Chapter 833

"Hi! What Chen Yang are you talking about? You are all classmates, and you should say hello to each other. Why are you talking about this?" Qian Long realized that the situation was a bit embarrassing, so he hurriedly said something cheerfully, and then thought Let's bypass this topic.

But among the classmates, some people wanted to seize this opportunity and perform well in front of Liu Xuebin.

So he stood up and said loudly to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang! What do you mean by that? Xuebin is the initiator of our class reunion, and he will pay for it later. You don't even say hello to him." , and still say such things, are you embarrassed?"

The person who stood up to speak was Zeng Yingjie, who was Liu Xuebin's younger brother in high school. He is not doing well now, so he wanted to show a good performance, so that he could continue to be Liu Xuebin's dog's leg.

"That's right, Chen Yang, your words are too ugly, what's the matter with saying hello?"

"Hey, I'm really convinced. Why do you speak so harshly, Xuebin, don't care about him like him."


The dog leg stood up to accuse Chen Yang, and the rest of the students naturally reacted instantly, and they all said something wrong with Chen Yang, and some even tried to appease Liu Xuebin's emotions, as if he was afraid that he would get angry.

When Chen Yang saw these people's actions and accusations, he was not angry at all, because he just wanted to laugh.

"Oh, it turned out that he was the one to treat the guests, so I'll just give him my share of a later, so that I don't owe him anything." Chen Yang said with a wry smile.

Want him to curry favor with Liu Xuebin?There are no doors.


When Zeng Yingjie heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately became angry. He wanted to reason with Chen Yang, but was stopped by Liu Xuebin.

"Brother Xuebin, Chen Yang is so unreasonable, let me educate him and teach him how to behave." Zeng Yingjie said angrily.

"Ha ha."

Liu Xuebin suppressed the anger in his heart, and sneered: "It's not necessary, we are all classmates, so don't be unhappy when we finally meet, and take a step back."

"Wow, it's still Xuebin who has a big structure. The family deserves to be a big business."

"Yes, yes, Xuebin is right, we are all classmates, there is no need to worry about small things."


Liu Xuebin's casual words of modesty immediately aroused a burst of praise from other people around him, saying that he was extremely noble, and even rose to the height of the pattern.

The picture was really funny, and Chen Yang couldn't help but smile lightly on his face.

But at this time, the crowd's attention was all on praising Liu Xuebin, so no one saw it at all.

A matter that was about to erupt into a conflict just turned over like this, and no one continued to say anything about Chen Yang.

However, many people's eyes and bodies seemed to stay away from Chen Yang intentionally, as if they wanted to draw a line with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't care about this either. To him, it was just a matter of leaving after a meal. From now on, he would walk on both sides of the road, and there would be no social interaction.

Everyone praised Liu Xuebin for a while, and it didn't take long for the private room to start serving food.

At this time, those who praised Liu Xuebin naturally had no choice but to return to their positions.

After the food was ready, they ate and drank together.

Of course, when these people eat and drink, they still inevitably have to talk to Liu Xuebin, boasting about how powerful the other party's family is and how they are doing well now.

Liu Xuebin was quite comfortable with these words at first, but after hearing too much, he didn't feel much.

He dealt with it a few times casually, and then his eyes fell on Chen Yang.

"Hehe, classmate Chen Yang, don't just focus on eating, everyone finally got together once, and you should also talk together. You were the top student in the class back then, so you should be doing well now?" Liu Xuebin had a faint look on his face. Smiling, as if he really cared about Chen Yang. In fact, he did this just to show his own magnanimity, and it seemed that he didn't care about Chen Yang.

For three years in high school, Chen Yangneng didn't know who this Liu Xuebin was?

Therefore, regarding Liu Xuebin's thoughts, Chen Yang's heart is like a mirror.

However, he was so hypocritical, Chen Yang would not directly expose his wrongdoing, so he replied casually: "Hehe, I'm not doing very well, I just barely make ends meet, I can't compare with you big bosses, so naturally There's nothing to talk about, just talk to me and I'll eat."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang continued to lower his head and eat, without any intention of communicating at all.

Liu Xuebin frowned when he saw that Chen Yang was so reticent. Zeng Yingjie noticed this and immediately said to Liu Xuebin: "Xuebin, you don't need to worry about him. Now this guy has become a waiter. Yes, I guess I have never eaten in such a good hotel, so I gobbled it up like this."



When Zeng Yingjie said this, the audience roared with laughter. Everyone knew that Chen Yang was a waiter, so they thought it was funny.

When Liu Xuebin heard what Zeng Yingjie said, he couldn't help but smile, but at the same time he was a little surprised: "This is impossible, Chen Yang's academic performance was not bad back then, how could he become a waiter?"

"It's true. If you don't believe me, ask Qian Long. He was the one who bumped into him." Zeng Yingjie smiled and pointed at Qian Long.

Seeing that the topic was on himself, Qian Long nodded immediately: "Yes, indeed, and Xue Bin, Chen Yang also admitted it before you came."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

When Liu Xuebin heard everyone say that, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, with an undisguised mockery.

Just now when he saw Chen Yang being so rude to him, he thought that Chen Yang had made some great achievements, so he told Zeng Yingjie not to be too targeted.

Now it seems that he is thinking too much.

If he knew this was the case, why would he give in to Chen Yang?

After figuring out Chen Yang's situation, the unhappiness on his face immediately made no concealment.

Obviously full of hostility towards Chen Yang, but at this time the topic of talking about Chen Yang has passed, so he didn't have an attack.

But this does not mean that he doesn't care about it, but chooses to hide it in his heart first, and then step on it when he has the opportunity.

"Hehe, it's no wonder that he is so hostile. It turns out that his life is unsatisfactory. Since this is the case, we won't bother him to eat well. Let's talk about us." Liu Xuebin said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Liu has a big heart, not some people can compare with it."

"Haha, indeed, the degree of heart can also reflect a person's achievements. Some people probably don't have Xuebin's heart, so they become waiters."


Liu Xuebin's casual sarcasm immediately received everyone's approval.

Everyone came up to mock Chen Yang, and their words were full of disdain and displeasure towards Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang heard these words, he just wanted to laugh, and he didn't want to refute at all, and he didn't even want to explain.

Not on the same level, what is there to say?If you like to taunt, go taunt, anyway, there is a piece of meat on his body.

Chen Yang ate silently, regardless of what they said.

(End of this chapter)

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