Chapter 804 Stay

After waiting for about ten minutes, Zhang Xueying came out of the kitchen with several bowls of fragrant food.

"Brother Chen Yang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I got off work a little late today, so I wasted my time." Zhang Xueying said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I just waited for a while." Chen Yang smiled lightly, not paying attention to these trivial matters.

At the same time, he looked at Zhang Xueying who was a little tired, and there was some pity in his eyes.

He knew that there were only the two of them here today, so he stood up and hugged Zhang Xueying.

Seeing Chen Yang embracing her actively, Zhang Xueying froze for a moment.

"Thank you Xueying."

Before he could react, Chen Yang whispered in her ear again.

Zhang Xueying felt as if she was going to melt at once, and she leaned on Chen Yang's body.

"Brother Chen Yang, it's not hard, it's just a meal, it should be."

Zhang Xueying said emotionally.

Chen Yang knew that he was too busy during this time, so he ignored Zhang Xueying and Xiaoxiao, and they hadn't come here for a long time.

Feeling guilty, he hugged Zhang Xueying like this for a long time.

When Zhang Xueying regained her strength, the two let go.

"Brother Chen Yang, let's eat first, it won't taste good when it gets cold later." Zhang Xueying said.

"Okay, let's eat first."

Chen Yang nodded, then pulled Zhang Xueying to sit at the table together.

Originally Zhang Xueying wanted to sit next to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang pulled her and motioned for her to sit on his lap.

Zhang Xueying blushed immediately, although the relationship between the two had already reached that point, but the process of getting along was relatively rare.

That's why Zhang Xueying was so shy.

Of course, being shy is shy, she sat on it without hesitation and lay in Chen Yang's arms.

Thinking about it carefully, the two of them haven't been together for a long time, so they both have a lot to say.

During the meal, Chen Yang chatted a lot about Xiaoxiao's recent situation.

Speaking of Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xueying also had a lot to say. She told Chen Yang about Xiaoxiao's recent situation.

After hearing that Xiaoxiao was doing well at school and was having a good time, Chen Yang felt relieved.

"It's good to be happy. If you have any problems at school, you can come to me at any time. I've been busy recently, and I've neglected you. I'm sorry, Xueying." Chen Yang said suddenly and tenderly.

I apologize to Zhang Xueying for my neglect.

When Zhang Xueying heard these words, she was immediately overwhelmed with emotion.

She knew that Chen Yang was busy, but she didn't mean to blame Chen Yang.

And now Chen Yang deliberately apologized to her because of this, didn't it prove that she was always in Chen Yang's heart, and she was also very important?

That's why she couldn't help being moved.

"Brother Chen Yang, I know you're busy, I don't blame you, you just need to remember me and smile." Zhang Xueying leaned into Chen Yang's arms and said.


Hearing this, Chen Yang hummed, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, and hugged her tightly.

The two of them warmed up again like this, and then Zhang Xueying suddenly raised her head to look at Chen Yang and said, "By the way, Brother Chen Yang, I'm looking for you today, but I still have something I want to trouble you for.|"

"what's up?"

Chen Yang immediately asked back.

"Hmm... Tomorrow Xiaoxiao's school will hold a parents' meeting, so I want you to accompany me there." Zhang Xueying replied.

"Parents meeting? Okay, let's go together tomorrow." Chen Yang agreed without thinking about it.

Smiling parent meeting, that is indeed a very important thing.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Yang." Seeing Chen Yang's decisive agreement, Zhang Xueying immediately smiled.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, without saying anything, and the two continued to eat immediately.

The warmth between the two also completely opened up the communication.

During the meal, the two were really like a couple, eating and talking about their children at home.

The two ate and chatted, and the time passed in no time.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Xueying hesitated for a while, and finally decided to grit her teeth and say, "Brother Chen Yang, don't go back tonight... sleep with me, tomorrow we can go directly to Xiaoxiao school together ?”

After speaking, she blushed immediately.

Because of this kind of thing, she said it many times, but every time the two of them failed.

The number of times she spoke, as a woman, she was naturally very embarrassed.

Chen Yang looked at the shy red glow on Zhang Xueying's face, and his heart was naturally hot.

"Well, I'm not leaving tonight."

Chen Yang agreed decisively.

When Zhang Xueying heard that Chen Yang agreed, she didn't react at the first moment, and after a few seconds, she showed joy on her face.

Then he lay in Chen Yang's arms again...

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Chen Yang woke up at Zhang Xueying's house and didn't go back. He just washed and had breakfast at Zhang Xueying's house.

Then the two of them went back to the hospital and drove together, preparing to attend the parent meeting with Xiaoxiao.

With the experience of last night, today's Zhang Xueying's temperament has changed significantly.

With a smile on his face, he looked like he was several years younger.

It doesn't look like a young woman who has given birth to a child at all.

"Xueying, get in the car first and wait for me. I'll go in and change my clothes. It's a little shameful in the past." Walking to the entrance of the medical center, Chen Yang opened the car door and said.

Zhang Xueying took a look at Chen Yang after hearing the words, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what Chen Yang was wearing.

But she still nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you, Brother Chen Yang."

After speaking, she got into the car, Chen Yang also nodded, and then took out the key to open the door and walked in.

In fact, Chen Yang didn't think there was any problem with what he was wearing, it was just that he wanted to change into a clean one.

At the same time, I also want to go to the backyard to see Brother Diao and Wangcai.

He changed his clothes in the room first, and then went to the backyard.

Brother Diao was still lying on his stomach in the nest, when Chen Yang called out, he rushed out ferociously and landed on the peach tree beside Chen Yang.

Seeing Brother Diao getting more and more fierce and his physique getting better and better, Chen Yang was satisfied in his eyes.

With such a guy at home, he can rest assured when he goes out.


After calling out Brother Diao, Chen Yang immediately yelled at Wangcai's kennel.

This guy, Wangcai, still looks like a bird as usual, listless, as if his body is so weak.

Originally, Chen Yang had already gotten used to this guy's appearance, but compared with Brother Diao, Chen Yang really couldn't describe it in words.

"You guy, what's the matter? Why are you always doing this in broad daylight?"

Chen Yang really wanted to go up and give Wangcai a kick, but after thinking about it, forget it.

"Here, one for each of you! Stay at home after eating. I'll go out for a while. Take care of your home."

Chen Yang took out two body forging pills from his pocket and threw them to Brother Diao and Wangcai.

(End of this chapter)

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