps.

"Killer, can you still pick locks?"

Hearing the sound of those people cocking the back door, Chen Yang couldn't help smiling, then got up and walked out of the room, walking to the back door.

With a bang, the back door was pried open.

The moment it was pried open, Chen Yang, who was standing at the door, directly punched him with an Anglong fist!This punch!He has been preparing for a long time!Just wait for the door to open!


The speed of Chen Yang's shot was extremely fast. The moment the door opened, his fist had already been punched out.

The killer standing outside the door was completely unprepared, so when he saw Chen Yang's fist approaching him, he was completely shocked.

Subconsciously want to shout, want to run away, but there is no chance.

Chen Yang punched like a dragon, and hit the door-prying killer's chest with one punch. With a pop, the killer spit out blood and flew out backwards.

This scene happened in an instant.

Almost none of the killers outside the door responded.

It wasn't until the hit killer landed and wailed, that the other four or five suddenly reacted!It's been tricked!

Their assassination has been known to Chen Yang!They have been waiting here for a long time!

"It's been tricked! Let's go!"

One of the killers was the first to react. Realizing that the matter was not simple, he yelled and turned around to run away.

"Want to go? Stay when you come!"

Seeing that the man was about to leave, Chen Yang rushed out with a brisk stride and kicked the man in the waist.


There was a clear sound of fractures and fractures, followed by a scream from the man, and he fell to the ground, unable to move any more.

One face-to-face, two or three seconds of effort, two of the five killers were directly eliminated by Chen Yang!

Only then did the remaining three fully react, realizing that they had changed from hunters to prey!

They are the ones being assassinated!

Realizing this, the eyes of those three people were instantly filled with fear!The body even trembled unconsciously.

Logically speaking, people like them realize that something is wrong and should run away immediately.

But these three just stood not far away shivering, and had no intention of turning around and running away at all.

It's not that they are stubborn, but that they have self-knowledge!

Knowing that escaping is definitely death, it is better to resist with three trainees!Then look for a chance to escape!

"You... how did you find us!"

After trembling for a few seconds, the killer in the middle of the three killers suddenly spoke.

With sharp eyes, Chen Yang turned around and stared at the killer who spoke.

The killer was already terrified, but now that he was stared at by Chen Yang, he was sweating profusely. It felt like he was being targeted by some large and ferocious beast!

"Isn't that simple? You are all clumsy like pigs, and the movement of picking the lock over the wall is so loud, do you find it difficult?" Chen Yang said with a sneer.

The three killers immediately became angry when they heard Chen Yang say that they were clumsy as pigs.

No matter what they say, they are all mysterious ability users, and they are also professionally trained, the most professional killers!In Chen Yang's mouth, he became a stupid pig!

How can they bear it?

"Boy, you are too crazy! So what if you find us, we still want you to die today!"

The killer in the middle roared, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and killed Chen Yang. His appearance clearly showed that he was going all out.

Seeing this, the other two killers also pulled out their daggers, and followed Chen Yang to kill.

To become a user with mysterious ability, the IQ must be online.

Knowing that there was no way to escape, the three of them were extremely united and killed Chen Yang without leaving any room.

"It's good to come."

Chen Yang looked at the three killers who were coming to kill him coldly, without any fear, and even looked forward to it!

Just in time to perform Anglong Fist!

With a thought in his mind, Chen Yang also clenched his fists to meet him.

The three killers all have sharp weapons in their hands, so it is naturally impossible for Chen Yang to confront the tough and use his body to block the knife.

Chen Yang used flexible speed to dodge, and then attacked the killer!

The strength of the three killers is not bad!Apart from Liu Qianshan, Chen Yang has met the most powerful mysterious ability user.

"Gu Honghu is really serious!"

The strength of the three is not bad, but Chen Yang, who has practiced Anglongquan, is even more powerful!

Although it was one against three, they were still crushing. In a few blows, all these killers were spitting blood, curled up on the ground and could not move.

"According to the boxing routine, the combat power has really soared!"

After solving the killer, Chen Yang did not rush to do anything, but made a summary of his own strength.

Although this time it was just a small actual combat, and the Anglong Fist had not yet been officially used, Chen Yang could already feel the difference between the Anglong Fist and the Babu Fist.

Also began to clearly realize the importance of this kind of boxing!

Chen Yang stood still and made a brief summary of himself, and then looked at the five killers in the courtyard.

These five are all mysterious ability users, all of them are quite powerful, and they became like this so quickly not because they are not good at learning, but because they met Chen Yang who is even more powerful!

At this time, Chen Yang didn't think about anything else, but was thinking about how to deal with these five people.

Solved directly?Something is wrong.

put it back?Even more inappropriate.

After much deliberation, Chen Yang still thought of the way to deal with Gu Mingxuan last time.

Just leave these killers in the yard for the time being. If the Gu family doesn't find the killers back tomorrow morning, they will definitely come to check.

When the time comes to find out that the killer has been caught by him, why don't you think of a way to get it back?

It's not too late to make plans when the Gu family arrives.

Come to assassinate, then more or less have to pay a price.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang turned around and went to wake up Brother Diao and Wangcai, telling them to keep an eye on the five killers and not run away in the middle of the night.

Brother Diao Wangcai was very excited when he heard about the task and said that it was okay.

"You five had better lie on your stomach. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Wangcai and Brother Diao are not good friends. Your lives are in your own hands."

After making arrangements for Brother Diao and Wangcai, Chen Yang coldly said something to these disorderly killers, warning them not to run around.

Otherwise, if you get scratched by Brother Eagle, you will die!

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang ignored them, turned around and went back to his room, and went to bed.

In the middle of the night, it is hard not to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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