Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 844 Change of Attitude

Chapter 844 Attitude Change

"Hello, hello, Boss Lin, I'm Niu Ming, and I'm looking forward to working with you in the future." Hearing Chen Yang's introduction, Niu Ming hurriedly stood up and said hello to Lin Hui.

However, when Lin Hui heard that Yang Ruoxi was not there, his face was slightly displeased, but he still nodded: "Hello, we will talk about the cooperation later. Now I still want to see the place where you plan to breed wild mountain cattle."

Lin Hui's attitude was suddenly cold, and Chen Yang felt it very clearly.

So I don't want to be polite to him anymore, if you want to see it, then go and see it.

"Niu Ming, then you can take Mr. Lin to have a look." Chen Yang said.

"All right."

Niu Ming nodded heavily, and then went to communicate with Lin Hui.

Since Chen Yang found out about the beasts in the back mountain last time, Niu Ming changed his place.

It is planned to use a hill opposite Liuhe Village to breed bison.

The aquatic plants over there are also abundant, and the woods are dense enough to meet the standards for raising bison.

Niu Ming gave a serious introduction, and led Lin Hui and Chen Yang in the direction of which mountain.

The three of them walked for more than 20 minutes and came to the foot of the mountain.

"Boss Lin, this is the mountain." Niu Ming pointed to the dense forest and said.

Lin Hui nodded lightly: "The scale of this mountain is large enough. I also observed the aquatic plants on the way here. It is indeed possible. If you want to raise them, then go ahead and talk about the specific matters after you raise them."

As soon as Lin Hui said this, Niu Ming was taken aback.

Because he heard Lin Hui's metaphorical meaning at this time.

Let's talk about it after raising it, so it is not necessary to buy Luo?And from the tone of what he said just now, it seems that he doesn't want to guide and impart some experience.

This is inconsistent with what was originally said.

That's why Niu Ming was stunned, and at the same time looked at Chen Yang with very surprised eyes.

Niu Ming could hear it, but why couldn't Chen Yang hear it?

So after seeing Niu Ming's eyes, Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "Mr. Lin, didn't you say on the phone just now that you can impart some experience? Please tell my brother about the precautions. Category."

"Although my brother knows something about this project, he certainly doesn't know as much as you do professionally."

Chen Yang could see that Lin Hui's attitude had changed. Normally, Chen Yang would definitely ignore him.

But this time for Niu Ming's entrepreneurship, Chen Yang still followed the guy patiently and politely.

But I didn't expect that Lin Hui was in a panic. Hearing Chen Yang's words, he exaggerated directly, showing that he was very unhappy.

"Mr. Chen, have I ever told you such a thing?" Lin Hui asked directly.

"Eh...you told Ruoxi." Chen Yang paused and replied.

"Hehe." Lin Hui sneered directly: "You also know that I told Ruoxi, not you."

When Lin Hui said this, Chen Yang was about to get angry, because his words were obviously aimed at Yang Ruoxi.

But before Chen Yang got angry, he turned to Niu Ming and said, "Do you want to raise cattle? How much capital do you have?"

Niu Ming was not stupid, he could see that Lin Hui was unhappy, but he didn't know why.

So I still replied in a more respectful tone: "Ah... I have another 10 yuan, and I plan to buy a dozen or twenty cows to raise first..."

"Hahaha..." Hearing that there was only 10 yuan, Lin Hui couldn't let Niu Ming finish his sentence, so he burst out laughing.

After laughing for a while, he taunted directly: "10 yuan? 10 yuan, are you willing to ask me to guide you? Your little money is my income for two days, do you know that?"

Now Lin Hui's taunting meaning was already obvious, and Niu Ming also clearly realized it.

But he still felt in his heart that this was Chen Yang's friend and an opportunity for him to stand up, so he forced a smile and explained: "Boss Lin, my capital is a little small...but it will get better and better in the future, don't worry , I will definitely not let you down..."

Niu Ming's attitude was extremely sincere, but Lin Hui was not moved at all, and even became more annoyed.

"Okay, okay! Don't tell me these things. I've heard too many things like this. I advise you to work hard as a farmer and stop daydreaming about getting rich. People like you are not worthy!" Lin Hui With abusive words, he turned around and left after speaking. <Wasting my time, the two stinky peasants still want to stand up, it's a good idea! "

Lin Hui's words were not insignificant. Niu Ming's complexion changed drastically and his self-esteem was severely damaged when he said it directly.

There was even mist flickering in the eyes, but they were just holding back and did not condense into tears...

Niu Ming's reaction made Chen Yang extremely uncomfortable.

They were all men, how could Chen Yang not understand how uncomfortable Niu Ming was feeling at this moment?

Niu Ming just has a dream and wants to make a fortune. Is this wrong?

But Lin Hui said that he was a stinky farmer who wanted to stand up, daydreaming!

Chen Yang has never experienced that kind of humiliation, but he can empathize with it!Because he knows Niu Ming's past!

"You stop for me!"

After a while of discomfort, Chen Yang was furious!He just opened his mouth and scolded Lin Hui who was about to leave!

Chen Yang's furious roar was deafening!Lin Hui was taken aback and his body trembled.

&nWhat are you yelling at?Why do you still want to hit me? " Lin Hui turned around and said provocatively: "I just mentioned him, did I forget to mention you, and you are also itchy?" "

"Let me tell you, I call you Mr. Chen, that's why I think highly of you, or you, a stinky farmer, are worthy of my being polite to you?"

Lin Hui showed his fierce face, and his words were extremely ugly.

When Chen Yang heard these words, his expression became even uglier.

But Lin Hui didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and he was still talking non-stop.

"The last time I met you at Lao Tzu's restaurant, I thought you were some kind of powerful person. Fortunately, I did a special investigation, and the relationship turned out to be a stinky village doctor! It's disgusting! How dare you be with Ruoxi?"

"I might as well tell you, I'm going to pursue Ruoxi from today, if you're sensible, get out of here, don't bring shame on yourself!"

If Lin Hui's previous words were just ugly words, then the latter words are just courting death!

Openly expressing that he wants to pursue Yang Ruoxi, isn't this touching Chen Yang's back?

"Have you finished?" Chen Yang walked up to Lin Hui with an extremely cold face and said.

Chen Yang's icy attitude made the surrounding air temperature drop by several points!

After feeling the cold air around him, Lin Hui began to realize that something was wrong!

But after finding out, this guy's first reaction was not to beg for mercy, but to say provocatively: "You...what are you doing? Don't you dare to do anything? If you dare to hit me, I will ruin your family!"

(End of this chapter)

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