Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 830 Pharmaceutical factory land

Chapter 830 Pharmaceutical factory land

After driving back to the village early in the morning, Chen Yang took advantage of the opportunity to go to the construction site in the village, inspected all the properties, and finally returned home.

"Wang Cai, Brother Diao."

Walking into the house, Chen Yang immediately called out to the backyard, intending to give the Exercise Pill to those two guys first.

If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, it is convenient to take it to the woods for training.

Wang Wang Wang...

As soon as Chen Yang yelled, barking came from the backyard immediately.

Chen Yang hurried through the inner room and went to the backyard, and saw Wangcai yelling around the peach tree again.

Brother Diao was still the same as usual, standing tall on the peach tree, like a lonely king.

Chen Yang has become accustomed to this, so he didn't care about it.

He directly took out two pills from his pocket and threw them away.

"Come on, let's eat."

Wangcai jumped into the air, Brother Diao dived, and each swallowed one.

Then the two immediately returned to the nest contentedly and digested.

After finishing these two guys, Chen Yang turned around and went to the kitchen to bring out a bucket of water, then went outside to the car, and moved the fertilizer he bought in the county yesterday to the backyard.

Logically speaking, the yard is full of wild herbs, and fertilization has little effect.

But Chen Yang was still a little worried that these herbs could not adapt to the soil here, so he still thought it would be better to fertilize them.

Anyway, no matter what, it will definitely be more or less useful.

So Chen Yang mixed the fertilizer with water and sprinkled it on the medicine field.

While he was spouting, Wu Kexin came over suddenly.

"Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

Wu Kexin looked at Chen Yang who was fertilizing, and asked suspiciously.

Chen Yang looked back when he heard the voice, and when he saw Wu Kexin, he explained with a smile: "I'm fertilizing. I've reclaimed two medicine fields and planted some herbs in the past two days."

"Oh, like this."

Wu Kexin walked outside the fence, took a look at the herbs, and then asked Chen Yang if he needed help.

"No, I'll be fine soon, don't get your hands dirty."

Chen Yang waved his hand, and then asked: "By the way, why did you come to me suddenly? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, didn't you entrust me to find the land for the construction of the pharmaceutical factory for you yesterday? I have already found it, and I want to go to the site with you to have a look. If there is no problem, we will sign a contract." Wu Kexin nodded and said.

The land belongs to the village, not Wu Kexin's private property, so if Chen Yang wants to use it, he must go through a formal process and need to contract it.

Chen Yang naturally understood this truth.

"Oh, well, just wait for me a moment, I'll be fine soon."

Chen Yang also nodded, and then quickly sprinkled all the fertilizer in the bucket, washed his hands, and went out with Wu Kexin to see the land.

Because of the particularity of the pharmaceutical factory, Wu Kexin chose a relatively remote place, but it is more convenient to go up and down the mountain, so it is also suitable for collecting medicine for workers in the future.

Wu Kexin knew that the reason why Chen Yang chose to build a pharmaceutical factory was because of Dashan's unique and favorable conditions.

It would be a pity not to use the herbs that are everywhere in the mountains.

So she thought it would be most appropriate to place it on the edge of the mountain.

In this regard, Chen Yang also felt the same way.

"The location is pretty good, but there is one downside. There is no road. When the factory opens, there will be a lot of traffic. It will be very inconvenient without a road." Chen Yang said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. When the time comes, just take a road from the main road of the village. If you don't want to contribute, I will find a way to help you go to the town to apply. Maybe the town can help out with the money. "Wu Kexin nodded, and then came up with a solution.

When Chen Yang heard Wu Kexin's words, he couldn't help but smile.

"Let's just say goodbye. I'm ashamed to keep asking the town for help. The school construction only gave 100 million." Chen Yang said with some embarrassment. He was really embarrassed to keep asking the town for money.

But Wu Kexin didn't think so.

"Chen Yang, you are wrong to think so. You have made such a great contribution to the village, helped the village boost the economy, and led everyone to get rich together. The town really wants to give you some assistance policies. This is all It should be, what are you thinking, you think the mayor paid for you personally." Wu Kexin couldn't help but said with a smile.

When Chen Yang heard Wu Kexin's words, he immediately felt that it made sense.

This is indeed in line with the conditions for attracting investment, and it is indeed normal for the town to provide some assistance policies.

And generally this kind of money is paid by the county, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Chen Yang figured it out immediately: "Haha, what you said is true, then please help me to apply for it when the time comes, and it will save a little bit."

"Well, don't worry, I will help you deal with this matter."

Wu Kexin nodded her head, then continued to walk forward without saying a word.

But Chen Yang felt warm in his heart, Wu Kexin had helped him a lot.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is a good wife!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang chuckled, and didn't say anything more. There is no need to say thank you for the relationship between the two, it's too polite.

Afterwards, the two came to the selected land.

The site is located near the old pagoda tree forest.

This area is relatively remote. If the factory is built, it will definitely not disturb the life of the village. Moreover, this location is more convenient to go up the mountain, so it is a very suitable place.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin wandered around for several times, and finally they both nodded with satisfaction.

"The location of this land is quite suitable, so that's it."

Chen Yang nodded and said.

"Okay then, I'll write you a contract when I go back, and you can sign and pay the money when the time comes."

"Then let's write now, don't make another trip." Chen Yang said.

"Alright, let's go then."

Wu Kexin nodded, and then went back to the village office with Chen Yang to get a contract.

The land was contracted to Chen Yang to build a pharmaceutical factory, and the contract period was set to the highest.

After finishing all these, it was getting late, so Chen Yang didn't go back, and had lunch with Wu Kexin at the village head.

"Chen Yang, what are you planning to do in the afternoon?" Wu Kexin suddenly asked Chen Yang what his plans were in the afternoon while eating.

"It's nothing, what's the matter, you have something to do with me?" Chen Yang thought Wu Kexin had something to do when he heard that.

Wu Kexin smiled lightly and shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm just asking you casually."

"Oh, well, I have nothing to do in the afternoon and plan to go for a walk in the mountains. If you need anything, just call me." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Wu Kexin nodded and stopped talking.

After eating, the two of them sat and rested for a while, then Wu Kexin went upstairs to work, while Chen Yang went back to the medical center, took Brother Diao and Wangcai to go out for training.

(End of this chapter)

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