Chen Yang rushed all the way to Lintianxia Hotel.

As soon as I parked the electric car and walked into the hotel, I saw that the lobby of the hotel was full of people.

"Come over and have a look, the waiter in your big hotel, I don't know what to eat my brother,"

"After eating, I just foamed at the mouth and fell unconscious! Doesn't your hotel care about it?"

In the middle of the crowd, a thin yellow-haired gangster kept shouting back and forth in the hall at the top of his voice.

As for the surrounding crowd, they pointed and pointed, not knowing what they were talking about.

Chen Yang glanced at Huang Mao, then looked at the front desk of Lin Tianxia, ​​and saw Li Han's figure.

Li Han is the general manager of Lintianxia Hotel. Naturally, she would not personally solve the troubles caused by gangsters like Huang Mao, so she could only helplessly stay at the front desk and pay attention to the situation in the lobby.

Chen Yang glanced at the scene, and then walked directly to the front desk: "Li Han, what's going on with you?"

"Chen Yang! You're here!"

Chen Yang suddenly appeared at the counter, and Li Han's expression was overjoyed, and then he said: "These two people had a meal in Lintianxia, ​​and they were foaming at the mouth and twitching before they walked out of the gate. Emergency calls, but they refused, they just wanted us to compensate."

"I can also see that these two are rascals, but there is nothing I can do about it."

Li Han said helplessly.

After listening to Li Han's narration, Chen Yang probably had a clear idea.

"So that's the case, then leave this matter to me. I'm a doctor, so I want to see what's wrong with them." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Han nodded happily. She called Chen Yang over, that's what she meant, she wanted Chen Yang to see if there was anything wrong with these two gangsters.

"Let me tell you! If my brother dies here any longer, the entire hotel will be ruined for you! Compensate me as soon as possible so that you can take him to the hospital now," the yellow-haired gangster shouted loudly in the hall.

And the security guards who surrounded him could do nothing about him.

At this time, Chen Yan led Li Han through the crowd and came to the gangster.

"I said, you have come to the wrong place to touch porcelain, right? This is the Lintianxia Hotel, the largest hotel in the county. If you come here to touch porcelain, you are not afraid that the hotel's background will make you unable to eat?" Chen Yang Walking out of the crowd, he looked at Huang Mao and said.

Huangmao was still screaming at first, but when he heard someone talking to him, his ferocious face turned around.

"Who are you? It's none of your business? My brother is not feeling well here. Is it Pengci who I want to pay for?" Huang Mao said with a fierce look on his face.

"Hehe, the general manager of this hotel is my friend, so why is it none of my business?" Chen Yang replied with a smile.

"Hey, the general manager is your friend? That's easy to talk about! My brother got food poisoning after eating here. You should tell your friend to come and pay for it. There is no one worth [-] or [-] today! This matter must be difficult to pass. "After hearing that Chen Yang is the general manager's friend, Huang Mao became even more excited.

Because he felt that those who negotiated with him earlier were all insignificant people.

Now there is someone who is linked to the general manager, it must be the effect of his troubles, and the general manager can't sit still.

"Food poisoning, right? Then I'll show it to your brother first, I happen to be a doctor too," Chen Yang strode forward, grabbed the wrist of the man lying on the ground foaming at the mouth, and gave him Pulse.

In just a moment, Chen Yang detected it. The person's physical characteristics were in good order, and there was no sign of food poisoning at all.

Then look at the white foam spit out of his mouth, and even a little cool taste, which is obviously the effect of using toothpaste.

"Let me tell you! My brother is already like this. You should let me go as soon as possible, and then ask the general manager to pay compensation. Otherwise, if something happens to my brother, you will not be able to get rid of it." Huang Mao sneered. threatened behind him.

"Oh, your hotel is real. People have become like this. Can there be fakes?"

"I really didn't expect that the biggest hotel in the county would be so irresponsible, and no one would care if people became like this."

