Chapter 803 Rich

Wang Qingyue picked up the pill in her hand and looked at it repeatedly, her eyes full of curiosity.

It was as if he was thinking, how could this little elixir have such a miraculous effect.

She looked at it for a while, and after she couldn't see any way out, she silently put it away.

At the same time, he also took out his mobile phone and asked Chen Yang, "How much is it, I will transfer it to you."

"Hmm... just look at it."

Chen Yang didn't want to take money at first, but he is still relatively short of money at present, so he is not polite, and let Wang Qingyue look at it.


Wang Qingyue nodded, then turned on the phone and transferred 200 million to Chen Yang directly.

"The money has passed, you check it."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Chen Yang picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. He was slightly surprised when he saw that 200 million had been credited.

Because he never thought that Wang Qingyue would give him 200 million directly.

Originally, he was still thinking of hundreds of thousands, and at most it was 100 million.

This is really an accident.

But he didn't say much. Wang Qingyue must have thought it was worth it to transfer so much money by herself.

And it must be within her range.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang naturally put away his phone without saying anything.

After the rest was almost over, he went through a few tricks with Wang Qingyue.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Qingyue answered the phone and said she was leaving.

"Ah? Let's go now, didn't you say that you will stay for a few days." Chen Yang said with some surprise.

"Well, something suddenly happened to my brother, so I was asked to go back, and I will come to challenge you next time I have a chance." Wang Qingyue explained.

Wang Qingyue had business to do, so Chen Yang naturally nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, drive slowly on the road and call me anytime you need anything."


Wang Qingyue nodded her head, then went to her room to pack up her things, and then drove away from Liuhe Village.

Chen Yang watched Wang Qingyue leave, feeling a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, these days are quite lively, but suddenly he was alone, feeling a little deserted.

"Go around, I've been back for several days, and I haven't gone to see how the Gu family's project is doing."

After sending Wang Qingyue away, Chen Yang didn't go back to the clinic. Instead, he locked the door of the clinic and walked around the village a few times.

Take a look at the construction site of the Gu family mine, and go to the hare and pheasant farms.

Finally, I went to the school construction site that started yesterday.

Here, it can be said that it is the most lively place in the whole village.

Because the scale of the school that Chen Yang needs to build is large, there are the most workers here, as well as the machinery in operation.

Excavators, pile drivers, and concrete trucks roared together, and the gongs and drums were loud, very noisy.

Chen Yang heard the movement from a distance, so he walked over to have a look.

Yesterday Chen Yang witnessed the demolition of the old teaching building.

But today, I walked over to see that in the open space near the teaching building, I don't know when several temporary work sheds have been built.

Chen Yang thought it was the worker's residence, but when he walked in, he realized that it was a temporary office.

Through the cracks, one can see that the person in charge of the school construction, that is, the Manager Liu whom we met yesterday, is currently leading a group of foremen to a meeting, talking about the next plan.

Chen Yang was very relieved about the person Li Han called, so he didn't stop here, and left here after a glance, and went for a walk on the construction site.

Seeing several excavators working at the same time on the construction site, Chen Yang was very happy.

This shows that the progress of the project is very smooth, and it should not take long to enter the formal construction stage.

"I haven't seen Li Han for a long time. I'll go to the county seat sometime and have a meal together."

Looking at the construction site, Chen Yang naturally thought of Li Han, and indeed he hadn't seen him for a while.

While thinking of Li Han, he also thought of Yang Ruoxi.

The two hadn't seen each other since the last time her small shop opened.

If you think about it carefully, I'm afraid it will be more than ten days, right?

"I have to go there tomorrow to see what's going on recently."

Chen Yang thought about it for a while, then turned around and left the scene, and returned to his home.

At this time, it was already five or six o'clock in the afternoon, and when Chen Yang returned home, he also wanted to have a meeting so that he could make dinner.

But at this time, Zhang Xueying came to the door.

"Xueying, why did you come here suddenly?"

Chen Yang looked at Zhang Xueying and said.

Seeing Chen Yang's shy face, Zhang Xueying couldn't help smiling.

"Brother Chen Yang, do you have time tonight? I would like to invite you to my house for dinner." Zhang Xueying said.

Chen Yang stood up, stunned for a moment: "Why did you invite me to dinner suddenly? Is there any happy event at home?"

Zhang Xueying lowered her head shyly and shook her head twice: "No, I just want to treat you to a meal."

Chen Yang was confused by Zhang Xueying's shyness and didn't know why.

But when faced with the invitation, he didn't think too much, and agreed directly.

He was alone at home, and he didn't bother to cook, and he hadn't seen Xiaoxiao for a long time. It would be nice to go to Zhang Xueying's house for a meal.

"Well, okay, then I'll be there later."

"Yeah, then I'll leave Brother Chen Yang first."

When Zhang Xueying saw that Chen Yang agreed, the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Well, let's get busy first." Chen Yang also nodded, and then Zhang Xueying left from Chen Yang's house.

Zhang Xueying was arranged by Chen Yang to work in the canteen of the mine. It was meal time, so it was also her working time. She must not be out for too long, otherwise she would definitely be gossiped.

After Zhang Xueying left, Chen Yang thought he didn't need to cook anymore, so he went to the backyard to find Brother Diao.

I brought Brother Diao a body forging pill.

Ever since Chen Yang knew that Brother Diao's body-building pills would make his body better, he gave him one almost every day.

"It doesn't hurt to eat more anyway."

Chen Yang touched Brother Diao, and Brother Diao flew back to his nest to digest the medicine.

Chen Yang waited until 07:30 in the evening before going out to Zhang Xueying's house for the appointment.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Chen Yang walked to the door of Zhang Xueying's house.

Looking at the open door, he didn't even knock, and walked in directly.

When I walked to the hall, I found that although the lights in Zhang Xueying's house were on, there was no one there.

"Smile? Xueying?"

Chen Yang felt a little strange, so he called out twice.

At this time, Zhang Xueying, who was busy in the kitchen, ran out immediately when she heard Chen Yang's shout.

"Brother Chen Yang, you are here."

Zhang Xueying laughed.

Chen Yang also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Xueying, who was holding a spatula and wearing an apron.

It was so late at night that the lights were on but there was no one there, so he was still worried that something might happen.


He nodded, and immediately asked, "Is the old man still smiling? Why aren't you at home?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xueying paused for a moment before replying with a smile: "Brother Chen Yang, Xiaoxiao and my dad are not at home today, and we will have dinner tonight."

After speaking, Zhang Xueying drew a stool for Chen Yang and came over.

"Brother Chen Yang, sit down for a while, the food will be ready soon, please wait for me a moment."

Zhang Xueying said.


Chen Yang nodded without thinking about it.

Afterwards, Zhang Xueying went back to the kitchen to make food, and Chen Yang sat in the living room for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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