Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 827 Extortion

Chapter 827 Extortion

dong dong dong...

While Chen Yang was thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the stairwell.

Chen Yang and Yang Caiyun looked over at the same time, and saw a waiter in the store running up panting, and said out of breath: "Madam boss, it's not good, a group of people came downstairs to make trouble, let us You pay liquidated damages."

"Huh? Liquidated damages?"

Yang Caiyun was very surprised when she heard what the man said.

"Yes, that group of people came aggressively, and none of them were good." The man said in a panic.

Yang Caiyun was completely stunned at this moment, not knowing what happened at all.

Chen Yang was also taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Yang Caiyun paid liquidated damages.

"Sister, who did you break the contract with?"

Chen Yang asked in surprise.

Yang Caiyun replied even more surprised: "I haven't, I haven't even signed a contract with anyone."

"Haven't signed a contract? How come?"

Chen Yang thought for a while: "Go, go down and have a look."


With Chen Yang here, Yang Caiyun didn't panic at all, because she knew that as long as Chen Yang was here, nothing would happen.

So she followed Chen Yang and the buddy downstairs.

When I came downstairs, I immediately heard a group of people shouting in the restaurant.

When I walked to the door, I saw a group of gangsters making trouble.

"Let your proprietress come out quickly. We must give an explanation for this matter today, otherwise this small shop will not be able to keep."

"Damn it, don't you guys have mobile phones? Call your lady boss now! Fuck!"

"A group of idiots still come out to work? Is Yang Caiyun also an idiot? Hire you?"


The gangsters kept shouting.

When Yang Caiyun heard these words, she immediately became angry and rushed out.

"What are you talking about? Can you keep your mouth clean?"

When the gangsters saw someone resisting, they immediately became angry, but when they looked up and saw Yang Caiyun, their anger turned into a sneer.

"Hey, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Mrs. Yang."

The gangster said in a strange way.

Yang Caiyun walked up to the gangster with an angry face, and reprimanded loudly: "What are you doing? Are you smashing up the shop in broad daylight? Believe it or not, I called the police."

"Haha, okay, you report it, and you save our phone bills." The gangster smiled slightly, not afraid of Yang Caiyun's threat to call the police.

At the same time, he also sneered and said, "We didn't come here to smash up the shop, but to ask you for a breach of contract fee and compensation. You see, the police are here, and they are helping you."

The gangsters can't be arrogant, it seems that it makes sense for them to come to the door like this.

"Breach of contract plus compensation? I don't know you at all, do I? Let alone have any contracts with you." Yang Caiyun said very puzzled.

"Hehe, Boss Yang, it's true that you don't know us, but you can't help but know Boss Xiao, right?" the gangster said with a slight smile.

When Yang Caiyun heard about Boss Xiao, his face immediately changed.

"Baldy Xiao? Did he send you here?"

"That's right, Boss Xiao asked us to come."

The gangsters directly and generously admitted.

Yang Caiyun also smiled: "I know Xiao Tuzi and have worked together, but there is no contract."

"Oh? You said there is no contract, so there is no contract?"

As soon as Yang Caiyun finished speaking, Xiao Tuzi's voice sounded outside the door.

Hearing Baldy Xiao's voice, those gangsters consciously moved out of the way, allowing Baldy Xiao to come to the front.

This bald man Xiao is the bald man he met in the fishing village at noon, and also Yang Caiyun's former partner!

"Yang Caiyun, you are such a noble person, you forget things. You have forgotten the contract you signed with me? The business is too big, so it's gone?" Baldy Xiao walked to the front and said loudly.

When Yang Caiyun heard this, she immediately became unstoppable.

"Baldy Xiao, you have to be a man of conscience. When did you sign a contract with me?"

"Don't admit it? Hehe, I have evidence!"

Xiao Tuzi sneered, and directly took out a few documents from his satchel: "This is the contract between you and me. It is clearly written on it. We are a cooperative contracting relationship. All the fish in your river fish restaurant belong to me." The contract period is five years, you can see for yourself."

Xiao Tuzi spoke righteously, and Xiao said that there was something to be said.

Seeing his attitude, Yang Caiyun was a little dazed and doubted herself.

Did he really sign the contract and forget about it?

Yang Caiyun was a little confused, so she reached out to accept the contract, and then carefully read it a few times.

The content of the contract above is nothing fancy, just some basic contract terms.

Interesting is the signature below.

The handwriting is completely different, and there is even a slight ink feeling to the touch. It is obvious that the contract has just been made, and the handwriting is not even dry.

Yang Caiyun couldn't help laughing, and at the same time showed it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also laughed when he saw the dry handwriting.

"What are you laughing at? It's written in black and white, don't you want to admit it?" Baldy Xiao said loudly.

"Boss Yang, we are reasonable people. You have a good attitude now, and we can still talk about it, but if things get serious, I'm afraid it won't be good for anyone." The gangster also said aside.

Although Yang Caiyun has seen through these people's tricks, she doesn't want to expose them directly.

"Oh, you guys want to talk, don't you? Then tell me about your conditions, I'll listen." Yang Caiyun said.

When Baldy Xiao saw what Yang Caiyun said, he thought he had succeeded.

So he said very bluntly: "It's very simple, you have two ways to go now. First, continue to perform the contract, but the price will be as I am now, 13 yuan a catty."

"Secondly, you are in breach of the contract. Pay me a breach of contract fee of 5 yuan, plus 30 yuan in damages. This matter is over, and it will have nothing to do with each other in the future."

"that's it?"

"Well, that's all."

Baldy Xiao nodded.

Yang Caiyun burst out laughing immediately after listening to it, with a playful expression on her face.

Xiao Baldzi was still proud at first, but when he saw Yang Caiyun laughing, his expression immediately turned cold again.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm joking?"

Baldy Xiao asked coldly.

Yang Caiyun stopped laughing, and scolded: "Xiao Tuzi, of course I am laughing at your whimsy, and just relying on a forged contract to blackmail me? Do you believe I will call the police?"

Xiao Baldzi felt guilty for a while, and was a little flustered when he heard the word call the police.

However, the gangster on the side was not too flustered, and still had a calm face.

"Huh? Call the police? What do you mean, that you don't plan to admit it?" the gangster said coldly.

"I have never signed such a contract at all, why should I accept it?" Yang Caiyun said seriously without any fear.

"Hehe, good, good, then don't blame me for being rude."

The gangster sneered again, then turned his head and said directly: "Brothers, please go ahead, take whatever you like! I will smash everything you don't like!"

"it is good!"

As soon as the gangster gave an order, the other gangsters behind him immediately started to move, each of them took out their things, and they were about to smash and rob them!

At this tense moment, Chen Yang naturally stepped forward!

(End of this chapter)

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