Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 826 Old Classmates

Chapter 826

The bald man froze in place for a few seconds, then his expression became ugly, and he cursed at the back of the car: "Bitch, fuck me? I have plenty of opportunities to make you cry."


In the car.

After leaving the village, Yang Caiyun was in a particularly good mood.

The business deal was concluded, and the bald man was even mocked, which was simply not too pleasant.

"Yangzi, I feel that you are my luck. It turned out that I wandered around here for more than an hour, but I couldn't find a suitable one. I didn't expect that I would find one and make a deal as soon as you came." Yang Caiyun looked at excitedly. Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words: "Haha, it's just a coincidence, you're lucky if I'm here."

"I feel like it is."

Yang Caiyun laughed.


Chen Yang smiled and nodded, but did not continue.

Instead, he concentrated on observing the surrounding environment, and then slowly drove the car into a hidden ravine and parked on the lawn.

Seeing that Yang Caiyun suddenly deviated from the road and came to the ravine, her face became very surprised.

"Yangzi, where is this? Why did you drive here suddenly? What's the matter?" Yang Caiyun didn't realize anything at this time.

But when she turned her head and saw the smirk on Chen Yang's face, she understood immediately.

"You kid, you are too unscrupulous. What if someone comes in broad daylight?"

Yang Caiyun's eyes were like water, she was extremely shy.

The whole person is like a ripe peach, extremely attractive.

People can't help but want to take a bite.

"Sister, I checked everything on the way here. Don't worry if there is no one around." Chen Yang said suppressing the anger in his heart.

Yang Caiyun is very mature, so she is not as shy as Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi when it comes to such things.

Knowing that no one would come, she acquiesced directly.


An hour later, the faint moaning completely stopped.

In the car, Yang Caiyun was lying in Chen Yang's arms flushed and satisfied.

"Sister, how do you feel? Is it better than at home? More exciting?" Chen Yang looked down at the extremely charming Yang Caiyun and asked.

Yang Caiyun blushed and nodded: "Well... it's better."

"Haha, I can experience more in the future." Chen Yang laughed.

Yang Caiyun rolled her eyes at Chen Yang when she heard the words: "Bad boy, you will enjoy it."

"Sister, what you said is wrong, don't you enjoy it too?"

When Yang Caiyun heard this, her face turned red again, but she didn't say anything, but left Chen Yang's arms, and found clothes in the car.

"Yangzi, it's getting late, let's go back first, the store's business should pick up, and I should go back and take a look." Yang Caiyun said.

"it is good."

Chen Yang also knew that it was getting late, so he found his clothes and put them on without any delay, and returned to the driver's cab, then quickly returned to the Heyu restaurant with Yang Caiyun.

When the two came back, it was already meal time, so the business in the store was booming.

As soon as she came back, Yang Caiyun didn't even have time to sit down, so she immediately went to the front desk, and the kitchen began to direct the work.

Chen Yang was not idle when he saw this, and he also helped to serve the dishes.

"Hey, you... are you Chen Yang?"

When Chen Yang served the dishes, he was suddenly recognized by a guest.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang raised his head and took a look: "Hey, Qian Long! What a coincidence, why are you here?"

The man who stopped Chen Yang was Chen Yang's high school classmate, Qian Long.

Since graduating from high school, Chen Yang rarely interacted with his former classmates, so it was a bit of a surprise to meet them here.

And so is Qianlong.

"I just came back from the city in the past two days. I heard that the food is good, so I came here to try it. You..." Qian Long finished talking about himself excitedly, then looked Chen Yang up and down, and said, "Where are you now? Be a server?"

"I... er, sort of, sort of."

Chen Yang wanted to explain, but he felt that it was unnecessary. If you are a waiter, you should be a waiter.

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

There was a slight change on Qian Long's face when he heard the words, but there was no other meaning, and Chen Yang felt a little relieved when he saw this.

Because this classmate is not as snobbish as the others.

"Hehe, it's pretty good."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and then said: "By the way, what are you doing now? Judging by your clothes, you shouldn't be a bad mess, right?"

Hearing this, Qian Long smiled proudly: "I'm okay, and now I'm working as a manager of a real estate company in the city, and my income is barely enough to make ends meet."

"Oh, that's good, you guys eat first, I'll be busy, if you need anything, just shout."

Chen Yang originally wanted to chat more with his old classmates, but this occasion was a bit inappropriate, so he thought about chatting next time he had a chance.

"Okay, no problem, you go ahead."

Qian Long nodded with a smile, then Chen Yang left the table and continued to help other places.

When passing by the front desk, Chen Yang greeted the front desk and gave Qian Long a [-]% discount.

The front desk also knew Chen Yang, so he nodded and agreed without saying anything.

Soon, the noon peak passed.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the store, Chen Yang didn't continue to help out, but went upstairs for dinner with Yang Caiyun.

Now that there are more people in the store, Yang Caiyun doesn't have to be so busy, so she can eat on time.

In the past, lunch was usually eaten at two or three in the afternoon, and dinner was not until nine in the evening.

Chen Yang and Yang Caiyun were eating when the staff at the front desk came up suddenly.

"Xiao Zou, what's the matter? Is there something?"

Chen Yang said.

Xiao Zou nodded: "Boss Chen, that classmate of yours, let me convey a word to you."

"Oh, what?"

Chen Yang immediately asked.

"He said that there will be a reunion in the class the day after tomorrow, so he wants you to go there too, so that we can get together and catch up on the old days." Xiao Zou said.

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded: "Okay, I understand."

After Xiao Zou finished speaking, he went down.

Yang Caiyun asked, "Yangzi, what kind of classmate is that guest today?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Students from high school, I used to play pretty well, but I haven't had much contact since I went to college."

"Oh, so, are you planning to go to the class reunion?" Yang Caiyun asked curiously.

"Go, of course, I haven't seen you for so many years, catch up with my classmates." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Normally, Chen Yang wouldn't go to this kind of party, but Qian Long gave him a good feeling today, so he wanted to go and have a look.

After all, it is an old classmate, and it is also a good choice to catch up on the old days.

"Hehe, then you should be the best in your class. When the female students in the class know your current daily income, I'm afraid they will regret it." Yang Caiyun suddenly laughed and teased.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and didn't say anything, but a person's face appeared in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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