After finishing dinner and having a full meal, Chen Yang came to the backyard again,

Since he wants to accept the golden eagle as his younger brother, he must build a nest for his younger brother, right? He can't just be locked in a pigsty all the time.

When he came to the backyard, Chen Yang worked under the eaves of the pig house for a while, and then used a discarded wooden drawer and soft straw to build a nest for the golden carving, and placed it on top of the pig house.

"Come here, let's see how the nest I built for you is." Chen Yang turned his head and waved at the peach tree, and the golden eagle flew over directly.

"Go in and have a look, isn't it comfortable?" Chen Yang pointed to the nest and said.


The golden eagle yelled in response, then bounced into the nest, and walked back and forth in the nest to check its new home.


After flopping around in the nest for a while, it raised its head excitedly and satisfied and nodded to Chen Yang.

It seems to be telling Chen Yang that it is very satisfied with this nest.

"Hehe, as long as you are satisfied, you will live here in the future. When you want to eat, you can go to the mountains to catch some. Do you know that the pheasants and hares in the yard can't move?" Chen Yang smiled slightly and reminded Jin again. carved road.

The golden eagle nodded again when he heard the words, indicating that he knew.

"That's fine, you can continue to eat, I'll leave first." After instructing the golden eagle, Chen Yang didn't stay in the backyard too much.

Because going to bed early has become a habit these days.

When it was dark, after dinner, Chen Yang felt sleepy.

So after placing the golden eagle, Chen Yang immediately returned to the bed and fell asleep lying down.

Early the next morning, Chen Yang got up to wash up, and after breakfast, he went straight to the village to find Wu Kexin.

Fortunately, Wu Kexin got up relatively early.

When Chen Yang went to the village, Wu Kexin had already woken up and was busy making breakfast for herself in the kitchen of the village.

"Village head! Good morning!" Chen Yang stood at the door of the kitchen and greeted the inside with a smile.

Wu Kexin, who was preoccupied at first, didn't notice Chen Yang's arrival at all.

So Chen Yang spoke up suddenly, which shocked Wu Kexin a lot.

After turning around and seeing that it was Chen Yang, she patted her chest with a sigh of relief: "It's so early in the morning, who are you trying to scare to death!"

"Hehe, the village chief got up pretty early." Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject.

"It's the same with you, but from the look of you, it seems that you got up earlier than me." Wu Kexin glanced at Chen Yang, then turned around and continued busy with breakfast.

Seeing that Wu Kexin was still busy, Chen Yang didn't say anything more.

Instead, he drew a chair at the door and sat there waiting for Wu Kexin to finish his work.

After about ten to twenty minutes, Wu Kexin finished his work and walked out of the kitchen.

"Looking for me early in the morning, what's the matter?" Wu Kexin asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you about farming." Chen Yang stood up and said straight to the point.

"So it's this matter! Ever since you told me about it that day, I've been thinking about it, but I don't have a clue yet." Wu Kexin said helplessly.

It is a big thing for the whole village to engage in farming.

In just a few days, it was impossible for Wu Kexin to directly implement it.

"I'm not here for this matter, but I want to discuss with you, see if you can contract the weedy slope and the woods behind my house to me at one time?" Chen Yang said with a full face. Looking at Wu Kexin seriously, he said.

"Contract the land? Why are you contracting the mountains, forests, grass slopes?" Wu Kexin looked at Chen Yang in surprise and said. ,

"Hmm... that's what I told you last time, I'm going to start breeding!" Chen Yang originally wanted to show off, but later he was worried that Wu Kexin would not want to contract it to him, so he directly stated his purpose.

When she heard that Chen Yang was planning to engage in breeding, Wu Kexin was slightly taken aback.

"Village chief, it's definitely not going to work if the whole village mobilizes for breeding. Why don't you just contract those two pieces of land to me and let me be the vanguard of the village. When I succeed, with experience, the whole village will Can we do it together?" Seeing Wu Kexin in a daze, Chen Yang continued to persuade.

Before Wu Kexin came.

That's what Chen Yang planned.

As long as I succeed, I must lead the villagers of Liuhe Village out of the farming era!

Seeing Chen Yang's serious face, Wu Kexin knew that Chen Yang was really planning to engage in breeding.

As the head of Liuhe Village, she naturally agrees with Chen Yang's idea.

With Chen Yang leading the way, even if I go to persuade every family in the village, I will have more confidence.

"Okay, if you have such an idea, as the village chief, I naturally support you, but the collective land in the village must be discussed by all the cadres in the village. If it is possible, I will inform you." Wu Kexin said.

"Okay, thank you in advance, I'll wait for your news at home."

"You're welcome, it's all for the village, as it should be."

After speaking, Wu Kexin turned around and entered the village office, picked up the village public phone, and prepared to call the village cadres for a collective meeting.

When Chen Yang saw this, he left the village and went back.

Back home, Chen Yang first fed some food to the pheasants and hares, then immediately picked up the baskets, took a small hoe with him, and went into the mountain.

Chen Yang did not go into the mountain this time to catch wild rabbits or dig medicinal herbs.

This time, Chen Yang's purpose of entering the mountain was very simple.

I just want to go to the old pagoda tree forest in Li Xiaoe's mouth to see if there is such a wild mountain fungus!

Chen Yang also knew something about the old pagoda tree forest that Li Xiaoe was talking about.

It was a dense forest on the edge of a mountain.

Due to the remoteness of the terrain, and people often say that they saw wild wolves there, that area is very inaccessible.

If there is no special matter, basically no one will go there to hang around.

Chen Yang picked up the baskets and rushed all the way to the pagoda tree forest.

About 20 minutes later, Chen Yang entered the locust forest with baskets.

Just entering the locust forest, Chen Yang didn't see any wild fungus here.

But after Chen Yang went deeper for a while, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the green grass under the locust tree, there are dense patches of wild mountain fungi!

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang immediately squatted down and pulled out a wild mountain fungus, then touched it carefully, smelled it with his nose, and then he was sure that this was the one he had eaten at the Tianxia Hotel. Wild mountain fungus.

The smell and appearance of the two are exactly the same!

"My God, this is a fortune!" Looking at the wild mushrooms in front of him, Chen Yang couldn't help feeling excited.

At the same time, I was still thinking silently, seven or eight yuan a catty... 7000 yuan for ten catties...

Chen Yang stood there excitedly for a while, then he immediately squatted down and began to collect on the ground.

Chen Yang's speed was very fast, and after a while, the two big baskets he brought were all full.

Looking at the two full baskets of wild mushrooms, Chen Yang decided to go back first!Then he rode the electric tricycle and sent these mushrooms to Li Han first.

Let Li Han see if this mushroom is any different from theirs.

If it is the same, after setting up the farm, we should study carefully how to cultivate such mushrooms.

With this in mind, Chen Yang quickly returned home.

And pushed the electric tricycle out of the backyard again.

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