Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 848 Sick Cow

Chapter 848 Sick Cow

Excluding the cowboys outside, there are still about 30 cows in the cowshed.

Most of the more than 30 pigs are still in relatively good condition. There are only a few of them. They are not in good spirits and put together alone. It is obvious that they are sick, but it should not be serious.

Chen Yang could see it.

"Friend, those sick cows, are you selling them?" Chen Yang suddenly pointed to the sick cows and asked the workers around him.

The workers knew that Chen Yang was a big client, so they spoke respectfully.

"Um... I don't know about this, I have to go out and ask the boss." The worker said.


Chen Yang saw that these people were not clear, so he didn't ask any more questions. He chose ten very good cows and went out.

When I came outside, the vendor who called came up immediately: "Hehe, the two brothers have chosen? The truck on my side has also been contacted, and it will be here soon."

"Well, I've chosen."

Chen Yang nodded, and then he calculated the price of thirty cows with the vendor.

Thirty heads, [-] each, is [-].

After calculating the price clearly, Chen Yang saw that it was still a little short of [-], so he made an idea of ​​those sick cows.

When he was selecting cows inside, Chen Yang paid special attention to those sick cows, although they looked sickly.

But in fact, the problem is not big, and it can be recovered if it is dealt with seriously.

And the most important thing is that the price of those sick cows should be lower, so if you buy them, you can still make more money.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Chen Yang immediately asked the vendor if he could buy the sick cow.

When the vendor heard Chen Yang asking about the sick cow, his face was a little surprised: "Little brother, why did you buy that? Do you want to go back and get it cured?"

"Hehe, why buy it back? Then don't worry about the boss, just say whether to buy it or not." Chen Yang continued to ask with a smile.

The vendor probably guessed what Chen Yang meant, so he also laughed and said, "Buy it, of course, but I'm ugly to say that the situation of those cows is a bit troublesome, and they will die if they don't handle it properly." , then don't bother me."

"Don't worry, boss, since I bought a sick cow, why would I bother you? Make a price, and I'll see if it's necessary to buy it back." Chen Yang readily agreed, because he was very confident, Can cure the condition of those cows.

"Well, that's fine."

When the merchant heard that Chen Yang promised not to cause trouble, he wanted to sell it.

After all, those who are engaged in breeding are most afraid of encountering this kind of sick seedlings. It is extremely troublesome to deal with, and they will die if they are not careful, so he naturally has to do it quickly if he can.

"I see that you really want it, so I won't ask for the price. It's [-] heads. If you want it, you can take it. If you don't want it, forget it. I'll keep it for myself."

The merchant said casually.

When Chen Yang heard the price, he knew it was almost the same.

After all, those cowboys are so big, even if they sell meat, the price is almost the same, so he readily nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then it's one thousand and five. I want it all. Later, you will help me load the car together and send it to the place before paying the bill together."

"Hey, okay, no problem, little brother, happy cooperation." The vendor was delighted when he saw that the sick cow was shot, and even came over to shake hands with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also shook hands with him with a smile, and the deal will be officially concluded.

After talking about the price and the quantity of cattle, Chen Yang pulled Niu Ming aside and gave some instructions.

Let him follow the truck all the way later, so as not to be tricked and change cattle.

Although the vendor looked straightforward and sincere, it was the first time they had cooperated after all, so he had to be cautious.

After hearing what Chen Yang said, Niu Ming immediately nodded his head to indicate that there was no problem.

"Okay, I know Yoko, I will pay attention."

"Well, I will leave it to you. I have to go to other places to deal with some things. After the cow arrives home, you settle the bill and wait for me to come back." Chen Yang nodded.

"Yeah okay."

Niu Ming nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

Chen Yang also hummed, and then went to say a few simple words of courtesy to the vendor, and Chen Yang left first.

Because when he was selecting cattle just now, he received a message from Yang Caiyun.

The shop that she was entrusted to help find in the morning has already been found, but the contract has not been signed yet, and I am waiting for him to go and have a look.

If there is no problem, you can sign the contract and give the deposit.

Chen Yang originally wanted Yang Caiyun to take full control of the matter, but later he thought it would be better to go there by himself, so he drove away first.

The matter of transporting the cattle back was all handed over to Niu Ming.

After leaving the village, he drove back to the county seat, and then drove in the direction of Lin Hui Hotel.

After driving for another 10 minutes, Chen Yang came to the door of Lin Hui's restaurant.

The car stopped and looked left and right.

Not seeing Yang Caiyun, he took out his phone and called Yang Caiyun.

"Sister, where are you? I'm here." After the call was connected, Chen Yang said.

"Are you here? Then wait for me, and you can see me when I come out." Yang Caiyun replied, and then her figure walked out of a private house opposite Lin Hui's shop.

"Okay, sister, I saw you."

Chen Yang said something immediately after seeing Yang Caiyun, then hung up the phone, got off the car, and walked over.

Seeing Chen Yang, Yang Caiyun had a faint smile on her face.

"I've discussed everything with the boss, and I'll wait for you to come and sign the contract." When Chen Yang walked in front of him, Yang Caiyun immediately said with a smile.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Hey, why are you being polite to me? Come on, go in and check the situation, and sign the contract if there is no problem."

Yang Caiyun took Chen Yang's arm naturally, and walked into the private house together.

Inside the private house, there stood an elderly woman in her 50s who was not well maintained and could not be compared with Yang Caiyun.

"Yangzi, this is the landlord." Walking in, Yang Caiyun immediately introduced the landlord aunt to Chen Yang.


Chen Yang also hurriedly said hello.


The landlord also responded enthusiastically, and then got straight to the point.

"Boss, my house is quite open, and the area is big enough. It is very suitable to set up a small restaurant! The most important thing is that the second floor can be used as a private room, and the grade will be upgraded at that time." The landlord The aunt smiled and praised her house.

Chen Yang didn't make a sound when he heard the words, but scanned the surrounding environment.

I found that the area of ​​this house is indeed wide enough to be a restaurant.

And this location is really good, just opposite to Lin Hui's restaurant, when the restaurant opens, it will have the meaning of tit for tat, this is what Chen Yang is most satisfied with.

"By the way, Auntie, just now you said that there is a second floor, so you want to rent it out together?" Chen Yang looked at the first floor and was quite satisfied, so he remembered that there is a second floor.

"Yes, the second floor is rented together, that is, I will rent out the whole house to you, so it will be convenient for you to open a shop." The aunt smiled and nodded, indicating that she was right.

"Hehe, it's really convenient."

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words: "Then let me go to the second floor and sign the contract if there is no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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