Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 50 Be My Little Brother

What Chen Yang said was right, she came this time to look for those two clothes.

The last time I took a bath at Chen Yang’s house, I hung it in the bathhouse without a place to put it, but I didn’t expect that when I went back, I forgot to take it...

When I suddenly remembered it today, I was still praying that Chen Yang didn't see it.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yang not only saw it, but also hung her clothes in his usual drying place.

This made Wu Kexin feel ashamed of her shyness, and really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Of course, ground seams are impossible.

So she could only walk under the clothes with a blushing face and lowered her head, took off the two clothes, then turned around and left.

Seeing Wu Kexin blushing to the extreme, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Isn't it just two clothes? Is it necessary to be embarrassed and not say a word? It's rude!"

Chen Yang joked with a smile, then turned around and came to the medical hall, and started tossing about in the medical hall.

Although the sky was already getting dark at this time, it was still some time before it was really dark.

Chen Yang wanted to visit Li Xiaoe's house while it was still dark.

Li Xiao'e broke her leg today. Although she has been cured by herself, it is still somewhat inconvenient to move around.

So Chen Yang wanted to go and see if there was anything Li Xiaoe could do for him to help.

And Chen Yang still has some questions, he wants to ask Li Xiaoe.

After tossing around in the medical hall for a while, Chen Yang took some medical supplies and walked to Li Xiaoe's house and knocked on the door.

"Sister-in-law, are you home?"

Chen Yang shouted into the room.

Li Xiaoe, who was lying on the bed in the house, heard that it was Chen Yang, and put on her coat quickly.

"Yangzi, my sister-in-law is at home, you can come in directly."

"it is good."

When Chen Yang heard the words, he pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as Chen Yang entered the room, he saw Li Xiao'e with a frail face, wearing a coat, sitting on the head of the bed.

Through the clothes, Chen Yang could vaguely see that Li Xiao'e was not wearing small clothes...

But just glanced at it, and Chen Yang withdrew his gaze.

"Sister-in-law, how do you feel today? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Chen Yang walked to the bed and asked with concern.

"No, after taking the medicine you gave, I felt some pain in the afternoon, but I feel much better now." Li Xiaoe shook her head and said.

"Oh, it's fine, it's normal to feel pain, which means sister-in-law, your bones are being reconnected!" Chen Yang explained.

"So it is."

Li Xiao'e nodded, and then asked: "Yangzi, you are here at this time, is there something for you?"

"Well...it's nothing. I just came to see how you are doing, sister-in-law, and see if there is anything that needs my help." Chen Yang said.

"Oh! Well, thank you so much, but my sister-in-law is doing very well, and she doesn't need any help." Seeing such an enthusiastic Chen Yang, Li Xiaoe couldn't help but strengthen her affection for Chen Yang in her heart.

I hope that Nizi will come back soon, so that I can match Chen Yang to become my son-in-law as soon as possible.

"Hehe, it's good that you are fine, sister-in-law."

Chen Yang smiled, then took out a wild mushroom from his pocket, and handed it to Li Xiaoe.

"Sister-in-law, I actually have something to ask you when I come here today, that is, when you were picking mushrooms in the mountains, have you seen this kind of mushroom?"

Chen Yang took this wild mountain fungus back from Lintianxia Hotel today.

When Chen Yang saw the wild fungus, he thought of Li Xiaoe.

Because Li Xiaoe picked mushrooms on the mountain every day, she might have seen wild mushrooms, so if Chen Yang wanted to find wild mushrooms from the mountains, he had to ask Li Xiaoe first.

Li Xiao'e took the wild mushroom from Chen Yang and took a good look at it.

Then he nodded and said, "I've seen this kind of mushrooms before, and there are a lot of them in the old pagoda tree grove, but I think they are ugly, and they must not sell for a good price, so I didn't touch them."

When Chen Yang heard this, he was overjoyed!

In the mountains behind Liuhe Village, there are indeed such wild mushrooms!

