Chapter 845


As soon as he finished speaking, it was Chen Yang's turn to slap his face.

Chen Yang slapped him angrily, causing him to roll in the air, and fell to the ground after rolling several times!

After lying on the ground, his throat was sweet, and blood gushed out!

"Looking for death! I will teach you how to be a man today!"

Chen Yang was so angry that a slap was not enough, he rushed up and punched and kicked him.

This is the first time Chen Yang has such behavior.

Because he was so angry!Not only because Lin Hui said he wanted to pursue Yang Ruoxi, but also because he humiliated Niu Ming!

"Uh... pfft... don't hit me, please don't hit me... I know I was wrong, if you keep hitting me, I'm going to die..."

Lin Hui was stubborn at the beginning, but then he couldn't take it anymore and started begging for mercy.

Chen Yang gave him a cold look, then grabbed him by the collar, dragged him in front of Niu Ming, and made him kneel down!


Chen Yang said loudly.

Lin Hui had already been beaten so badly at this time, when he heard Chen Yang calling him to apologize, he immediately cried and apologized without thinking.

"I... I was wrong."

Seeing that Lin Hui was already out of shape and apologized, Chen Yang became less angry.

"Lin Hui, are you not convinced? You think I'm overpowering you, and you're still thinking about how to get revenge after you go back this time?" Chen Yang stared at Lin Hui and said.

Lin Hui shook his head in panic when he heard Chen Yang's words: ", don't worry, I really don't think so."

"Heh." Seeing Lin Hui's reaction, Chen Yang sneered, and continued, "I know that's what you think in your heart, but it's okay! You can come anyway."

"By the way, there is another point. Didn't you say that he is dreaming of getting rich? Then just wait, I will make him rich, and I will make you rich by closing your door!"

Chen Yang's words were powerful and firm!

He must let Niu Ming get rich on the road of raising cattle!

Lin Hui was already stunned at this time, and he was even more frightened when he heard Chen Yang say that.

He thought that Chen Yang was going to kill him, but how could someone like him deserve it.

After Chen Yang said those words, he waved his hands directly: "You can get out now, go back and make preparations for the store to close!"


Hearing that Chen Yang was going to let him go, he didn't react immediately. After being stunned for a few seconds, he immediately ran away.

After watching Lin Hui run away, Chen Yang looked back at Niu Ming.

Niu Ming's face was still ugly at this time, as if he had been rubbed by life, vicissitudes.

"Niu Ming, I'm sorry, I was negligent. I really didn't expect this guy to be such a lowly person." Chen Yang said apologetically.

"No, Yang Zi, don't say that. It's too late for me to thank you, so why would I blame you?" Seeing Chen Yang apologizing, Niu Ming hurriedly said that it was not Chen Yang's problem.

After saying this, he sighed again: "Perhaps what he said is right, I am suitable to be a farmer, and I can't turn over."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yang heard that Niu Ming was a little frustrated, and immediately interrupted him, not letting him continue talking.

"Is what he said right? Everything is man-made, nothing is natural!"

Chen Yang said loudly and seriously: "And isn't he just a restaurant owner? What's the big deal? Tomorrow you go to the market to buy cows. When the time comes, you feed the cows and invest money, and you go Opposite his restaurant is an identical restaurant! Let me shut him down!"

Chen Yang's words were somewhat capricious, but his tone was very firm.

Niu Ming knew that Chen Yang was not joking, so he froze.

"Is this... okay?"

"What's wrong with that? And what I said at the beginning, isn't it that I will partner with you? That's it! Believe me, you are right." Chen Yang said very confidently.

Niu Ming was about to give up after being hit by Lin Hui, but Chen Yang's words directly gave him fighting spirit!

He believed in Chen Yang very much, and also believed in Chen Yang's ability!

With Chen Yang around, he will definitely make a fortune!

"Okay! Yangzi, I'll listen to you." Niu Ming regained his fighting spirit and nodded firmly.

Seeing that Niu Ming regained his confidence, Chen Yang's mood improved completely.

"That's right. Young people don't have to give up easily. Anyway, you should remember one sentence, don't bully young people into poverty." Chen Yang continued to enlighten Niu Ming with a smile, just like an old senior. In fact, he is even better than Niu Ming. One year younger.

But Niu Ming believed in his words.

"I understand Yangzi, and I remember it."

"Hehe, good! Then listen to me, you can buy cows tomorrow! Then come here to stock up! Leave everything else to me!" Chen Yang patted Niu Ming on the shoulder with a smile, and then the two walked away Back to Liuhe Village.

When they walked near the medical center, Chen Yang and Niu Ming took a special look at the place where Lin Hui parked.

It was found that his car had already disappeared, and it was obvious that after Chen Yang let him go, he fled quickly.

"Then Chen Yang, I'll leave first, and I'll go into the city early tomorrow morning to buy a cowboy!" When he came to the entrance of the medical center, Niu Ming raised his head and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "You should come to me tomorrow morning. I will drive with you, otherwise there will be no cars in the village, and it will be inconvenient for you."

Originally, Chen Yang planned to let Niu Ming go alone, but after thinking about it on the way back, he still planned to go together.

And Niu Ming naturally had no objection to this.

"Okay, then I'll come and see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay."

Chen Yang nodded, and then Niu Ming turned his head and left.

Chen Yang stood there and watched Niu Ming for a while, and only after Niu Ming's back disappeared from sight, he turned and returned to the medical hall.

Back in the clinic, Chen Yang was thinking in his heart, should he tell Yang Ruoxi what happened just now.

After thinking about it seriously, he still didn't intend to say anything.

Because this was not a pleasant thing, he didn't want Yang Ruoxi to be unhappy either.

After deciding on this matter, Chen Yang didn't continue to think about Lin Hui's matter any more. He went straight through the inner room, went to the backyard to fight boxing, and interacted with Brother Diao Wangcai.

After it got dark, one person casually got something to eat, and then continued to punch.

I played until ten o'clock in the evening before taking a shower and going to bed to get ready for bed.

Lying on the bed, Chen Yang's mind inexplicably thought of what happened to Lin Hui today.

"Anyway, I must help Niu Ming open this wild mountain cow's restaurant, and look down on the people in my Liuhe Village? I'll let you close down!" Chen Yang actually had something in his heart when he beat Lin Hui today. The complete plan is to open the restaurant.

This is not only to help Niu Ming make money!It is even more important to fight for one breath!

Don't you, Lin Hui, look down on you?Then use your best way to defeat you!Let you close the door!

Of course, it is not Chen Yang who will defeat Lin Hui, but Niu Ming!

Chen Yang just couldn't bear to watch it, and was just helping out from the sidelines.

If Chen Yang really wanted to mess with Lin Hui, it would be a matter of minutes!With his current contacts, how can Lin Hui be his opponent?

"We'll talk about everything tomorrow."

Chen Yang thought about it for a while, but he didn't think about it for too long. After all, this matter is not complicated. It's just a small person, so it's easy to handle!

(End of this chapter)

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