Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 828 Take it all away

Chapter 828 Take it all away

"I see who dares!"

Chen Yang roared loudly, and everyone on the scene was shocked.

Those restless gangsters were also stunned by this momentum.

"Damn it, it's really embarrassing to you, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The gangster turned into anger from embarrassment, took out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed towards Chen Yang.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Chen Yang dodged directly, and when the dagger passed by, he raised his hand and grabbed the gangster's arm.

"Ah You!"

The gangster saw that he was caught, and couldn't help being startled. Just as he was about to react and dodge, Chen Yang raised his leg and kicked him, directly kicking him away.


The gangster spat blood from his head and mouth, and flew out, hitting a large number of gangsters.

Seeing Chen Yang being so aggressive, the other gangsters immediately panicked.

Everyone turned around in fright and wanted to run away!

"I see who dares to go!"

Chen Yang shouted again, yelling at everyone, no one dared to move anymore.

"Go and close the shop door, don't even think about leaving today."

After scolding the gangster, Chen Yang turned around and said to a guy in the store.

The guy was also quite frightened by this scene, and his body trembled a little.

"Okay... okay, Boss Chen."

The man walked slowly to the door and closed the shop door.

The gangsters were in a panic, and now they saw that the escape route was also blocked, and they were even more panicked.

More than a dozen people were trembling with fear from Chen Yang alone.

"Brother, we're just collecting money to occupy the venue, we're not really going to target you, please let us go."

"Yeah, brother, we really just came here to support the scene, there is really no other meaning, we know we are wrong."

Some even begged Chen Yang for mercy and confessed.

"Suppose a scene? I didn't do anything just now, so you are going to grab it? Let me tell you, don't even think about leaving today! Wait for the police to deal with you!" Chen Yang didn't want to let go of any of these people, so he took them directly. He took out his cell phone and called the police.

"Don't, brother, we know we were wrong, please give us a chance to succeed?"

"If you call the police, we will destroy it, brother, give you a chance, and we will give you all the money."


Seeing Chen Yang call the police, the hooligans couldn't stand anymore. They knew exactly what they would face when the police came, so they all begged Chen Yang for mercy.

But begging for mercy was useless, Chen Yang had no intention of letting them go.

"If I knew today, why bother? Wait for the police to come and deal with it." Chen Yang said firmly.

The gangsters panicked first, then begged for mercy.

Seeing that Chen Yang refused to let them go, his heart began to become ruthless again.

A dozen or so people made eye contact, and then picked up the guy who was thrown on the ground, and wanted to fight Chen Yang.

"Are you looking for death?" Chen Yang noticed the intention of these people, and his face turned cold immediately.

But those gangsters ignored him.

"Brothers, let's fix him as a fugitive, or we'll have to finish the game when the police come." One of the gangsters shouted loudly.

The other gangsters also collectively responded, and then all raised their weapons and killed Chen Yang.

"court death."

Chen Yang originally wanted to hand over these gangsters to the police, but they insisted on seeking death, so Chen Yang would not be polite!

A dozen gangsters are scary in the eyes of others, but in Chen Yang's eyes, there is no difference between a hundred and one!

Chen Yang disappeared instantly.

bang bang bang...

A few seconds later, when he reappeared, more than a dozen gangsters fell to the ground, all seriously injured, lying on the ground crying.

Everyone at the scene was stunned after watching this scene.

The guy in the store, Yang Caiyun, is all of them.

But Baldy Xiao was so frightened that he peed directly...

He originally wanted to bully Yang Caiyun, a loner, who knew that there was such a ruthless person as Chen Yang, who would strike so fiercely.

This is lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.


Baldy Xiao knelt down.

"This big brother... please let me go."

Chen Yang didn't answer, but walked up to Baldy Xiao, and slapped him directly, making him find his teeth all over the place.

"Go in and reflect on it."

Chen Yang slapped Baldy Xiao spitting blood, but he was still strong and wanted to beg for mercy, and wanted to speak nicely to Chen Yang when he got up.

beep beep...

Just at this time, the police had already arrived, and the alarm bell rang outside.

"Pull the door open."

Hearing the voice, Chen Yang said to the shop assistant.


The man ran to open the door in a daze.

"Who are you to call the police?"

The door opened and a man in uniform walked in.

"it's me."

Chen Yang walked up and said.

Hearing the words, the policeman glanced at Chen Yang, and then scanned the store again, seeing dozens of people lying and crying in the store, his eyes flashed with surprise.

But he quickly calmed down, and turned around to ask Chen Yang: "What happened?"

"Uh...it's like this." Chen Yanggang wanted to explain in detail what happened here.

But he never thought that Baldy Xiao would crawl over suddenly, and the villain would file a complaint first.

"Comrade policeman, comrade policeman, you must decide for us." Baldy Xiao said loudly with blood in his mouth.

The policeman looked at Baldy Xiao, meaning to let him speak.

"Comrade policeman, we came to ask for a breach of contract fee. They don't tell you, and they beat people. You have to make decisions for us." Like a bully.

"Comrade policeman, don't listen to his nonsense, it's like this." Yang Caiyun couldn't stand Xiao Baldzi's nonsense, so she hurried out to explain.

"It was they who falsified the contract and came to blackmail. If the blackmail failed, they wanted to smash the store, and then we were forced to defend ourselves to become what we are now. We have surveillance in the store as evidence."

After finishing speaking, Yang Caiyun handed the forged contract to the police: "This is the contract they forged to blackmail us."

What Yang Caiyun said was well-founded and even showed evidence, so the police naturally believed Yang Caiyun more.

But this kind of thing still needs to pay attention to evidence, so he didn't rush to express his opinion. Instead, he first read the forged contract, and then went to the store to check the monitoring. After confirming what happened, they directly investigated Xiao Tuzi and others Arrested.

Seeing Baldy Xiao and more than a dozen gangsters being taken away, Yang Caiyun couldn't be happier.

The guys in the store also breathed a sigh of relief.

But it's not over yet.

"It was you who beat them, right?" The policeman suddenly walked up to Chen Yang and said.

"Well, it's me."

Chen Yang nodded.

A hint of admiration and appreciation flashed in the policeman's eyes.

Appreciate Chen Yang's skill.

"Okay, then please come with us and make a simple record." The policeman said.

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded directly, but when Yang Caiyun saw that the police were going to take Chen Yang away, she panicked immediately.

He hurried up and asked, "Comrade policeman, why did you take him away? He didn't break any law."

"Hehe, lady boss, don't get me wrong. We brought this comrade not because he broke the law, but because he went back to assist in the investigation. He will be back soon." The policeman explained.

"Oh, so, can I go with him then?"

When she heard that nothing was wrong, Yang Caiyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

"of course can."

The policeman nodded, then took Chen Yang and Yang Caiyun into the car, and went to a nearby police station to make some simple records.

(End of this chapter)

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