"That's right, why send a young man in his early twenties? Send someone?"

At the same time that Huang Mao issued a threat, the surrounding people who didn't know why they were eating melons also began to make irresponsible remarks.

They only saw the yellow-haired brother lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, looking very serious, and didn't think about other problems at all.

The rational people who eat melons are just standing aside, helping Huang Mao and yelling for the general manager to come out, while the irrational people who eat melons directly start cursing their mothers, saying that there is something wrong with Lin Tianxia's attitude.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang stood up and said, "Don't be impatient, everyone. I'm a doctor. I can tell that these two people are here to touch porcelain! Everyone, please don't believe them."

"Cut! Don't be ashamed, you say you are a doctor, are you a doctor? Show me your doctor's qualification certificate!" Huang Mao said proudly.

With the cheers from the people around him, Huang Mao's attitude became a little more arrogant.

"I don't have a doctor's qualification certificate, but I can cure your brother's illness." Chen Yang frowned, then stretched out his arm, and tapped the waist of the man who was foaming at the mouth.

Chen Yang clicked his laugh point, and the man stood up from the ground immediately, and then opened his mouth like he couldn't stop laughing.

The man suddenly laughed, which startled the people around him. Their eyes widened, their expressions were very surprised, and they couldn't understand the situation at the scene.

"You...what did you do to my brother? Do you want to die?" When everyone was surprised, Huang Mao suddenly became furious and rushed over to grab Chen Yang's collar.

But Chen Yang raised his arm and made the gesture of acupressure just now, and Huang Mao backed away in an instant.

I'm afraid that Chen Yang will give him that waist too.

"Didn't you say that your brother has food poisoning? Didn't I cure him?" Chen Yang laughed.

"You..." Huang Mao's face turned ugly for a while, but soon he said again: "Where is it cured? Didn't you see that my brother is already crazy? This situation is more serious! It seems that one hundred and eighty thousand can't be settled .”

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, I can treat crazy diseases." Chen Yang smiled again, and then immediately stretched out his hand and tapped the acupuncture point on the man's waist, and the man stopped laughing immediately.

Chen Yang's operation made everyone on the scene look straight.

Those melon-eaters who previously accused Lintianxia Hotel of having problems were all speechless in shock, and at the same time felt that their faces were burning...

The current situation is very clear, Huang Mao and Huang Mao are here to touch porcelain.

Otherwise, if it was really food poisoning, how could it be possible to stand up in an instant and laugh?

"Fuck, how did you do it?" Huang Mao couldn't help being shocked.

His brother was foaming at the mouth because he was pretending to be yellow, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to be so powerful, he could make his brother convulse with just one click, laughing without saying a word, and another click could stop it.

"How I did it has nothing to do with you, I just want to ask if your illness is cured now? If not, I will help you cure it." While speaking, Chen Yang raised his hand again, ready to give Huang Mao And his brother came twice.

Huang Mao backed away in fright, and as for the man who was foaming at the mouth just now, he shook his head frantically.

"No, no, no, I'm fine," the man said hastily.

"Okay, right? Well, why don't you get out of here?! Let me see you come to the world to touch porcelain again, and I will make you laugh for three days and three nights!" Chen Yang's voice suddenly became more threatening.

Looking at the angry Chen Yang, Huang Mao's face turned blue for a while.

At the same time, he felt a little guilty in his heart, not only because of Chen Yang's tall physique, but also because of Chen Yang's unpredictable ability to make people laugh just now, which made them very scared. Out of this fear of Chen Yang, Huangmao wants to go.

But when he thought of being exposed by Chen Yang in front of so many people, he couldn't help feeling annoyed in his heart. If he left in such a disheveled manner, how could he still be on the road in the future?

"Damn it! You're looking for death!" Huang Mao suddenly yelled to embolden himself, then he took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed at Chen Yang.

Huang Mao's sudden hurtful behavior caused screams at the scene, and the melon-eating crowd backed away in fright!

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