Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 48 Expensive Wild Mushrooms

As soon as the two stepped out of the elevator, a large group of hostesses and waiters hurriedly bowed to them.

"General manager!"

And greeted warmly.

Li Han nodded slightly, then looked at one of the foremen expressionlessly and said, "Help me find a better box, and then serve all the signature dishes ordered yesterday."

"Good general manager." The foreman nodded, then stretched out his arm and said, "General manager, please."

The two followed the foreman and entered a relatively remote but quiet box nearby.

After the two sat down, the foreman carefully exited the box and ordered the kitchen to cook.

"Mr. Li, where are you inviting me to dinner? You are clearly using me as a guinea pig to try out dishes for Lintianxia Hotel." After the foreman quit, Chen Yang immediately laughed and joked.

"Hehe." Li Han smiled lightly, and didn't get too entangled in this topic.

Because she knew that Chen Yang was joking and didn't really think so.

"Chen Yang, the signature dishes ordered by Lin Tianxia recently are basically wild game in the mountains. I think you should have a lot of research on wild game, so I asked you to taste it, and thank you by the way." Li Han said the real thing reason.

"So that's the case, then you have found the right person. I grew up in Liuhe Village, with my back against the mountains. I have basically tasted all the game that can be seen in the market today." Chen Yang said with some air.

But he is not bragging, but he really has a lot of research on wild game.

When I was a child, someone in the village would bring something down from the mountains from time to time.

"Hehe, then I will ask you to evaluate the shortcomings of these dishes for me later." Li Han smiled and nodded.

She didn't even notice that she always had a smile on her face in front of Chen Yang.

In real life, she is not such a person.

After the two sat in the box and chatted for a while, the door of the box was opened.

After that, several waiters came in neatly carrying steaming dishes and placed them on the table.

"General Manager, the dishes are all ready. We'll be waiting outside the door. If you need anything, you can order it at any time." The foreman said with a smile, and then led the waiters out of the private room.

After the door closes.

Li Han immediately stretched out his hand, and put a stack of pork-like meat dishes in front of Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, taste this first and see how it tastes."

"Okay." Chen Yang nodded, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth, chewing and tasting it carefully.

"Hmm... this wild pork is not bad, and the chef is very skilled!" After swallowing it, Chen Yang nodded in praise.

Hearing Chen Yang's praise, the smile on Li Han's face became wider.

But just when she was about to let Chen Yang try other dishes, Chen Yang suddenly spoke again.

"However, this dish has some flaws."

"A fly in the ointment? Where is it?" Li Han looked at Chen Yang with a puzzled expression and asked.

"The fly in the ointment is that this wild boar is not the purest wild boar, but is cultivated through artificial breeding methods." Chen Yang commented seriously.

Li Han was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect Chen Yang to be so powerful.

One bite can tell whether it is game or farmed.

Li Han smiled bitterly, and immediately pushed other dishes to Chen Yang: "Try this again!"

"it is good."

Chen Yang moved his chopsticks, took a bite, and immediately told the ingredients of the dish.

"This is pheasant meat. The taste of the back kitchen is very good, but it is still an old problem. It is not the purest game."

"Hmm! That's right."

Li Han nodded without denying it, and then pushed other dishes to Chen Yang one by one, letting Chen Yang taste them.

"This is a mallard... this is a sturgeon..."

But without any exception, Chen Yang tasted them all.

After Chen Yang tasted these dishes, Li Han was completely stunned.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, Chen Yang is too powerful, he can immediately tell what it is as soon as everything comes out of his mouth.

She seemed to have discovered something unusual about Chen Yang again...

But while she was shocked, she also felt a little unconvinced.

Because these dishes were carefully prepared and selected by her, and they were prepared to be used as the signature dishes of Lintianxia Hotel.

It was the first time she brought it out to entertain people, but she was seen through by everyone, and even commented on the shortcomings, so she was naturally a little unconvinced.

"Hmph, what you said is right, but you will definitely not be able to find fault with this next dish." Li Han snorted softly, then picked up a casserole from the side and handed it to Chen Yang: "Try it again this."

