Chapter 846

Chen Yang went straight to sleep, and not long after he got up the next day, Niu Ming came to the door.

Niu Ming came very early, and Chen Yang hadn't even started making breakfast yet.

"Niu Ming, why did you come so early? I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and I haven't taken care of my house yet." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Niu Ming also chuckled: "I thought I couldn't keep you waiting, so I came earlier, you haven't had breakfast yet? Then I'll help you, Yang Zi, you go to work on him, finish our work early Leave early, too."

"Hehe, that's fine too. There are all kinds of kitchens, and you can just order a bowl of noodles."

Niu Ming wanted to help, but Chen Yang didn't refuse, so it could really be faster.

"Okay, go get busy, I'll get you some noodles."

Niu Ming smiled and went to the kitchen to help make breakfast, while Chen Yang went to the backyard to fertilize and water the fields.

During the process of fertilizing and watering, Chen Yang clearly found that the growth rate of the medicine field behind was not as good as that of the medicine field with precious ginseng in front.

The medicine field with treasure ginseng seems to be catalyzed by some strong fertilizer. All the herbs are emerald green and look particularly good.

As for the medicine field without precious ginseng, it was a bit of a mess, but fortunately, they were still alive and not dead.

"It's really a problem with precious ginseng. Let's find some time and transplant these exhausted herbs." After figuring out the reason, Chen Yang didn't want to waste herbs.

After all, those herbs in the back are all relatively expensive herbs, and it would cost a lot of money to sell them.

And it’s also a good choice to keep it for your own use, and it saves you going out to buy it.

After giving Tianjiao water, Chen Yang immediately went to give Wangcai and Brother Diao the Exercise Pill.

Now every morning, a tacit understanding has been formed. As long as these two guys hear that Chen Yang is coming, they will immediately rush out and look for Chen Yang with great interest.

There is no need for Chen Yang to shout anymore.

"I'm going out for a trip today, you two guys take a good look at the house, don't let anything go wrong." Chen Yang threw out two body forging pills while talking.

These two guys still quickly caught it, and then swallowed it.

After eating, they also called out, as if responding to Chen Yang, and then quickly returned to their nests.

At this time, Niu Ming's noodles were ready, so Chen Yang didn't stay in the backyard too much, turned around and went to the inner room to eat noodles, and then drove Niu Ming with him.

"Yangzi, I have found out the origin of Niu Zaizi. There is a vendor in the vegetable market in the county who buys this. I heard that the price is not bad. Let's go there to find out later." Sitting in the car, Niu Ming just said.

Chen Yang nodded: "Okay, then go and have a look first, if the price is not suitable, then look for it again."

After speaking, Chen Yang started the car directly and went to the county seat.

On the way to the county seat, Chen Yang also called Yang Caiyun.

This call didn't say anything else, just asking Yang Caiyun to help out and rent a store near Lin Hui's restaurant in case he opened a restaurant in the future.

Yang Caiyun knew that Chen Yang would not mess around, so she agreed without asking any questions and immediately went over to find out.

"Yeah, thank you, Sister Caiyun."

Chen Yang thanked him, then hung up the phone and continued driving.

Niu Ming heard what Chen Yang said to Yang Caiyun just now.

Niu Ming was quite surprised to hear that Chen Yang was planning to make a name for himself now.

"Yangzi, it's too early for you to make a show now. Even if we buy the jeans today, it will take at least half a year to grow." Niu Ming said a little puzzled.

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "I have plans, don't worry."

Chen Yang had his own plan in mind, but it was inconvenient to tell Niu Ming.

And Niu Ming saw what Chen Yang said, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, he repeated one sentence in his heart, he was right to work with Chen Yang, and he could make a fortune.

So just like that, the two came to the vegetable market in the county seat.

Niu Ming also found the vendor who sold cowboys by phone.

When the vendors learned that Chen Yang and Niu Ming wanted to buy more than ten or twenty cow cubs at once, their faces burst into smiles.

After all, it is not common to buy so many at one time, and this is a big deal.

"All right, all right, since you guys want to buy so much, I won't buy this meat today, and I'll take you to the cattle shed to have a look." Yang and the others went to the cattle farm.

However, Chen Yang drove here by himself, so it was inconvenient for them to ride together.

"Boss, you can lead the way ahead, I'll just follow you in the car." Chen Yang said.

"Okay, let's go then."

The vendor nodded readily, and then went out of the vegetable market with Chen Yang, leading the way in his old bread, followed by Chen Yang and Niu Ming.

After driving for about 10 minutes, they left the urban area of ​​the county seat.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that this cattle farm was like other places, in the outskirts of the county.

Who knows how many miles away from the suburbs, the location of this cattle farm is located in a small mountain village.

Seeing the boss's car in front stopped, Chen Yang also stopped on the side of the road, and then got out of the car with Niu Ming.

"Hehe, two little brothers, the family has a lot of cattle, so the location is a bit remote, don't be surprised." The vendor walked up to Chen Yang and smiled politely.


Chen Yang waved his hand indifferently, and then got straight to the point, pointing to a few blue iron houses built in the field not far away and said: "That should be the cowshed, right?"

On the way here, Chen Yang observed the surrounding environment, and the only suitable ones nearby were those big blue iron factory buildings.

"That's right, that's right, that's the cowshed, and it's usually locked there at night." The vendor glanced in the direction Chen Yang pointed, and nodded.

"Then go over and have a look. If it's suitable, you can help us load the car today and send it over." Chen Yang said straight to the point.

"Okay, no problem. As long as you like it, I promise to send it to you today." The merchant is more eager to make a deal than Chen Yang. He was naturally very happy when he heard Chen Yang say this.

After saying this, he immediately took Niu Ming and Chen Yang to the blue workshop in the field.

When I was in the distance, I didn't feel how big these two factories were.

After taking a closer look, I realized that this factory building is really big. Chen Yang reckoned that it could hold at least a hundred cows!

"Boss, your business is quite big, can you have hundreds of cows?"

Looking at the blue factory building, Chen Yang spoke with a smile.

The merchant smiled smugly when he heard the words.

"It's okay, it can be regarded as relatively large, and there are indeed hundreds of cows. If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't keep them, I wouldn't sell them." The vendor said with a smile.

Chen Yang nodded and agreed with the boss.

In the cattle breeding business, there are very few cowboys who sell them, especially those who sell more than 20 cows at one time, even fewer, almost none.

After all, the cubs can be raised by themselves, so how can they be sold.

That is to say, if you can't keep it, you will have the idea of ​​selling it.

After Chen Yang nodded, he didn't say anything more, but followed directly to the blue workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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