Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 802 Be a sparring partner

Chapter 802


When Wangcai heard the reprimand, he let out a pitiful cry.

Seeing this, Chen Yang thought that this guy was sick, so he squatted down and checked it.

But it didn't find anything wrong with its body.

"What's wrong with you? You are so depressed every day." Chen Yang was very puzzled.

But this guy Wangcai couldn't speak, he just kept screaming.

Chen Yang also couldn't understand what this guy was talking about.

But looking at its gestures, Chen Yang suddenly remembered, it seems that the benefits promised to this guy yesterday have not been given to it.

"Are you seeking benefits from me, right?" Chen Yang thought of this, and immediately asked.

Wang Wang!

Wangcai nodded affirmatively.

Only then did Chen Yang understand what it meant, and it turned out to be like this.

Knowing what this guy meant, Chen Yang didn't even think about it, and directly took out a body forging pill from his pocket, and threw it to it.

"No, this is your benefit."


Wangcai leaped into the air again, swallowed the Exercise Pill in one gulp, and went back to his nest contentedly.

"This guy, I really don't know what he's doing at night, he's always so sluggish during the day."

When Chen Yang saw Wangcai, his spirit didn't improve after taking the Exercise Pill, so his curiosity arose in his heart.

Thinking in my heart, I have to find a chance to stare at it at night to see what it is doing.

After standing still and thinking about it for a while, he left the backyard and went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

What I ate at noon was the rabbit meat from last night.

The two rabbits Brother Diao caught yesterday were quite big, so they only ate half of them last night, and there were still some left today, so Chen Yang took advantage of the trend and fried them.

After finishing the lunch, Chen Yang called Wang Qingyue to eat with him.

After eating, Wang Qingyue asked Chen Yang if there was anything wrong this afternoon, and if not, he would accompany her to fight and fight with her.

"It should be fine. If you want to practice, you can play."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then it's a deal!" Wang Qingyue immediately became happy when she saw that Chen Yang agreed.

When Chen Yang saw it, he felt a little helpless.

I thought to myself, why does a girl like to do things all the time?Wouldn't it be nice to be a lady?

But then again.

Wang Qingyue has a personality like this. If she is really a lady, she will lose some fun.

"Then I'll prepare first and let you rest for half an hour! I'll meet you in half an hour!" Wang Qingyue excitedly said to Chen Yang, then ran into the room and locked the door behind her.

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head.

"It's just a casual discussion, and you need to make special preparations? What is this for?"

Chen Yang was a little puzzled, but he ignored her. He got up and went to the backyard alone to check on Wangcai's situation.

When cooking just now, Chen Yang gave this guy a body training pill, and it is still digesting now.

Originally, he wanted to tease this guy, but seeing that it was trying hard to digest the medicine, he didn't bother him, turned around and walked around the medicine field for a few times.

About 10 minutes later, Wang Qingyue came out of the house wearing a mountaineering suit.

This is not the first time Chen Yang saw Wang Qingyue dressed like this, and logically speaking, Chen Yang would not have any reaction.

But because of last night, when Chen Yang saw the perfect figure outlined by the mountaineering suit, his heart became hot, and he couldn't help thinking of some pictures.

"You... what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Wang Qingyue was quite excited at first, but when she noticed something strange in Chen Yang's eyes, her face flushed quickly.

"Uh...it's nothing, are you ready? Let's do it when you're ready." Chen Yang reacted in embarrassment, and immediately changed the subject.

Because the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"Okay! Look at the trick!"

Wang Qingyue didn't worry too much about Chen Yang's eyes. When she heard that she could make a move, she rushed over and attacked Chen Yang without saying a word.

Chen Yang had been prepared for a long time, and when she rushed forward, he reacted quickly and blocked her.

When Chen Yang blocked Wang Qingyue's cross leg with one hand, he felt her strength and was slightly surprised.

Because he didn't expect that Wang Qingyue's strength had been greatly improved in just over ten days!

Although he took Dragon and Tiger Pill these two days, it wouldn't improve so much, right?

Chen Yang was surprised in his heart, but he was still fighting, so he didn't say it immediately, but continued to deal with Wang Qingyue's attack.

Chen Yang compensated Wang Qingyue for a trick, the most important thing was to be a training partner to improve Wang Qingyue's combat effectiveness.

So he just blocked and didn't take the initiative to attack.

Wang Qingyue also knew this, so she always attacked very actively.

If it doesn't work once, it's the second time, and if it doesn't work the second time, it's the third time.

Anyway, he wanted to use all his strength to attack Chen Yang.

However, although her strength has improved, it is still far from enough for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can easily block her attack every time, and there is still room for retaliation.

That is to say, if this was an actual battle, she could hardly beat Chen Yang, and she would lose.

Wang Qingyue knew this very well, but this time she was not unconvinced, but rather calm.

The two of them fought back and forth in the backyard like this, and they didn't stop until Wang Qingyue was tired from beating.

"Not bad. In just a short period of time, your combat power has improved a lot, especially your strength, which has increased significantly." After stopping, Chen Yang immediately said with a smile.


Wang Qingyue was a little tired and panted heavily.

Hearing Chen Yang's praise, a smile appeared on his face: "It's not because of your elixir, it's amazing, and I also feel that my strength has increased significantly."

Chen Yang nodded, then went into the house and moved two stools out.

"Sit down and rest for a while, you can continue after a while."

Chen Yang handed Wang Qingyue a stool.

Wang Qingyue was not polite, she took it and sat down, and began to adjust her breath.

After adjusting for a while, she suddenly turned her head, looked at Chen Yang and brought up the matter of buying Dragon Tiger Pill again.

"Chen Yang, can you sell me that pill? I really want it."

Hearing this, Chen Yang turned his head and glanced at Wang Qingyue. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded and stood up.

"Okay, just wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang went to the house to get her Dragon Tiger Pill.

What Chen Yang uses now is Body Exercise Pill, and he rarely uses Dragon and Tiger Pill, so he hardly refines it, and he still has a little stock at home.

Originally, he didn't want to sell it, but he just kept it, so he might as well give it to Wang Qingyue.

Anyway, the number is not large, and it will not cause any consequences.

Chen Yang went to the house to search, and finally found twelve dragon and tiger pills, and handed them to Wang Qingyue.

"That's all I have, you can use it first, one a day, don't eat too much." Chen Yang gave her the same time, earnestly instructed.

This thing is no joke, if you eat too much, there will be big problems.

Wang Qingyue was overjoyed when she saw more than a dozen pills in her hand.

"Okay, I'll remember, don't worry, I know of such things." Wang Qingyue nodded quickly and agreed to Chen Yang.


Seeing her happy look, Chen Yang was more or less infected, nodded his head, and sat back in his seat without saying anything further.

(End of this chapter)

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