Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 854 Waiting For The Killer

Chapter 854 Waiting For The Killer

Chen Yang was a little taken aback, because it was the first time he had seen such a seamless reception, and it was a bit too perfect.

One after another to strike up a conversation.

"It's nice to have money."

Shaking his head, he sighed and followed.

Not long after, under the leadership of the waiter, he entered a double private room.

Walking into the room, Chen Yang found that there were not many rooms in this hotel, except that the beds were a little different.

Hotel rooms are used for sleeping, but this one here is professionally used for saunas.

The rest are almost the same, there are sofas for resting, TVs hanging on the wall, bathrooms and so on.

"Things are so perfect? ​​I feel like I can sleep here." Chen Yang couldn't help but said casually with a smile, but he didn't expect the waiter to answer.

"It's possible sir, you two are distinguished VIP customers, you can stay here overnight."

"Ah? Really okay?"

When Chen Yang heard this, he was a little surprised, which he did not expect.

"Yes, sir, our shop is open 24 hours a day, and your private room is also open for one day, so you can stay here overnight." The waiter thought that Chen Yang really planned to stay here, and explained seriously After a while.

"Why, are you going to spend the night here?" At this moment, Yang Ruoxi suddenly said this while leaning towards him.

Chen Yang quickly waved his hands: "No, no, I don't plan to spend the night here."


Yang Ruoxi gave Chen Yang a white look, and then sat on the bed, and Chen Yang also sat on another bed.

After the two sat down, the waiter went to the bedside table between the two, picked up the special tablet for the room, and began to prepare to order set meals for the two.

Sauna shop? Naturally, massage is indispensable.

"Give me a Thai massage first."

Yang Ruoxi spoke first.

"Okay ma'am." The waiter immediately clicked on the tablet a few times after hearing this, then turned around and asked Chen Yang what he wanted.

It was the first time for Chen Yang to come to this kind of place, so he didn't know what was there, and he was a little embarrassed to ask what was there.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for Yang Ruoxi's status as a VIP.

"I'm like her, let's have a Thai massage first."

Chen Yang said.

"Okay sir." The waiter heard Chen Yang's words, and then tapped the screen again, then said respectfully wait a moment, and she walked out.

Then after two or three minutes, two beauties with fairly good looks and a relatively well-proportioned figure walked in with a suitcase.

Chen Yang was the first person I saw when I walked in, because Chen Yang was on the bed outside.

When they saw Chen Yang, the two beauties had smiles on their faces.

But when they saw Yang Ruoxi, their faces paused obviously. They didn't know whether they were surprised by Yang Ruoxi's peerless beauty, or what, anyway, there were obvious changes.

"Uh... Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Supreme Sauna, and we will serve you two next." After a pause, the two of them came back to their senses and said.

Although Chen Yang felt some changes in these two people, he didn't bother with them, and just lay down with Yang Ruoxi and let them start serving.

I have to say that this expensive place still has expensive treatment.

Not only the decoration service experience, but also the massage technique is much better than the average one.

After an hour and a half of massage, the whole person felt refreshed.

I feel that my body has become more relaxed, and that feeling is very comfortable.

"Haha, how is it? It feels pretty good, isn't it? This is just the first project, and I will show you the other ones later." After the two beautiful masseuses left, Yang Ruoxi smiled and said.

"Yeah, it's really good." Chen Yang nodded, expressing that the experience was really good.

After that, the two took a rest in the room, and then went to experience other projects for a while.

What kind of sweat steaming, bone loosening and so on, they are all enjoyed anyway.

After some experience, both of them are very comfortable.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was getting late, the two of them wanted to experience it again.

"Come next time. I have something to do when I go back tonight, so stop playing. I'll go out and have a meal together." Chen Yang said.

When Yang Ruoxi heard that Chen Yang still had something to do, she immediately packed up her things, and then went to the front desk with Chen Yang to pay the bill.

After paying the bill, I drove to find a restaurant and sat down and had a meal together.

It was not too early after the meal, Chen Yang originally wanted to see Yang Ruoxi off, but it was really late, so during the meal, he called a taxi for Yang Ruoxi in advance and sent her back.

Yang Ruoxi saw that Chen Yang was really in a hurry to go back and had something to do, so she didn't say anything, got into the car and waved to Chen Yang, said goodbye and left.

After sending Yang Ruoxi away, Chen Yang quickly got into his own car and drove to Liuhe Village.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening, and he was afraid that because he was not at home, the killer who would affect Gu Honghu would come.

Last night, he followed his plan and let the four dog thieves go back, and let those people, according to his own words, let out the wind. Logically speaking, Gu Honghu's killer would come, so he had to go back in advance to do a good job. Prepare.

Be sure to take down all the killers!

"Assassinate me? Then be prepared for pain!"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, and his murderous intentions were already on the rise!

As long as the killer dares to come today!He will definitely make them come and go!

Chen Yang drove like lightning all the way, and he rushed back to Liuhe Village in less than half an hour.

As soon as he got out of the car, he immediately felt that something was wrong!

It felt like something was staring at him behind him!

But when he looked back, there was nothing there!

"Is it coming now?"

Chen Yang knew that it wasn't that he was sensitive, but that the Gu family had come to be a master this time, otherwise they would never have hidden it so well!

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched slightly. Not only was he not nervous when the master came, but he was also looking forward to it.

Master?Just try the power of Anglong Fist!

Chen Yang walked into the house as if nothing had happened, then closed the door naturally and went to the backyard.

Walking to the backyard, Chen Yang quickly came to the cowshed after making sure that no one was watching, and greeted Brother Diao and Wangcai.

If the killer really came at night and he didn't do anything, the two of them shouldn't act rashly!

After giving these instructions, Chen Yang turned around and wanted to leave, but thinking of Wangcai, Chen Yang was still a little worried, so he said something more.

"If you're scared, just stay there and don't come out, understand?"


Hearing these words, Wangcai felt as if he had been hit, and shrank back into his den with a cry.

Seeing it like this, Chen Yang felt a little sorry, but now is not the time to comfort him.

So he turned around and walked back into the house.

Knowing that the killer was coming, he turned off the lights early, sat by the bed and waited quietly.


(End of this chapter)

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