Chapter 815

"Really? That's great. With this 100 million, the budget is a bit more generous." Chen Yang said with a little joy in his eyes.

Although 100 million yuan is not a huge amount of money to Chen Yang, after all, no matter how small an ant is, it is still meat.

And 100 million is not a small sum, it can be used for many things.

"Of course it's true. The mayor told me himself. Can he still lie to me?" Wu Kexin smiled and nodded.

"Haha, that's really great, Kexin, let me toast you."

Chen Yang smiled and picked up the water glass, substituting water for wine.

Wu Kexin smiled again, and picked up the water glass for a moment.

A few people talked and chatted, and the time for a meal passed quickly.

When the meal was almost finished, Chen Yang used the excuse to go to the toilet and bought the order.

"Let's go, the money has been paid, it's still early for us to go to other places to play?" Chen Yang returned to the table and said.

The three girls were all a little stuffed, Yang Ruoxi covered her stomach, looked up at Chen Yang and asked, "It's so late, where else can I go to play?"

Chen Yang was questioned, and he didn't know where to go, but he definitely couldn't go back to each house now, so he thought about it.

In the process of thinking, his eyes just fell on an electronic advertisement on the wall of the hot pot restaurant.

So I came up with an idea.

"Let's go to sing K. I haven't played it before. It should be interesting." Chen Yang said with a smile.


Yang Ruoxi was a little surprised, she didn't expect Chen Yang to make this proposal.

"Yeah, isn't this the right time to sing? It's just right." Chen Yang nodded.

"Well... That's true, but I'm not interested in this, what do you mean by asking sister and sister Kexin?" Yang Ruoxi also nodded, depending on her attitude, it's okay to go or not.

Chen Yang heard the words, so he looked at Li Han and Wu Kexin, meaning to see if they wanted to go.

"Well... I can do it too."

Wu Kexin said she had no opinion.

Seeing this, Li Han immediately made a decision.

"Then go, anyway, there is nothing to do at this time, and singing can also relax." Li Han said.

"Okay, let's go then."

Seeing that it was agreed, the few people didn't struggle anymore, and left the hot pot restaurant with their full stomachs straight, got into Chen Yang's car, and then found a decent ktv nearby.

"This place looks good, let's go in and have a look."

Chen Yang glanced at the facade of the ktv in the car, and felt that the decoration was not bad, and it seemed to belong to that kind of high-end place, so he decided to go here.

The three women didn't have any demands on this, and Chen Yang said it was okay, so it was okay.

"Let's go, get out of the car."

The three girls got out of the car together, followed Chen Yang into the KTV,

The three girls followed behind, and Chen Yang walked ahead alone, but others could tell that Chen Yang and the three girls were together.

In a place like ktv, good and bad people are mixed together, and there are everyone.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they all like to look at good-looking people.

Therefore, when Chen Yang walked into the ktv with the three girls, they immediately attracted a lot of attention in the hall.

All the men and women looked at Chen Yang and the three women.

The women are simply amazed by the superb looks of the three women, just like female stars.

While the men were amazed at the beauty of the three women, they all lamented in their hearts how lucky Chen Yang was to know three such beauties!

Chen Yang doesn't care about other people's eyes, as long as it doesn't offend him.

He doesn't care about anything else.

"Is there a private room? Come to a private room." Chen Yang walked straight to the front desk and said.

"Um... Sir, there are still some private rooms. What kind of private room do you need? The price list is on the wall." The front desk replied respectfully to Chen Yang, and at the same time pointed to the price list behind her.

Chen Yang looked up and found that there are still many differences in the private rooms of ktv.

After scanning around, Chen Yang lowered his head and said, "Give me a presidential bag, just four people, it's too big and boring."

Chen Yang originally wanted to keep it simple, just the four of them playing casually, a luxurious private room would be enough.

But everyone around is watching eagerly, he doesn't care, he has to think about the three women, right?

Come to the top, lest others gossip.

And this little money is nothing to him at all.

"Ok sir."

The front desk nodded respectfully, and then began to operate.

Open the private room, collect the payment, and then ask the waiter to take Chen Yang to the private room.

"Sir, please."

After the private room was opened, a male waiter came over to guide immediately.


Chen Yang nodded, then left the hall with the three girls and the waiter, and went to his private room.

When they came to the door of the private room, the waiter actively pushed the door open and invited Chen Yang and the three women to enter.

The service attitude is still very good.

The three women walked in first, while Chen Yang stayed at the door for a while.

Because Chen Yang noticed that the president's private room next door was extremely noisy, the sound of people talking, and the singing of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

However, this situation is more common in ktv. After all, there will always be people drinking too much in entertainment places, so they are unrestrained.

Chen Yang glanced at it for a few times, but didn't bother, and went straight into the private room.

After entering, the waiter helped debug the following equipment, and then asked Chen Yang if he needed some drinks.

Chen Yang heard the words and looked at the three women.

If this was normal, Yang Ruoxi would definitely be the first to stand up and ask for a drink, but she only had a drink with Chen Yang at noon, so she lost her enthusiasm.

"Uh... let's have a little, it doesn't need to be too much, just drink it as a drink."

No one commented, and finally Chen Yang just asked for some.

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

The waiter nodded with a smile, and then backed out.

"Chen Yang, now the ktv is here too, show off your singing voice quickly. Sister Kexin, I, and my sister are all looking forward to your performance." Yang Ruoxi immediately said with a smile as soon as the waiter left.

Encourage Chen Yang to sing.

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "It was a unanimous decision by everyone to come to KTV, okay? Why don't you let me sing alone, everyone come together."

"Hahahaha, whoever wants to sing with you, you must sing." Yang Ruoxi laughed.

"That's right, you should make a proof of a song first, and then everyone will sing together." Li Han also echoed.

Chen Yang really had no choice but to open his mouth with these three girls. Where did Chen Yang say that?

"Oh, well, well, getting the three of you together is simply looking for abuse." Chen Yang shook his head helplessly.

The three girls giggled when they heard this.

I feel that bullying Chen Yang and making Chen Yang speechless is very refreshing and very happy.

"Then I'll start with a good little love song, remember to applaud after the singing is over." Chen Yang walked to the karaoke stand with a smile, and ordered a song that he was good at.

"Okay, we must applaud!"

"Hahaha, we are all ears!"


Seeing that Chen Yang was really going to start singing, the three girls became excited and couldn't wait to listen.

And Chen Yang didn't answer them anymore, because at this time, the prelude of the song had already started!

Chen Yang hadn't sung for a long time, so he took advantage of the prelude to prepare well and cleared his throat by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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