Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 61 Who Opens the Farm?

It is a very troublesome thing to make high-strength barbed wire.

First, trenches must be dug, then concrete poured and piles driven.

After doing all this, finally began to lay barbed wire on top of the laid iron piles.

This is a very cumbersome process, and after Chen Yang explained it, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

But before Chen Yang could leave, he was surrounded by those aunts who followed the convoy up.

"Yangzi, what are you doing, why did you make such a big fight?"

"Why do you surround a good forest, Yangzi, how much does it cost?"

These aunts and aunts, like curious babies, surrounded Chen Yang and began to question him.

However, Chen Yang also responded to the curiosity of these aunts one by one, saying that he was going to set up a breeding farm,

"Oh, Yangzi, you are preparing to start a business! As expected of a college student in our village! You just have an idea!" As soon as Chen Yang mentioned his intention to start a breeding farm, the aunts all gave Chen Yang a thumbs up.

Although they don't know about farming, what entrepreneurship means.

But they know that starting a business is something the big boss has to do. Since Chen Yang is going to start a breeding farm, he is basically the big boss!

"Yangzi, don't forget to help your aunts when you get rich! Let us give you a part-time job."

While praising Chen Yang, these aunts started joking one after another, saying that they should establish a good relationship with Chen Yang in advance.

If you have a daughter at home, please introduce them to Chen Yang, maybe you will be like Chen Yang.

Regarding the ridicule from the aunts, Chen Yang just smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Because he knew that these aunts didn't have any malicious intentions, they only acted like this because they were optimistic about him.

"Auntie, don't worry, when I get rich, I will definitely bring you to get rich together!" Chen Yang responded with a smile.

"Okay! Yangzi, Auntie remembers your words, I will wait at home for you to make us rich!"

These aunts joked around Chen Yang's house for a while, and then dispersed after a while.

Because they have things to do at home.

After the villagers of Liuhe Village dispersed, Chen Yang took Boss Fu of the construction team to Weedy Slope.

And he described the construction of the weedy slope and the effect he wanted to Boss Fu.

After listening to Boss Fu, he nodded frequently: "Okay Boss, I remember the effect you want, don't worry, after we finish the construction, we will definitely not let a pheasant escape, and we will not let others follow you." Steal a pheasant here!"

"Okay! I'm relieved with your words!"

Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then took Wu Kexin back.

Back at the medical hall, Chen Yang looked at Wu Kexin's expression a little strangely, so he asked, "What's wrong? Why doesn't your face look good?"

"Chen Yang, this is too extravagant for you. The farm has just opened, so you must pay attention to saving costs! You used more than 30 yuan per square meter of wire to build the farm. What if you lose money? "Wu Kexin said with some worry.

When Chen Yang talked about the construction process with Boss Fu, he mentioned the cost.

Wu Kexin, who was on the side at the time, also heard it. When she heard that the materials cost more than 30 yuan per square meter, she felt that it was a bit too extravagant and completely unnecessary.

But seeing Boss Fu present, she endured it and did not express her opinion to Chen Yang on the spot.

Now that Chen Yang asked, she naturally expressed her inner thoughts.

Seeing Wu Kexin worried about himself, Chen Yang smiled slightly, and replied: "I opened this farm, and I never thought that I would lose money! So the materials must be the best. Are you going to do a second replacement?"

"Things like breeding farms... well, since you have confidence, it's up to you." Wu Kexin wanted to continue to refute, but seeing Chen Yang's confident face, she couldn't refute.

Because she knew that she would definitely not be able to speak against Chen Yang.

"Don't worry, I will succeed!" Chen Yang patted Wu Kexin's shoulder with a smile, and said confidently.

"Yeah, you will succeed." The confident smile on Chen Yang's face infected Wu Kexin, who originally wanted to refute Chen Yang, so she went along with him.

After the two stopped talking, Wu Kexin sat in the medical hall and became dazed.

And Chen Yang went into the inner room, and continued to stir the domesticated balls with corn kernels.

"The construction team still needs to work here for a while, just in case, I'd better go to the weed slope to throw some food!" Chen Yang thought in his heart.

Chen Yang didn't know exactly how many pheasants lived in the weedy slope.

But Chen Yang didn't want any pheasants to escape during construction.

After the construction team sealed off the entire weedy slope, the pheasants that flew out would definitely not be able to fly back, and any one that escaped would be a great loss.

And this time is in May and June, which is the season when pheasants lay eggs.

If it was a female pheasant that ran out, it would be the end of the calf, and the loss would not be one or two pheasants, but several pheasants.

With this in mind, Chen Yang made another bucket of corn-mixed domestication pill food, and prepared to put it on the weed slope.

"Why are you going?" Wu Kexin asked looking at Chen Yang who was about to go out with a bucket of corn kernels.

"I went to the weed slope to feed the pheasants, and I will be back soon." Chen Yang replied.

"I'll go with you." Wu Kexin immediately stood up, wanting to go with Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang refused.

"You'd better stay at home and watch over the construction team for me. If something happens to you, you can help me make a decision."


After thinking for a while, Wu Kexin sat down again, while Chen Yang set off with a large bucket of feed, and quickly rushed to the weedy slope,

"Wait for construction, none of you are allowed to move!"

"Wait for construction, none of you are allowed to move!"


Chen Yang was the same as last night, while swaying the corn kernels, while dancing like a god, he kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

After chatting around the weedy slope, the feed in the bucket was also gone, so Chen Yang was ready to go back.

But at this moment, Chen Yang's cell phone rang.

Chen Yang originally thought that there was something wrong with the construction team at home, but he didn't expect to pick up his phone and see that it was Li Han calling.

"Hello, what's the matter, Li Han?" Chen Yang answered the phone and asked.

"Chen Yang, do you have time to come over now? There are some emergencies in my hotel, and I want you to help me deal with them." Li Han said on the phone with a somewhat urgent tone.

"Okay! I'll come right over!"

"Well, I'll wait for you."

As soon as he heard about Li Han's situation, Chen Yang immediately hung up the phone and rushed home with an empty bucket.

Chen Yang rushed home in a hurry, Wu Kexin was about to say something to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang spoke first: "Village Chief, I have something urgent to go out now, please take care of the construction team at home! "

With that said, Chen Yang directly pushed out the three-wheeler in the backyard and set off.

Wu Kexin stayed where he was, with a dazed expression on his face.

"What, is this me running a farm, or is he running a farm?"

When Wu Kexin reacted, Chen Yang's back had disappeared. Although Wu Kexin was a little angry, he had no choice but to guard Chen Yang in the medical hall.

the other side.

After Chen Yang drove out of Liuhe Village on a three-wheeler, he immediately drove towards the county town at high speed.

Because from Li Han's tone on the phone, she seemed to be in a rather difficult trouble.

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