Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 49 Marketing Problems

In this way, Li Han was led all the way to the back kitchen by Chen Yang.

As for the waiters on the second floor and the welcome guests on the first floor, they couldn't help being shocked when they saw that the usually icy general manager was led by someone like this, and he didn't seem to resist.

Everyone was thinking in their hearts, whose rich son is this, who can directly lead the general manager's hand?

Chen Yang didn't know or understand these thoughts in other people's minds.

All he wanted to do was to see what wild mushrooms costing more than 700 yuan a catty looked like.

After arriving at the back kitchen, Chen Yang let go of Li Han's hand and looked back at Li Han.

Seeing Li Han's blushing face, Chen Yang realized what he had just done.

"Hehe, I'm sorry Li Han, I was anxious to see the wild mushroom just now..." Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head trying to explain.

But before he finished speaking, Li Han interrupted him directly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see wild mushrooms." Li Han said with a blushing face, and then went straight into the kitchen.

Seeing this, Chen Yang had no choice but to shut up and followed.

In the busy kitchen, when they saw Li Han coming, they immediately became serious and greeted Li Han very respectfully.

Li Han nodded one by one, and then directly led Chen Yang to the deepest part of the back kitchen.

Here, Chen Yang saw wild mushrooms worth 700 yuan a catty.

It was a group of strange-looking mushrooms.

There are all kinds of colors, and they look very strange.

Compared with those ordinary mushrooms, this wild mushroom is the ugliest.

Out of curiosity, Chen Yang randomly picked up one, put it to his nose and smelled it.

Although this mushroom looks ugly, it tastes more fragrant than ordinary mushrooms, and it is even fresher.

"This wild mountain fungus is not only delicious and has high nutritional value, but the most important point is that it only grows in the deep mountains in summer, and it is extremely difficult to collect, so its price is so high." Li Han introduced from the side.

"So it is."

Chen Yang nodded thoughtfully, and had an idea in his mind.

"Li Han, roughly how many mushrooms like this do you store in a day?" Chen Yang asked suddenly.

When Chen Yang asked such a question, Li Han froze for a moment. Although she didn't know what Chen Yang meant, she still answered Chen Yang.

"It looks like you can collect a hundred catties a day, but it's only in the summer, and in other seasons, even if you want to collect it, you won't have it."

"That's it." Chen Yang felt restless when he heard this.

If I can have such a mushroom, I will really get rich.

A catty is more than 700, and ten catties is [-]!One hundred catties is seventy thousand!

If I could make a hundred catties a day, wouldn't my life be beautiful?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang wished he could rush back now, and climb up the mountain to look for such wild mushrooms.

"Chen Yang, what are you thinking?" While Chen Yang was thinking, Li Han at the side seemed to see that Chen Yang was thinking about something.

"Well, it's nothing, just thinking, if I can find such mushrooms and grow them, I will definitely make a fortune." Chen Yang replied with a smile.

Li Han covered his mouth and burst into a smile: "I really can't see through you more and more. You have amazing medical skills, but you want to sell wild game, and now you want to dump wild mushrooms again."

"Hehe, what are you doing to make money, anyway, it won't delay me from being a village doctor." Chen Yang also smiled.

"That's right. Few people in your village get sick every day. It's normal to have a side job, but I advise you not to put your mind on this wild mountain fungus." Li Han said seriously: "This kind of wild mountain fungus has very high requirements for the environment. High, the average person simply cannot meet the conditions for farming.”

"And even if the environmental conditions are met, the wild mountain fungus that grows will not taste as good as the wild ones,"

Li Han is very familiar with the information of wild mushrooms, because such expensive wild mushrooms naturally have many people who want to breed them.

And their big hotel also tried to breed it by themselves, but it was far from the taste of the wild, so they gave up.

Seeing that Chen Yang had such thoughts today, she naturally wanted to persuade her.

But she didn't expect it at all. The more she said that wild mushrooms were difficult to grow, the more curious Chen Yang became about this thing.