"What's the matter, Yangzi, is there anything unusual about this kind of mushroom?" Seeing Chen Yang's happy face, Li Xiaoe couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's nothing, sister-in-law, since you are fine, I will leave first. If you need anything, you can come to the medical clinic to find me." After finishing speaking, Chen Yang got up directly, and then left from Li Xiao'e's house.

Seeing Chen Yang coming and leaving in a hurry, Li Xiaoe's mind was full of fog.

After leaving Li Xiaoe's house, Chen Yang returned home immediately, then turned on his mobile phone, and began to look up some knowledge points about mushroom transplantation.

From Li Xiao'e's words just now, it can be heard that there are many wild mountain fungi in the old pagoda tree forest in the back mountain.

That being the case, not only can I pick them, but I can also think of a way to transplant all those wild mushrooms.

In this way, won't I have endless wild mushrooms in the future?

A catty of wild mushrooms costs 700 yuan, and Chen Yang couldn't help laughing just thinking about it.

"It looks like I'm going to become a rich man in a short time!" Chen Yang flipped through his phone excitedly, checking about the transplanting techniques of some wild mushrooms.

But after looking around, Chen Yang couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Because according to many information on the Internet, basically all wild mushrooms cannot be transplanted.

It can only survive if it is placed in its original place.

If it is transplanted, it will cause all the wild fungi to die collectively.

Seeing so many news that wild mountain fungus could not be transplanted, Chen Yanggang's excitement about being brought up instantly subsided again.

However, it didn't take long for Chen Yang to lose his fighting spirit again.

"Since it can't be transplanted, then I can plant them in imitation of their living environment!" Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he found a new way, and immediately began to check the technical issues about planting wild mushrooms.

After looking it up, Chen Yang also knew it in his heart.

It is actually not difficult to grow wild mountain fungi, but the difficulty lies in whether they can produce the most ideal living environment for wild mountain fungi.

If the same living environment as in the wild can be created, wild mountain fungi can survive anywhere.

After hearing this news, Chen Yang's idea of ​​planting wild mountain fungus became more and more determined.

"Farm, wild mountain fungus cultivation farm, let's do it together! We will definitely make a fortune! I will discuss it with Wu Kexin tomorrow!" Chen Yang said excitedly.


Chen Yang was excited when suddenly his stomach growled.

Chen Yang raised his head and glanced at the sky outside, it was completely dark.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang remembered that he hadn't had dinner yet.

Feeling his shriveled belly, Chen Yang got up from the bed, then walked to the kitchen, preparing to make dinner for himself.

But as soon as he walked out of the inner room, a huge black shadow rushed towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was not prepared for the arrival of the black shadow at all. He was shocked immediately, but he saw it clearly after standing still.

It turned out that the golden eagle came back.

The golden eagle landed from a high altitude and landed on the peach tree in the backyard with two hares in its mouth.

Looking at the golden eagle that came back from hunting, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

Originally, he thought that if he let it out, it would not come back, but he didn't expect it to come back after hunting.

Chen Yang couldn't help but stepped forward and came under the peach tree.

"Come down."

Chen Yang said to the golden eagle.


The golden eagle chirped blankly, then hung the rabbit under its feet on the peach tree, and flew down.

It put its legs on the ground, tilted its head and fluttered its wings, looking at Chen Yang curiously.

Chen Yang was amused by the cute appearance of the golden eagle, so he stretched out his hand to touch its head, and said: "Since you are back, you can follow me from now on, be my younger brother, and I will guarantee you to eat well in the future." sleep well,"

Chen Yang said that just to make fun of him.

But unexpectedly, the golden eagle seemed to understand what Chen Yang said.

He even chirped and responded to Chen Yang, seeming to agree to Chen Yang's proposal to be Chen Yang's younger brother.

"Haha, okay! That's it." Chen Yang laughed, patted its head, then turned and left.

The golden eagle came back from hunting and had food to eat, but he hadn't cooked yet.

Chen Yang hurried to the kitchen and started cooking for himself.

At the same time, when the golden eagle in the yard saw Chen Yang leaving, it flapped its wings on the spot, jumped onto the peach tree, lowered its head and began to eat the hare.

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