Chapter 814

"Well, it is indeed prettier than usual."

Chen Yang nodded and said.

"Haha, look, I told you, I didn't flatter you." Yang Ruoxi raised her mouth, looking very playful and cute.

When Wu Kexin heard both of them say this, the smile on his face became even wider.

Can that girl refuse others to say that she is good-looking?

"Haha, okay, I know you're telling the truth, you look good today too." Wu Kexin smiled and complimented Yang Ruoxi, and then dragged Yang Ruoxi into Chen Yang's car like a sister.

Seeing that the two of them got along like sisters, Chen Yang was naturally very happy in his heart.

He smiled, then started the car, turned around and drove to the county seat.

On the way to the county seat, Chen Yang was almost not qualified to interrupt.

Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin were sitting in the back row, chattering vigorously, completely ignoring Chen Yang.


It's like he doesn't exist at all.

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly and concentrated on driving.

After about four to ten minutes, Chen Yang took the two girls back to the county seat.

After entering the county seat, Chen Yang immediately called Li Han to discuss where to eat.

Unexpectedly, Li Han was already waiting at the reserved hotpot restaurant.

"Okay, then wait for us a moment, we will be there soon."

After Chen Yang learned the specific address, he hung up the phone, and then drove the car towards the hot pot restaurant where Li Han was.

The hot pot restaurant where Li Han works is the hottest in the county, and also the chain of the hottest hot pot restaurants in the country, so it is very famous, and Chen Yang can go there without a navigation.

After another 10 minutes, Chen Yang drove to the door of the hot pot restaurant.

"That's it, get out of the car."

Chen Yang turned around and said something to the two women, then he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi glanced outside after hearing the words, and then walked down together.

"Eat hot pot."

After getting off the car, Yang Ruoxi looked up at the signboard and said.

"Yes, your sister chose it. She is already waiting for us inside." Chen Yang nodded with a smile.

"OK then."

Yang Ruoxi didn't want to eat hot pot at first, because she and Wu Kexin both wore white clothes, fearing that they would get dirty.

But Li Han was already waiting inside, so they had no choice but to go in.

Chen Yang took Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi into the store, and then, led by the waiter, found where Li Han was.

"Wow, Kexin, you look really good today, right?" Li Han saw Wu Kexin's expression, which was exactly the same as that of Yang Ruoxi.

"Really? Ruoxi said the same thing just now." Wu Kexin said happily.

"Really, you look very good-looking today." Li Han nodded seriously, and said with certainty.

"Haha, look, I told you I wasn't flattering, but sister Kexin, you really look good today." Yang Ruoxi also said with a smile at this time.

"Haha, well, I've wronged you!"

Wu Kexin smiled and stroked Yang Ruoxi's hair, then sat down.

The three girls had a very good relationship, and they worked together, but Chen Yang could only sit across from each other.

"Hey, how are you doing? Let me sit here alone." Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Hmph, that's pretty good. Is it possible that you're a big man and still afraid?" Yang Ruoxi gave Chen Yang a playful look.

Li Han and Wu Kexin smiled and agreed at the same time: "That's right, it's fine for you to sit there alone, and the three of us sit here."

Looking at the three sisters who were sisters, Chen Yang had no choice but to admit his cowardice with a smile: "All right, all right, all of you, please sit down, I will do this by myself."

"Hmph, that's about it."

Yang Ruoxi snorted triumphantly, then turned to Li Han and asked, "Sister, haven't you ordered yet?"

"No, I've already ordered it. I'm just afraid that you guys will be late, so they won't be served."

Li Han shook his head and answered Yang Ruoxi, then immediately called the waiter to serve the food.

"Ok ma'am, just a moment."

The waiter replied politely, and immediately went to greet people to serve the food.

Within a few minutes, the dishes began to be served.

Yang Ruoxi was very surprised to see all kinds of dishes served.

"Sister, there are so many dishes, can we finish eating?" Yang Ruoxi said in surprise.

"That's right, Li Han, this is a bit too much. The four of us will definitely not be able to finish it, so let's take some time off." Wu Kexin also felt that he couldn't finish it.

But Li Han said that there is no need to retreat: "It's okay, if you can't finish eating, eat slowly. It's hard to get together and eat slowly. If you really can't finish eating, there is still Chen Yang, just let him eat."

Li Han suddenly gave a smirk, and his idea went directly to Chen Yang.

Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi originally wanted to retire, but when they heard that Chen Yang was here, they immediately agreed with a smile.

"Okay, that's all."


Chen Yang was speechless, but he didn't say anything.

These dishes are a little too much, but a few people can still eat them slowly, even if they can't finish them, there will not be much left.

When the dishes are ready, everyone will be impolite.

Immediately start to put the food in the hot pot.

On the way to order the dishes, the three girls chatted enthusiastically, each talking about their own situation, just like old friends they haven't seen for a long time.

Naturally, Chen Yang couldn't get in on the topic of their women, so he lowered his head to eat and listened to what they said.

It wasn't until the three of them chatted about work that Chen Yang barely spoke.

"By the way, Chen Yang, have you checked the situation at the school? Has the old teaching building been demolished? Is the foundation being dug now?" Li Han looked at Chen Yang and asked.

Chen Yang saw that the topic was on himself, so he put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Well, the school has been demolished, and the foundation should be being dug now. I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I didn't see it for two days."

Chen Yang answered truthfully.

Li Han rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"You don't even bother with the school's construction. The foundation is very important, and it must reach a certain depth." Li Han said a little speechlessly.

Chen Yang chuckled: "I'm very relieved about your construction team, they probably won't mess around."

"Yeah, Li Han, there shouldn't be any problem. If you really want to play tricks, Chen Yang can't just stay there and watch." At this time, Wu Kexin unexpectedly stood up and said something to Chen Yang .

Usually these three girls are of one mind, it's too late to criticize Chen Yang.

"Well, that's true, but we still need to look at the project more. After all, the project is tens of millions, so we can't be careless." Li Han nodded, and said solemnly.

"Well, I will."

Chen Yang also knew what Li Han said was reasonable, so he didn't continue to say anything, and nodded in agreement with Li Han's statement.

When the topic came to school, Wu Kexin also remembered something.

"By the way, I forgot if Li Han didn't mention the school."

Wu Kexin raised his head and looked at Chen Yang: "I have been helping you apply for the originally agreed fund during this period of time. There has been a lot of progress in the past few days, and the above finally agreed to allocate the fund. It should be done in a few days." to your account."


Chen Yang was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't react immediately.

After thinking for a while, I remembered that when I was building the school, the town promised to apply for 100 million support funds.

But later, because Director Yan objected, no one took this matter to heart.

After all, it would be great to be able to approve the documents. How can you expect the county to issue this kind of support money?

(End of this chapter)

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