Because Chen Yang felt that wild mushrooms would be more valuable only if he could grow them himself!

"Hehe, you have to try everything, what if I succeed in breeding?" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's exactly what you said." Seeing that Chen Yang had already said that, Li Han didn't continue to say anything more.

Then the two went back upstairs and continued to eat.

During the meal, Chen Yang told Li Han that he was planning to engage in breeding, and also expressed his desire to cooperate with her.

As soon as Li Han heard about it, he immediately nodded in agreement.

He also said that as long as Chen Yang's farm can be opened, they can buy as many wild animals as Chen Yang has.

With Li Han's words, Chen Yang was completely relieved.

The biggest marketing problem of farming has been solved, and it is not difficult to set up a wild animal farm by yourself.

"Then it's settled, all the sales of my farm will be handed over to you," Chen Yang said while looking at Li Han while holding a cup of tea.

Seeing this, Li Han immediately understood what Chen Yang meant, picked up a teacup, and bumped into Chen Yang.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, the two drank the tea in their cups in one gulp.

The rice was eaten, and the problem of the market for the farm was solved. Chen Yang immediately expressed his intention to go back.

"Okay, then I'll send it to you."

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Han didn't say much, but went directly to the underground garage with Chen Yang, then started the car, and began to send Chen Yang back to Liuhe Village.

When I returned to Liuhe Village, I happened to meet many widows in the village coming back from working in the fields.

Seeing the luxury car that took Chen Yang out that day entered the village, the villagers started chattering again.

Seeing those aunts and sisters-in-law talking, Chen Yang felt dizzy for a while.

But he didn't say much in the car.

Finally, the car stopped at the gate of Chen Yang Medical Center.

Chen Yang got out of the car, then turned around and waved at Li Han.


The two waved to each other, and Li Han left Liuhe Village in a luxury car.

Seeing that Li Han was gone, Chen Yang opened the shutter door of the clinic and returned home.

As soon as Chen Yang entered the inner room from the medical hall, he immediately heard the sharp cry of the golden eagle coming from the backyard.

Hearing this sound, Chen Yang hurried to the pig house in the backyard to see what happened to the golden eagle.

When I came to the pig house, I found that the golden eagle was standing on the pheasant skeleton and howling non-stop.

Looking at the howling of the golden eagle, and the skeleton body of the pheasant, Chen Yang knew that the golden eagle was hungry.

"One pheasant a day...you have a big appetite!" Chen Yang grinned, and then directly opened the door of the pig house.

As soon as the door of the pig house was opened, the golden eagle jumped out of the pig house with fluttering wings, and jumped onto Chen Yang's shoulder, making flattering sounds from time to time.

"You're hungry, right? But I don't have anything for you to eat! How about you try to see if you can fly? Then go hunt by yourself?" Chen Yang tentatively said to the golden eagle.

Hearing this, the golden eagle spread its wings and soared into the sky without saying a word!

Watching the golden eagle soar into the mountains, Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, then turned around and started feeding the rabbits and pheasants.

After going out all day by myself, these little guys are almost hungry.

After adding some new goosegrass to the wild rabbits, and sprinkled some corn kernels on the pheasants, Chen Yang left the backyard.

"Chen Yang, are you at home?" Just when Chen Yang had nothing to do, Wu Kexin's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"I'm at home, village chief, what's the matter?" Chen Yang walked out from the inner room and asked with a smile.

As soon as Wu Kexin saw that Chen Yang was at home, he walked up the steps without saying a word, then walked directly through the medical hall, and went straight to the bathhouse in the inner room.

After looking around in the bathhouse, she came to Chen Yang again with a blushing face. She was about to ask Chen Yang if she had seen the private clothes she forgot to take that day, but Chen Yang spoke first.

"Are you looking for that thing?" Chen Yang pointed to the two lace clothes hanging on the drying rack.

Wu Kexin looked in the direction Chen Yang was pointing at, and his face, which was already flushed, suddenly seemed to be burned.

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