Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 84 The Ferocious Wild Boar


The hares were very fast, and in just one minute, all the hares gathered together.

"One, two... 37."

There are 37 hares in total!

With this result, Chen Yang shook his head dissatisfied: "For such a large farm, 37 wild rabbits are still too wasteful! It seems that we need to find opportunities to catch more rabbits."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang disbanded the group of wild rabbits, then closed the gate of the farm, turned around and went to the backyard.


Chen Yang walked into the backyard, and the pheasants all over the place immediately surrounded them, shouting non-stop.

"Damn!! I forgot to feed today!"

Chen Yang exclaimed, then quickly took out the corn kernels and sprinkled a large piece on the ground.

The pheasants are really hungry, and they are like pile drivers when they see corn kernels.

He frantically swung his neck and pecked at the scattered corn kernels on the ground.

The hungry pheasants were very fast, and it didn't take long for the corn kernels on the ground to be eaten.

But it seemed that they were not full.

But Chen Yang didn't continue feeding.

Instead, they were directly driven onto the electric tricycle body, ready to be transported to the farm on Weed Slope.

"A piece of land as large as Weedy Slope can raise at least four to five hundred pheasants!"

Chen Yang carefully calculated the area of ​​the weed slope, and then said so.

The hillside of Weedy Slope is more than 700 square meters!

It is still very easy to store four or five hundred pheasants.

Thinking about it, Chen Yang rode an electric tricycle to the Weedy Slope, planning to count the number of pheasants.

Soon, the electric tricycle came to the lawn.

Chen Yang stopped the car, and then opened the body of the car.

"You all come down to me, and then follow me!" Chen Yang ordered.


The pheasants jumped down from the car bucket one after another, and then gathered around Chen Yang.

Afterwards, Chen Yang took them up the mountain.

It also means that there is no one around here at noon, otherwise, Chen Yang would definitely be very frightened.

Because Chen Yang walked towards the weedy slope with dozens of pheasants in a mighty way, it was indeed a bit weird.

"You all come out!"

Chen Yang opened the door of the iron cage and shouted into it.

After waiting for a few seconds, the pheasant rushed out of it like a tide.

"One, two... 230 seven!"

With this data, Chen Yang was a little satisfied.

"There are more than 200 pheasants, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being. After this summer, when all their eggs have hatched, we will talk about it then."

After counting the quantity, Chen Yang called all the pheasants into the farm.

He closed the iron door, locked it and left.

Riding back to the medical center on a three-wheeler, Chen Yang picked up the baskets and prepared to go up the mountain to catch some hares and pick some herbs along the way.

For the treatment these days, the pill that Chen Yang refined last time has almost been consumed.

So Chen Yang wanted to take the opportunity of catching rabbits and pick some herbs.

"Brother Chen Yang... I want to go with you!"

At this time, Nizi suddenly expressed that she wanted to go together.

Hearing this, Chen Yang hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

"Okay, then you can carry a basket on your back and help me pick some herbs or something." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Okay." Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, Nizi immediately showed an excited smile on her face, then turned around and went to the back room to carry the basket.

Today's Nizi dress is relatively simple.

Just a normal T-shirt and slacks.

Such clothes are generally looser, and Nizi's figure is very thin.

Logically speaking, there must be some looseness.

But Nizi is not like that. The maturity and development of certain parts of her have made all the loose clothes stand up.

It looks very temperamental and very attractive.

Nizi picked up the backpack, closed the shutter door of the hospital, and the two set off.

The two went up the mountain all the way, and the process was very flat.

After arriving at the meadow with many wild rabbits, Chen Yang and Nizi sat under the tree to rest for a while.

"Nizi, I'll catch rabbits here later, you go over there to gather some herbs! Don't run too far, you know?" Chen Yang said while flicking his clothes to keep himself cool.

The process of climbing up is very hard, and the sun in the sky is also very vicious.

Nizi was sweating profusely.

"Okay Brother Chen Yang, I'll collect herbs near here, don't go far."

Nizi followed Chen Yang's example and pulled her clothes to keep herself cool.

The distance between her and Chen Yang was very close, and Chen Yang could smell the fragrance clearly when she swayed.

Chen Yang lay down and enjoyed smelling it for a while, and then the two of them had almost rested and started to get busy. ,

Chen Yang caught rabbits with baskets, while Nizi searched for herbs with a basket on her back.

Nizi is a medical student, and she has read a lot of herbal knowledge at Chen Yang's house in the past two days.

So she still knows all the common herbs.

The two perform their respective duties, but they are not far apart.

After working like this for two or three hours, Chen Yang's rabbits were full.

"I don't know what's going on with Nizi, how many herbs have been picked." Chen Yang picked up two baskets of rabbits, and was about to go to Nizi's side to have a look.

But as soon as he stood up, he heard Nizi's voice calling for help!

"Help, Brother Chen Yang!"

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang quickly dropped the basket, picked up the hatchet pinned to his waist, and rushed over.

Passing through several bushes, Chen Yang saw Nizi sitting on the ground shivering.

Then, following Nizi's terrified eyes, she suddenly saw a strong wild boar with sharp fangs in the bushes!

From a distance, one can calculate that this wild boar weighs at least 300 catties!

"Good guy!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, then rushed over with the hatchet in hand, and stood in front of Nizi.

"Nizi, get up and stay away! This thing is very dangerous!" Chen Yang said nervously.

Although Chen Yang has increased physical fitness, and has a hatchet in his hand.

But facing such a huge wild boar, Chen Yang was still a little apprehensive.

The lethality of wild boars is strong, but the fangs of this wild boar are so sharp, it is even more dangerous!

"Brother Chen Yang... what about you?" Nizi got up from the ground and said crying.

She has been scared to cry by wild boar.

"Leave me alone, I can deal with this wild boar, you should avoid it first! Otherwise, I will accidentally hurt you later." Chen Yang said eagerly.

When Nizi heard this, she quickly backed away.

I'm afraid it will become Chen Yang's burden.

"Brother Chen Yang...be careful."

After Nizi retreated quickly, Chen Yang also looked nervous, and slowly began to retreat.

If the wild boar didn't take the initiative to attack, Chen Yang didn't want to do anything to the wild boar.

But who knows, Chen Yang only took a step or two back, and the wild boar seemed to be stimulated by something.

With a fierce roar, he showed his fangs and rushed towards Chen Yang.

The wild boar's fangs are extremely sharp, and the chill can be felt from a distance. If they are picked by the fangs, most of them may die on the spot!

Fortunately, Chen Yang's reaction speed was very fast. The moment the wild boar rushed towards him, he dodged from the spot.


The wild boar rushed past him ferociously, and finally crashed into a big tree.

The huge impact made the big tree shake a few times.

And the wild boar was stunned for a while because of hitting the tree.

Chen Yang seized this opportunity and rushed forward with a hatchet.


With a roar, Chen Yang slashed at the wild boar's head.

boom. ,

There was a crisp bone shattering sound, followed by a heart-piercing scream from the wild boar.

At the same time, its eyes were instantly bloodshot, and it wobbled around, wanting to fight Chen Yang desperately!

"Fuck! It's so hard!"

Looking at the wild boar's blood-red eyes, Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised.

Just now, I tried my best!Unexpectedly, this did not kill the wild boar.

Surprised, Chen Yang quickly swung the hatchet in his hand again, and immediately swung the hatchet a second time before the wild boar rushed over.


There was another crisp sound, and the wild boar's body shook suddenly, its eyes widened, and then it fell straight down...

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