"haha okay."

Seeing Li Han's unconvinced look, Chen Yang smiled slightly.

I didn't expect that Mr. Li would have such a little girly side.

Chen Yang opened the casserole, and inside was a pot of very delicious soup.

And on top of these fresh soups, there are some very plump and tender mushrooms floating.

Chen Yang took out the spoon, carefully made a bowl for himself, and then took a sip.

As soon as the soup was in his mouth, Chen Yang's mouth was filled with umami, followed by a fresh fragrance that stimulated his taste buds.

"Yeah! This soup is good!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but praised.

Seeing Chen Yang's face full of comfort and praise, Li Han smiled.

"How about this dish, can't find anything wrong with it?"

"Hmm! This dish is indeed perfectly cooked! Not only is the chef's skill good, but the mushroom taste is also very good. It should be a real wild mountain mushroom." Chen Yang nodded and said.

"Hehe, that's right, the mushrooms are made of pure wild mushrooms! The price is ridiculously expensive. If you still find fault with this dish, I'm afraid I can't help but beat you up." Li Han said with a smile on his face. .

"It's outrageously expensive? It's normal for such delicious mushrooms to be expensive. Anyway, you can add a little to the cost and sell them." Chen Yang said nonchalantly, and then poured himself another bowl of delicious mushroom soup.

"That's what you said, then just set a price for this bowl of soup, what do you think of a pot of nine hundred and ninety-eight dollars?" Li Han asked Chen Yang's opinion with a smile.

Chen Yang was eating soup normally, but when he heard that Li Han was going to sell a pot for 98, he almost spit out the soup he just drank.

"Are you robbing? 1000 yuan for a bowl of soup?" Chen Yang said with a face full of astonishment.

"Huh? What's the matter? Is there a problem? A pot of 1000 yuan, our big hotel only makes more than 100, is it expensive?" Chen Yang's huge reaction made Li Han feel astonished.

The cost of this mushroom soup is high, and she thinks it sells too little for a pot of 1000 yuan.

According to the specifications of their hotel, the signature dishes should earn hundreds of dollars.

So she couldn't understand Chen Yang's astonished expression.

But the reason why Chen Yang was astonished was because he didn't know that the mushroom soup was so expensive.

"Selling a bowl of soup for 1000 yuan, you only earn more than 100? Where did the rest of the money go?" Chen Yang asked with a puzzled face.

"Well... Let me do the math for you. Mushrooms cost more than 700 yuan per catty, and a pot of soup is one catty, so it is 700 yuan, and then add labor costs and private room fees... add up to more than 800 yuan in construction costs, isn't it just earning more than 100 yuan Money?" Li Han clasped his fingers and explained seriously.

Chen Yang was stunned.

His eyes unconsciously looked at some mushrooms floating in his bowl...

Mushrooms... 700 yuan a catty.

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and finally said: "Your mushroom costs 700 yuan a catty, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. This kind of mushroom is very rare. It's not the kind of common mushroom on the market, but the pure wild mountain mushroom in the deep mountains. It's not only delicious, but also has a lot of nutritional value. It costs 700 yuan." There is no price!" Li Han explained.

"Oh, I see."

Hearing what Li Han said, Chen Yang felt better.

It turned out that this mushroom was very special, so it was sold at such a high price.

While accepting that the price was reasonable, Chen Yang suddenly had an idea.

If this mushroom is really so valuable, why can't I find a way to sell it?It's not that there are no mountains in my village!

"Li Han, can you take me to your back kitchen to see this kind of mushroom?" Chen Yang immediately said to Li Han when he had an idea.

"Of course, if you are curious, I will take you to see it now." Li Han replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's go and have a look now." Seeing that Li Han agreed, Chen Yang grabbed Li Han's hand without saying a word, and then walked out of the box.

Chen Yang's mind was full of wanting to see what kind of wild mountain fungus it was, but he didn't notice at all that he was leading Li Han...

After Li Han was led by Chen Yang, his face flushed instantly.

Although she was a little shy in her heart, she didn't know why, instead of resisting Chen Yang, she let Chen Yang hold her like this.

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