Chapter 853 Sauna

The area of ​​this shop is quite large, so it took a lot of time to measure it.

By the time it was finished, it was already noon.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you go to the company to have a meal with me, so that we can also talk about design styles."

Chen Yang originally wanted to take Yang Ruoxi out to eat, and by the way, let me explain the reason why the shop is here.

But the manager of the decoration company invited them to have dinner, and Chen Yang couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

"Okay, let's go to your company to eat."

Chen Yang agreed with a smile, and then dragged Yang Ruoxi into the decoration company's car again, returned to the decoration company, and ate here with Yang Ruoxi.

During the meal, Chen Yang also chatted with the manager about the decoration style.

After the manager understood Chen Yang's appeal, he said that the design drawings would be released tomorrow, and then the decoration could be carried out.

"Okay, the faster the renovation progress, the better, so I can open it sooner." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Chen and Ms. Yang, you have chosen us, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." The manager said politely.


Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then stood up: "The meal has been eaten, and the conversation has been said, we will leave first, if there is anything, you can call me at any time."

"Alright, Mr. Chen, go slowly."

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to leave, the manager gave him a special gift.

This service attitude is really good, expensive and expensive.

After leaving the decoration company, Chen Yang drove Yang Ruoxi to a quieter place.

"You can tell me now, how did you open the restaurant opposite Lin Hui?"

Chen Yang drove here because he wanted to have a good talk with Yang Ruoxi, but he didn't expect Yang Ruoxi to ask first.

So Chen Yang followed suit.

He told Yang Ruoxi all about his thoughts and his plan to help Niu Ming get rich and vent his anger.

After Yang Ruoxi finished listening, her face was full of excitement.

"Wow, Chen Yang, you are so cool, use what he is best at to defeat him! It is indeed domineering! It is also enough to relieve anger!"

"Wait until the day his shop closes, he must be about to cry, hahaha."

Yang Ruoxi's reaction was great, and she was very optimistic about Chen Yang's approach, and she was very supportive.

To be honest, Chen Yang was quite surprised by Yang Ruoxi's reaction.

Originally, he was worried that this girl would not support him in doing so.

Because the risk of doing so is quite high, it is a suburb after all, and Lin Hui's shop also has a certain customer base, it is still very difficult to engage in pornography.

But I didn't expect that Yang Ruoxi would be so supportive.

"Hehe, I don't know if I want to cry but I don't have tears, but he is definitely out of breath." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Yang Ruoxi laughed when she heard the words, and she also imagined how Lin Hui was frustrated.

"Oh, by the way, you haven't told me what that guy Lin Hui said about me. Let's listen and see how shameless that guy is." After Chen Yang finished speaking, he also asked Yang Ruoxi Come.

Yang Ruoxi heard the words, thought for a while, organized his words, and then said: "He just cried to me, saying that he ran over to guide you with good intentions, but you didn't listen to anything, and then he said a few more words to you, You hit someone with your hands and beat him up."

"When I heard this at the time, I was completely confused, but later I thought that you can't be such a person, and I felt better."

Yang Ruoxi said very seriously.

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the next two sentences.

"You know I'm not that kind of person, so why do you still call and ask me?"

"Then I'm here to prove it, I believe you, I believe you, but I also want to find out what the truth of the matter is." Yang Ruoxi said again.

Chen Yang was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, agreeing with Yang Ruoxi's statement.

"Okay, the chat is over, where are we going now?" After speaking, Yang Ruoxi asked where to go next.

The afternoon is still long, so I can't just sit in the car all the time.

Chen Yang also thought so, but he didn't think of a good place to go, so he asked Yang Ruoxi: "I don't know where to go, do you have any places to play? I can accompany you to play this afternoon, anyway There's nothing wrong."

When Yang Ruoxi heard this, she immediately smiled again.

"Okay! Let me think about it first!"

Yang Ruoxi nodded in agreement first, and then started to think about something to play in the afternoon.

After thinking about it for a long time, I thought of a sauna.

"How about, let's go to the sauna and take Chen Yang. Recently, I've been running to the store every day. I'm exhausted. I want to relax." Yang Ruoxi said suddenly.

Hearing what Yang Ruoxi said, Chen Yang also had this kind of thought, and it was really tiring.

So he nodded: "Okay, listen to you, go to the sauna."

"Hey, let's go then, I know there is a store with very good service, and I still have money in my card, I'll treat you today!" Yang Ruoxi said generously.

"Okay, since you said that, I won't be polite." Chen Yang nodded with a smile, then started the car and went to the store Yang Ruoxi mentioned.

Chen Yang drove for more than ten minutes before reaching the downstairs of the sauna shop.

When he came downstairs, Chen Yang randomly found a parking space and stopped, then got out of the car with Yang Ruoxi.

After getting off the car, Chen Yang subconsciously looked up at the signboard.

Supreme Sauna!

Good guy, the name is well chosen.

"Is that so?" Chen Yang pointed to the signboard and asked Yang Ruoxi beside him.

Yang Ruoxi also looked up, then nodded: "Yes, that's right, this is here, let's go, let's go in, I will make sure you are comfortable later!"

Yang Ruoxi smiled strangely, then walked in holding Chen Yang's arm.

This sauna shop is not on the first floor, but on the third floor of this building.

Looking at the signboard, Chen Yang knew it should be a big shop, but he never expected that the entire third floor is a sauna shop!

Get off the elevator and walk two steps to the front desk of the sauna shop.


When Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi entered the door, there were immediately professional welcomes on both sides, lining the road to welcome them.

This is the advantage of a large store, and the service is very attentive.

Otherwise, if this is a small shop, can it be treated like this?

"Hello, this is the card I applied for last time, both of you." When he came to the front desk, Yang Ruoxi immediately took out a card similar to a bank card from his bag.

When the service staff at the front desk saw the card, there was a slight change on their face.

"Good lady, you are the most honored VIP customer in our store, and you can enjoy the private room service for free." The waiter said with a smile, and then a waiter stood up immediately, bowed ninety degrees and made a gesture of please : "Sir, Ma'am, please, I will take you two to the exclusive private room."

Yang Ruoxi didn't respond, just nodded and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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