Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 831 Classmates Reunion

Chapter 831 Class Reunion

These two guys finished digesting the medicine in the morning, and they were very excited in the afternoon.

Especially this guy Wangcai, he was alive and kicking, as if he had been doped.

"Wangcai, I plan to train you today too. Be prepared and don't let me down." On the way there, Chen Yang vaccinated Wangcai in advance, so that this guy would not be able to find him when he arrived at the training place. to things to do.

Wang Wang!

Wangcai barked a few words very loudly, and readily agreed to Chen Yang.

"Okay, behave well, as long as you behave well, I will give you an extra meal in the evening." Chen Yang smiled slightly, and he was still a little optimistic about this guy in his heart.

After all, he has been by my side for so many days, and he also eats body-building pills, and the more important thing is to live with Brother Diao.

More or less, you can also understand Brother Diao's domineering, right?

When he arrived at the training place, Chen Yang first trained Brother Diao symbolically, and then let Brother Diao play freely.

For the rest of the time, Chen Yang planned to train Wangcai seriously.

This guy has a weird personality, and he has to be trained well enough to be mentally prepared.

"Wangcai, you are a wolf dog. You have to show your fierce and domineering side, understand?" Chen Yang squatted down, holding Wangcai's dog face in both hands, and brainwashed Wangcai seriously.

Wangcai paused expressionlessly, then called out softly and firmly, responding to Chen Yang.

"Okay, just be clear."

Chen Yang patted it on the head, then turned his head and pointed to a flower not far away: "Go, bite it back as quickly as possible!"


Hearing Chen Yang's order, Wangcai rushed out in a hush, very fast, but naturally he couldn't compare with Brother Diao.

But this is enough. Chen Yang is already very satisfied that the first training can have this effect.

Chen Yang raised his eyes in relief to watch Wangcai gallop, and quickly approached the wild flower.

When the wild flower was only a few meters away, Wangcai stared at his legs, flew over, and bit the wild flower off.

Then he braked suddenly and turned around, and started running back towards Chen Yang.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang was quite pleasantly surprised. Among other things, at least this guy, Wangcai, was a bit like a wolf dog at this time.

It's no longer a silly Erha style.

"Good! Wangcai! Very good."

Chen Yang couldn't help but praised loudly.

And Wang Cai heard Chen Yang's praise from afar, and he became even more excited at once, his steps became faster, and he returned to Chen Yang's side in no time.

Wang Wang!

And put down the flowers, and barked at Chen Yang, as if asking for credit from Chen Yang.

"Very good, very good Wangcai, keep on working hard, I will really give you extra food tonight." Chen Yang praised a few more words, and then continued to train.


Wangcai has been very online all afternoon, like a wolf dog.

After some training, Chen Yang took a lot of fancy to this guy.

I am even more certain in my heart that I must continue to change Wangcai's personality, otherwise it will be bad if I pull him out to do something that day and make people laugh.

Originally, Chen Yang wanted to continue training, but seeing that it was getting dark, he didn't continue. Instead, he asked Brother Diao to go to the mountain to catch a few rabbits, and then they went back to the medical center together.

After returning home, Chen Yang immediately went to process the rabbit meat, and set up a fire in the backyard, preparing to roast the rabbit tonight.

After cleaning up, Chen Yang skewered the rabbits with wooden sticks and roasted them on the fire.

The internal organs have long been left to Brother Diao to enjoy alone.

Originally, this guy Wangcai wanted to taste the internal organs, but he was frightened back by Brother Diao's stare.

Wangcai is very smart, knowing that Brother Diao can't afford to offend him, so he doesn't dare to offend him at all.

After being stared at, with an ahh, he honestly went back to Chen Yang and sat down, waiting for the roasted rabbit to be cooked.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing when he saw it, but he didn't say anything. It's fine that the two guys don't fight. This little bullying is fine.

Chen Yang roasted the rabbit on the fire for more than an hour, until the meat turned yellow and smelled fragrant, then he took it out, sprinkled it with small ingredients and started eating.

Wangcai's share was directly thrown to it, and it lay on the ground, hugged it and started to chew.

It looks like eating with relish.

After eating the roasted rabbit, Chen Yang boxed in the yard and didn't take a shower until ten o'clock to sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the second day.

Today is different from usual. Usually, Chen Yang gets up, puts on any clean clothes and it's over.

Today, he was in the closet where the clothes were kept, and he searched carefully for a while, and finally found a satisfactory match before giving up.

The reason why he is like this is because today he is going to attend a class reunion.

Although he is not a person who cares about these attires, after all, he is an old classmate whom he hasn't seen for many years, so it's better to be decent.

After getting dressed, he went to wash up and eat breakfast, and then went to the backyard as usual to give Brother Diao Wangcai a body-building pill, and then went out to the temperature-controlled room to see that there was no problem at home before he drove off. Go to the county seat!

About four to ten minutes later, Chen Yang entered the county seat.

When he came to the county seat, Chen Yang drove his car and stopped by the side of the road casually, then took out his mobile phone, called Qian Long, and asked where the meeting place of today's classmates was.

Qian Long invited him to attend that day, leaving only a phone number, but did not say where the party was.

Chen Yang called for more than ten seconds before Qian Long answered the call.

After the call was connected, the two communicated. Chen Yang asked about the specific situation of the party and where it was located.

When asked other questions, Chen Yang was also very natural.

But when he heard that the hotel where the party was held was Lintianxia, ​​he froze for a moment.

"So coincidentally?"

"Coincidence? What a coincidence, Chen Yang?"

Qian Long heard Chen Yang talking to himself and asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing, then I'll come over later." Chen Yang said after reacting.

"Yeah, okay, the students are almost here, come early."

With that said, Qian Long hung up the phone.

Judging from the tone of voice, they should have almost arrived.

So Chen Yang didn't delay, put away his phone and drove towards Lintianxia.

On the way to Chen Yang, he still felt that the meeting place was a coincidence.

There are quite a lot of hotels in the county seat, and I don't know why I came to Lintianxia.

But it doesn't matter too much, anyway, the meal is in a private room, so it doesn't affect anything.

Chen Yang drove the van all the way to Lintianxia.

Originally, Chen Yang drove directly to the underground parking lot, but found that there were no parking spaces in the underground parking lot, so Chen Yang had no choice but to drive out again and parked at the entrance of the hotel.

After parking the car, Chen Yang walked into the hotel.

Naturally, Chen Yang is very familiar with this world, so he found the private room for the class reunion without the waiter leading the way.

When he reached the door, Chen Yang didn't rush in. Instead, he stood at the door and took a look inside. After seeing his old classmates sitting inside, Chen Yang was ready to open the door and go in.

But before he opened the door, he heard Qian Long's voice.

"Chen Yang, you are here, why don't you go in?"

Chen Yang looked around and saw Qian Long walking towards the toilet.

"I just arrived, and I'm about to go in together." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Oh, let's go in together. It just so happens that I can introduce you to the old classmates. All of them have changed a lot. You may not recognize them when you walk in." Qian Long said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's go in together."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, then pushed the door open with Qian Long and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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