Chapter 813

"Ruoxi, your classmate is fine, much better than those in the last class reunion." Chen Yang said with a smile after getting into the car.

Yang Ruoxi's cheeks were flushed, but she was still conscious.

"Yeah, I think so too. I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect to meet you here." Yang Ruoxi smiled and nodded. She felt good about Lin Hui, especially after the last class reunion. things.

"Where are we going now? You are blushing, why don't you find a place to rest, how about continuing at night?" Chen Yang laughed and suggested.

As soon as Yang Ruoxi heard the rest, she immediately sat up straight, and the blush on her face quickly deepened.

"Rest? Where do you want to take me to rest?"

Yang Ruoxi had already realized it, but she still asked a question knowingly.

At this moment, the smirk on Chen Yang's face became even stronger.

"You'll know when you arrive, let's go."

After speaking, Chen Yang started the car directly, took Yang Ruoxi out of the suburbs, and drove towards the county town.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a fairly high-grade hotel in the county seat.

Looking at the hotel outside the window, Yang Ruoxi's face was very shy, but she didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

"Let's go, take a room to rest, and call your sister and Kexin out to get together at night. It's been a long time since we had dinner together." Chen Yang got off the car and said.


Yang Ruoxi nodded, then got out of the car and followed Chen Yang into the hotel.

Chen Yang took the documents to the front desk to go through the formalities, and after paying and getting the room card, he took Yang Ruoxi upstairs.

When entering the elevator, Chen Yang noticed that Yang Ruoxi's face was really red to the extreme at this moment. From a distance of about fifty centimeters, Chen Yang could feel the heat emanating from her face.

Chen Yang knew that it was because she was inexperienced, that's why she didn't have this kind of experience.

"Don't be shy, just like going to your sister's hotel, be natural."

Standing in the elevator, Chen Yang said with a smile.

This immediately caused Yang Ruoxi to roll her eyes, and said: "Go to my sister's hotel, do you dare to mess around?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yang immediately couldn't laugh or cry. You knew I would mess around before I entered the room?

Chen Yang really wanted to refute like this, but he thought that he would really mess up, so he just smiled and said nothing.

With a ding dong, the elevator door opened, and the two came to the corresponding room floor.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang took Yang Ruoxi's hand and walked out of the elevator. After finding the room, he swiped his card and walked in.

Although the grade of this hotel is not the best in the county, it cannot be compared with Li Han's Lin Tianxia and other elegant hotels.

But generally speaking, it is still very good. The decoration facilities inside are all very good.

Walking into the room, checking it out, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, Chen Yang immediately became dishonest, and directly gave Yang Ruoxi a wall-dong.

Although Yang Ruoxi was prepared, she never expected Chen Yang to be so quick.

"You... what are you doing..."

Yang Ruoxi's face was full of shyness, and her tone became whiny.

But it's not a contrived kind, but an inadvertent sound.

On the way Chen Yang came, his heart was burning so badly that he couldn't hold back anymore, so he printed it directly.

Yang Ruoxi struggled a little at the beginning, but got used to it after a few moments.

After the two of them warmed up for a while, Chen Yang felt that his blood was rushing, so he immediately picked up Yang Ruoxi and went into the bathroom...


In a blink of an eye, an hour and a half passed.

The flush on Yang Ruoxi's face has receded quite a bit at this time, but normally it is still relatively red.

It's just that at this time, it's the kind of natural flush, like the kind left after strenuous exercise.

"You pervert...I knew nothing good would happen."

Yang Ruoxi covered her body with the quilt, gritted her teeth and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was sitting on the sofa wearing a nightgown at this time, and couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You come here even though you know it's not good. Isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?"

Chen Yang smiled.


Yang Ruoxi was a little angry, but she snorted and did not continue to argue with Chen Yang!

Lie directly on the bed and play with the phone.

Chen Yang sat on the sofa for a while, then returned to the bed and lay down, and hugged Yang Ruoxi from behind.

Yang Ruoxi felt Chen Yang's arms wrap around her waist, and she immediately trembled as if she had been electrocuted.

Chen Yang felt the shaking, and couldn't help laughing, this is too sensitive, it's not the first time, why is he reacting so much?

Chen Yang thought so in his heart, but didn't say anything.

After drinking at noon, he wanted to rest with Yang Ruoxi in his arms.

And Yang Ruoxi fell asleep with Chen Yang after playing with her mobile phone for a while.

When the two of them woke up, it was already dark outside.

"See what time it is."

Chen Yang said.

Yang Ruoxi immediately touched the bottom of the bed twice when she heard the words, and then took out her mobile phone to take a look.

"It's six o'clock."

"That's about the same, you go and clean up, I'll contact Li Han and Ke Xin, let's come out and have a meal together." Chen Yang said.

"it is good."

This matter was settled at noon, so Yang Ruoxi nodded directly, and then got up to touch up her makeup. After sleeping, she woke up and needed to touch up some.

Chen Yang put on his clothes and went to the sofa to contact Li Han and Wu Kexin.

When they heard that they wanted to get together, they readily agreed. After all, it was true that they hadn't come out to play together for a while.

"What did my sister say to Sister Kexin?"

After Chen Yang made the phone call, Yang Ruoxi happened to come out of the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

"All agreed."

"Great, let's go now."


Chen Yang nodded, then took all the things, and went downstairs with Yang Ruoxi holding hands.

When she came downstairs, Yang Ruoxi was very shy, so she took the car keys and left first, and Chen Yang went to the front desk alone to go through the formalities.

After completing the formalities, Chen Yang walked out of the hotel and got into the car, and then drove towards Liuhe Village.

"Chen Yang, where are you going? Isn't this the way to Liuhe Village?" Yang Ruoxi looked out the window and asked in confusion.

"Yeah, let's go back to Liuhe Village first and pick up Kexin, she can't get out without a car." Chen Yang explained.

"Oh, like this."

When Yang Ruoxi heard that she was going to pick up Wu Kexin, she didn't ask any more questions, and sat quietly in the co-pilot, admiring the scenery outside.

In the middle of the night in the countryside, the scenery is very good.

Especially when the sky is dark, the breeze blows outside, and the atmosphere of the villages in the distance is lit up, it feels very good.

The two rushed to Liuhe Village silently all the way, and Wu Kexin was already ready.

Seeing Chen Yang's car parked at the door, she immediately turned off the lights and walked out with her bag.

"Sister Kexin! I haven't seen you for a few days, and you seem to have become more beautiful."

Seeing Wu Kexin, Yang Ruoxi immediately got out of the car, walked up and said.

Wu Kexin was overjoyed when she heard this, but she still said, "Ruoxi, when did you learn how to flatter?"

"Haha, Sister Kexin, I'm not flattering. If you don't believe me, ask Chen Yang if it looks good." Yang Ruoxi held Wu Kexin's arm, looked at Chen Yang and said.

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at Wu Kexin earnestly up and down.

Originally, he also thought that it was Yang Ruoxi who had a sweet mouth, but after taking a closer look, he found that Wu Kexin's outfit today really made her look better.

The pure white dress looked very holy, and Chen Yang couldn't describe that feeling.

But it is indeed more suitable for Wu Kexin, and it looks a bit better than usual.

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(End of this chapter)

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