Chapter 832 It's the same after all

"Students, look who is coming from our class?" Qian Long walked into the door and said loudly to the private room.

Originally, dozens of men and women were chatting enthusiastically in the private room, but all of them were attracted by Qian Long, and all looked towards the door.

In other words, he looked at Chen Yang who was beside Qian Long at the door.

"Hey, isn't this Chen Yang, a top student!"

"It's really Chen Yang! A top student in the class!"

"Chen Yang, you are here too, sit down quickly."


These old classmates all recognized Chen Yang, and all of them were enthusiastic, inviting Chen Yang to take a seat quickly.

Seeing that all the old classmates are so enthusiastic, Chen Yang is naturally very happy.

"Haha, long time no see, classmates."

Chen Yang greeted with a smile, and then under Qian Long's arrangement, he found a seat and sat down, and Qian Long sat beside him.

When Chen Yang sat down, the students in the class naturally started chatting about Chen Yang immediately.

"Chen Yang, you are a talented student. How are you doing now? You have the opportunity to support and support me, an old classmate."

"Haha, yes Chen Yang, I heard that you took the college entrance examination and got into a good university. How are you doing now and where do you work?"


These students are all very interested in Chen Yang's current career, because when he was in school, Chen Yang was a top student in the class.

When I was in school, no one knew what grades meant, but now it's different, everyone is an adult, recalling Chen Yang's grades back then, one can think of Chen Yang's current achievements.


Seeing that the students were so enthusiastic, Chen Yang didn't want to hide anything, so he wanted to tell about his current situation.

But before he could speak, he was interrupted by Qian Long beside him.

"Hey, I'm afraid this will disappoint everyone. Chen Yang is not doing well now, and works as a waiter in a restaurant in the suburbs." Qian Long rushed to help Chen Yang answer.

When the students who asked the question heard Qian Long's words, their faces obviously changed a little, but most of them were still surprised.

"No way, how is this possible? Qian Long, don't talk nonsense. No one in Chen Yang's grades knows how to be a waiter."

"Yes, Chen Yang's academic performance has always been at the top of our class, and he also went to a good university. How is this possible?"

The men and women in the class were not very convinced.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe what he said, Qian Long immediately continued: "It's true. I met him in the restaurant the day before yesterday. Can this be false?"

I don't know if Qianlong has low EQ, or if he did it on purpose, he even turned around and asked Chen Yang to help him prove that what he said was true.

"Chen Yang, you said something, am I right?"

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed by being messed up, but he didn't say much, and nodded: "Well, what he said is right, that's how it is."

"Haha, look, I'm not wrong, Chen Yang is really not doing well right now, those of you who want to climb high, let's talk about it when Mr. Liu from our class comes." Qian Longjian nodded while taking advantage of the sunshine, and immediately Haha smiled.

Seeing this, the other students also smiled wryly, with a bit embarrassed expression.

Then, as if he lost interest in Chen Yang in an instant, he casually glanced at Chen Yang, stopped talking about Chen Yang, and turned his head to chat with other people.

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned by the difference in attitude before and after.

Is the difference too big?

Feeling that he is doing well, everyone is enthusiastic, eager to come over and rush to sit with him.

And after hearing that he was a waiter, he lost all interest in an instant, and he didn't even bother to say simple politeness?

Chen Yang was stunned for a few seconds, and then he reacted with a wry smile.

Originally, he thought that the students in his class were different.

Now it seems that I still think too much, and the snobbery of adults is still unavoidable.

Chen Yang was a little disappointed, but it was not too hard to accept.

Originally, I wanted to catch up on the old days, but now it seems unnecessary, the big deal is to have a quiet meal and leave.

And with his current height, there is absolutely no need to argue with these classmates, it's their business to think about it, anyway, there won't be much communication in the future.

So, he sat quietly in his seat, watching other people's conversations.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, someone came in again at the door.

As soon as this person came in, the reaction of everyone in the private room was much more lively than when they greeted Chen Yang just now.

Not for anything else, just because the person who came in is the Mr. Liu, Liu Xuebin that Qian Long said just now!

When this Liu Xuebin was in high school, he was a well-known rich second generation in his class, and his family was very well-equipped.

You can tell by looking at his clothes now that he is not much worse now, that's why the reaction of these people in the private room is so great.

"Oh, isn't this the rich second generation in our class, Young Master Liu? I haven't seen you for many years."

"Haha, Mr. Liu, do you still remember me? I'm your deskmate."

"It's been several years, and Mr. Liu is still as handsome and handsome as before."


Except for Chen Yang, everyone in the private room stood up and went to talk to Liu Xuebin one after another, and even a few left their seats to go up to chat.

As if afraid of being left behind.

And Liu Xuebin also seemed to enjoy the enthusiasm of these people.

"Haha, remember, there is no change for all the students." Liu Xuebin laughed and said a few polite words, and then sat on the main seat in the private room with all his heart.

As soon as he sat down, he immediately became the center of the whole party, and everyone leaned over there.

Topics are all around him.

"Oh, Xuebin, I heard that your family is in trouble now. The family business has doubled in size compared to when it was in high school."

"Xuebin, are you playing at home now, or working in your father's company? Let's keep in touch when we have nothing to do."


Almost all the people in the private room went up to make friends, trying to get closer to Liu Xuebin.

Including Qian Long beside Chen Yang, who left his position and walked to Liu Xuebin to chat.

In the entire private room, only Chen Yang stayed in his place, motionless, not paying too much attention to Liu Xuebin.

At this time, the thought in Chen Yang's mind was simply why the food was not served yet, and he would have eaten it earlier so he could leave. Such a classmate reunion where the poor and the rich love each other is not what he wants to come.

Chen Yang sat in his seat and waited, but unexpectedly, Qian Long suddenly noticed that Chen Yang was still sitting in his seat alone.

So he came over and patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, and said very logically: "Hey Chen Yang, Xuebin is here, why don't you come over to say hello."

Hearing this, Chen Yang wanted to laugh: "Why should I say hello to him? Is he my leader, or did he give me money?"


Chen Yang's words were not loud, but in the voices that were all flattering Liu Xuebin, it was particularly harsh.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Yang in unison, and Liu Xuebin looked at Chen Yang with a slightly changed expression.

It was obvious that he was a little upset with Chen Yang, but he didn't say it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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