Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 847 Buying a Cow

Chapter 847 Buying a Cow

As soon as they approached here, several people dressed as workers came out of the factory.

When these people saw Chen Yang and Niu Ming, their faces were a bit unkind, but after seeing the vendors, that kind of unkindness disappeared.

"Boss, why did you come back so early today?" The worker said to the vendor with a smile.

"Well, these bosses are coming to buy cows, so they all came back early." The vendor hummed, then turned his head and smiled and said to Chen Yang: "Two little brothers, do you want to go in to look at the cows, or let them go in to see the cows?" Shall we take it out to see?"

"Let's take it out, it's dark inside, and I can't see things clearly." Chen Yang glanced at the inside of the factory building and said.

"Okay, no problem." The vendor readily agreed, and then went to explain a few words to the workers, asking them to go in and take all the cowboys out.

"Good boss."

The worker nodded, turned around and went into the workshop to pick up the cows.

The vendor stood outside the factory building with Chen Yang and Niu Ming, chatting.

"The two little brothers look very young. Do you want to set up a farm like mine when you buy cattle, or do you want to raise them and sell them for money?" I don't know if the trader asked this on purpose, or just chatted casually.

But it doesn't matter, and it doesn't mean that if you buy it back to start a breeding farm, you won't sell it.

"I plan to open a restaurant featuring beef, and I will buy it and raise it to be used in the restaurant." Chen Yang replied truthfully.

When the vendor heard that he was going to open a restaurant, his face was slightly surprised.

Because he saw that Chen Yang and Niu Ming were quite young, and they were able to buy a cow and open a restaurant. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are young and promising.

"Haha, well, you are young and promising." The vendor laughed, and did not continue to chat, because at this time, those workers had already pulled the bastard out in a hurry.

There are twenty heads in total, no more and no less.

"Two little brothers, let's go over and have a look together. These bastards of mine are all good products, unlike others who buy sick ones for you, and you will be in trouble when you go back." Seeing the bastards, the vendor pulled Chen Yang along with him. Niu Ming walked over to have a look.

While watching him, he also praised how good his own son is.

When Chen Yang and Niu Ming saw Niu Zaizi, they ignored the vendor, their eyes were all on Niu Zaizi.

These cowboys are all scalpers.

They are more suitable for breeding into wild mountain cattle, and their appearance is not bad, and they are all quite energetic.

It looks like what the vendor said, all of them are good products.

But buying cattle is not something that can be sold just by looking at it casually. You have to take a good look at it, otherwise, if you buy a sick cow and go back, it will be troublesome.

"Is it convenient to look at it one by one?" Chen Yang glanced around, then turned his head and said to the vendor.

"Of course you can, little brother, you can look at it however you want." The vendor agreed confidently, and immediately gave the workers a look.

The workers started leading them towards Chen Yang one by one, and let Chen Yang take a closer look before leading them away.

In this way, it took Chen Yang half an hour to carefully look at all twenty cowboys.

Although he is not a veterinarian, his medical skills can still see many things.

These cattle are indeed good goods, there is no major problem.

"Well, it's good, these cows are really good." Chen Yang nodded.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding his head in satisfaction, the vendor immediately showed a smile on his face.

"Let me tell you, little brother, just don't worry about doing business with me. I'm all good cows, and it will be fine when you buy them back." The vendor patted his chest and said boldly.

Chen Yang nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the cow, Chen Yang stopped writing, and directly opened his mouth to discuss the price.

"There's nothing wrong with the cow, so let's talk about the price. How do you buy these?"

Chen Yang got straight to the point, and the smile on the vendor's face was slightly retracted. After thinking about it seriously, he replied: "Um... well, I'll give you 3000 yuan a head, what do you think? If it works, I'll buy it now Call a car for you, and send it to your home."

The merchant said very boldly.

When Chen Yang heard the price, there was no change on his face, because the price was indeed not high, but it was not low either.

And how can there be a buy-it-all business?Although he has money now, he must save as much as he can.

So he paid back the price.

"Three thousand is a bit more expensive, let's go for two thousand and five, and I'll buy it directly for two thousand and five." Chen Yang cut it off by five hundred.

When the peddler heard the two thousand five, a wry smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Little brother, your bargaining is too hard, you just opened your mouth and it's five hundred. I didn't make you any money for three thousand."

"Hehe, Boss, I know that your stuff must be profitable. I have also investigated the outside market, and it is about two thousand and five." Chen Yang laughed, and continued to bargain, and the price must be five hundred.

However, the trader specialized in business, so he naturally had his own way of bargaining with Chen Yang.

So the two went back and forth for half an hour, and finally they agreed on 200 yuan less per head, that is, [-] yuan can be sold.

"Then how much do you want? Just these twenty heads?" After discussing the price, the vendor remembered that he hadn't decided how many heads to buy.

When Chen Yang heard the vendor's question, he looked back at Niu Ming, wanting to see how many heads he wanted.

Niu Ming hadn't said a word before, and just watched Chen Yang communicate with the vendor silently. Seeing Chen Yang's eyes now, he knew that Chen Yang was asking him what he thought.

So he thought for a while and said, "I definitely want these twenty, but it's a bit small, and ten more would be better."

Niu Ming had 10 yuan on him, and he also calculated it. He happened to buy about [-] heads, depending on whether the vendor still had any more.

When the peddler heard that Niu Ming wanted thirty heads, his face showed surprise.

Obviously he didn't expect that Chen Yang and the two would ask for thirty heads.

"Yes, there must be this one." The vendor nodded immediately, then turned around and motioned to the workers, and then went to the cowshed to lead ten cowboys out.

"Forget it, boss, let's go in and pick it out by ourselves this time, and take a look at the situation in your cowshed by the way, so we can learn." Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, so he planned to go to the cowpen to pick it himself.

In this regard, the merchant naturally has no objection.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look together." The vendor nodded in agreement, and then walked into the cowshed together.

Walking into the cowshed, Chen Yang and Niu Ming observed the situation inside.

It was found that in the factory building, there is a corridor about 1.5 meters in the middle, and the left and right sides are all large and small cowsheds built with bricks.

On average, there are two cows raised in a barn, both of which are about the same size, and they are all mature cows.

It was not until the end of the journey that Chen Yang saw Niu Zaizi.

"Two little brothers, these two sides are all bullies. You can choose for yourself. Tell them which one you like. I will go out and help you contact the truck." , Contact the truck and wait a while to load the cattle into the truck and send them back to Chen Yang.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Chen Yang naturally had no objection, it would be better to transport it back earlier, so as to save another trip.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding his head, the merchant went out to make contact, while Chen Yang and Niu Ming picked the cattle inside.

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(End of this chapter)

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