"Go to hell! I'm fine living here!" Wu Kexin immediately rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Seeing Wu Kexin rolling his eyes, Chen Yang chuckled.

What he said was to tease Wu Kexin, but he never thought that Wu Kexin would really go.

"Okay, since you don't want to, the village chief, I won't force others. I'll leave now that it's getting late, and I'll be busy when the construction team comes over tomorrow." Molesting Wu Kexin, Chen Yang also felt stuck There is nothing interesting here, so I got up and prepared to go back.

At this time, Wu Kexin also stood up, wanting to send Chen Yang off.

But maybe she was too anxious to get up, and stepped on the smooth water stains on the ground, which directly caused her body to slip and was about to fall!

But fortunately, Chen Yang had quick hands and eyes, and he quickly turned around and hugged Wu Kexin without causing him to fall.

Suddenly frightened, then hugged by someone, and fell into Chen Yang's arms, Wu Kexin's heart was pounding.

At the same time, my face felt hot and I was very embarrassed.

But this embarrassment did not last long!Because she felt that Chen Yang's hand was placed where it shouldn't be!And I pinched it twice spiritually!

Wu Kexin is ashamed and irritable!

"Chen Yang!!" He opened his throat and let out a roar.

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly let go of Wu Kexin.

"Village chief, what are you shouting at night, how bad it is for the neighbors to hear you?" Chen Yang coughed twice in embarrassment, and said solemnly.

"You...you! You pervert! Sneakily eat my tofu!!" Wu Kexin was very angry, and pointed at Chen Yang with a blushing face.

"Village Chief, you misunderstood. You were about to fall just now. I didn't pay attention so much when I was in a hurry. It wasn't intentional." Chen Yang explained cheekily.

In fact, he did it on purpose!

"You fart! You clearly did it on purpose...I still feel...feel..." Wu Kexin wanted to say that you squeezed twice, but she couldn't say such words, she could only stammer there.

In the end, he had no choice but to push Chen Yang out of the door angrily.

"It's getting late! You should go back quickly! Tomorrow, you will clean up your farm! Give Liuhe Village a sample!" Wu Kexin said angrily, closing the door.

Hearing Wu Kexin's words, Chen Yang knew that Wu Kexin was not really angry.

"Hehe. Well then, village chief, you should rest early, and I'll leave first." Chen Yang stood outside the door, laughed twice as he succeeded in his plot, then turned and left the village.

On the way to leave, Chen Yang kept reminiscing about the feeling just now, like a ball filled with water...

Back home, Chen Yang took a quick shower, then turned off the light, climbed into bed and fell asleep like that.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Yang did as usual. After washing up, he ran to the backyard to check the conditions of the hares and pheasants.

These wild animals have lived in Chen Yang's house for so many days. Although they are not as lively as before, fortunately they are in good spirits.

He ate very well every day, slept soundly, and grew a lot of meat.

"Eat more, increase nutrition, you are going to have a baby! Don't treat yourself badly." Chen Yang said with a smile while throwing goosegrass to the wild rabbits.

When these hares were caught by Chen Yang, their stomachs were already very big.

Living in Chen Yang's house these days, the stomachs of these rabbits got bigger.

It seems that it won't be long before the first litter of baby rabbits will be born!

Although there are definitely not many rabbits born, this is commemorative!This is the first batch of rabbits produced by the farm!is a good sign.

After feeding the wild rabbits and spreading some corn kernels in the yard, Chen Yang left the backyard to make breakfast for himself.

While I was making breakfast, the phone in my pocket rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was the boss of the construction team two days ago, Boss Fu, who called,

"Boss! Are you at home now? Our construction team is ready to come!" As soon as the call was connected, Boss Fu said to Chen Yang enthusiastically.

"I'm at home, come here directly!" Chen Yang replied.

"Okay, okay! Boss, wait a moment, we will be right there."

Chen Yang hummed, hung up the phone, and continued to work on his breakfast in the kitchen.

Not long after, a delicious fried rice came out of the pan.

After Chen Yang settled the fried rice, he was ready to wait for the construction team's arrival with peace of mind.

But before the construction team arrived, Wu Kexin arrived.

"Village chief, good morning." Sitting at the door of the medical hall, Chen Yang waved to Wu Kexin who was walking towards him.

Wu Kexin seemed to have forgotten yesterday's anger, and smiled and waved his hand in response to Chen Yang.


"Village Chief, what's the reason for coming here so early?" Chen Yang asked Wu Kexin as he approached.

"Didn't you say yesterday that the construction team of the breeding farm is coming today? I'll come and see if there's anything I can do for my help. By the way, I'll also learn some experience, and the breeding work will go smoothly in the future." Wu Kexin replied with a smile.


While the two were talking, seven or eight pickup trucks and a large truck drove into the road outside Liuhe Village.

Such a huge convoy drove into Liuhe Village where half a car was invisible on weekdays, which naturally attracted the attention of all the villagers.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many cars?"

"Why put so many iron nets on the car?"

"Go, take a look, see what's going on,"


The villagers in the field talked a lot, and at the same time they were extremely curious about the purpose of the convoy coming here.

Almost at the same time, these villagers all followed the convoy.

After the convoy entered Liuhe Village, it drove straight to the door of Chen Yang's medical clinic.

Boss Fu, who had been to Liuhe Village two days ago, got out of the leading pickup truck.

"Boss! I brought the construction team," Boss Fu said to Chen Yang who was chatting with Wu Kexin at the entrance of the medical hall.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang turned his head to look at Boss Fu, and then walked over with Wu Kexin.

"It's pretty fast! We're here so early," Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Hehe, boss, your project is so huge, we naturally came earlier!" Boss Fu chuckled, and at the same time unconsciously glanced at Wu Kexin beside Chen Yang.

Looking at Wu Kexin's youthful and beautiful appearance, he was even more convinced that Chen Yang was the rich second generation.

In this remote mountain village, there are beauties of this level to accompany her. What if it's not a rich second generation?

"Boss, are you sure it's the places you designated last time for construction?" Boss Fu asked, looking back at Chen Yang.

"Yeah, that's right, it's the place I designated last time." Chen Yang nodded, and then led Boss Fu and his dozen construction workers to the woods behind his backyard.

Here, Chen Yang introduced in detail what he wanted to look like.

"In this forest, the wire mesh must be two meters high! At the same time, it must be half a meter underground!"

"Then make it into a square shape for me! There must be doors in all four directions."


While Chen Yang was talking, Boss Fu took notes in his notebook and nodded from time to time.

After Chen Yang finished speaking, Boss Fu also drew a rough rendering in the notebook according to what Chen Yang described.

After receiving Chen Yang's confirmation, Boss Fu began to call on the workers for construction.

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