"Ah! My waist! My waist is broken!"

The man yelled in pain, lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

The people in the private room were stunned for a second or two, and then all of them became furious.

"Damn it, you still dare to fight back, you are courting death!"

"Let's go together, toast and not eat fine wine, just teach me a lesson and be honest!"

There were five or six men in the private room. When they saw that someone was being beaten, other people swarmed up in an instant, and they joined hands with Chen Yang to make a rough move.

Not only the men were furious, but some other women led by He Jing also gritted their teeth and spoke harsh words.

"Hit, beat that bastard to death, and snatch the phone from Wang Jingman's hand, let's see how she calls the police." He Jing stood viciously in the distance and said loudly.

These men are really united.

After walking up, they were all unambiguous, and raised their fists one after another to hit Chen Yang.

The other two called Wang Jingman, trying to snatch Wang Jingman's mobile phone.

Fortunately, Wang Jingman reacted quickly enough. Seeing that these people were about to make a move, she quickly hid behind Chen Yang.

So everyone turned on Chen Yang.

But no matter how many of them there are, they are nothing compared to Chen Yang's absolute strength.

After three times, five times and two divisions, these people were all taken care of by Chen Yang.

They all fell to the ground.

Now, He Jing and the others were dumbfounded.

Seeing this scene, his face was full of disbelief.

She had calculated everything, but she never expected that Chen Yang would be able to fight so well. He could hit five or six of them each, and he was not injured at all.

After finishing off the man, Chen Yang stared at He Jing again with his cold eyes.

At this time, He Jing's face was full of panic, and the cigarette in her hand could not be held steadily, and it fell to the ground.

The body is also retreating unconsciously, trying to keep a safe distance from Chen Yang.

But this private room is so big, it's useless for her to retreat.

After a few steps, they all stuck their backs to the corner of the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

"You guys are really cruel. What do you treat your old classmates as? You even set up a special blackmail game. It's amazing." Chen Yang stared at He Jing and approached step by step.

He Jing's face was extremely flustered, and there was also fear of Chen Yang in her eyes.

She was so arrogant and domineering before, just relying on the large number of people and pretending to be a tiger.

Now that the men were all dealt with by Chen Yang, she was naturally afraid.

She didn't dare to look directly into Chen Yang's eyes, and could only look at Wang Jingman in the distance in a panic.

"Jingman, today's matter is a bit of a misunderstanding, please listen to my explanation, please don't do anything." He Jing said nervously.

Wang Jingman looked at them from afar, but ignored them.

"Jingman, it wasn't my idea that something like this happened today. I was also forced to be helpless and coerced by others." In order not to suffer from the pain of flesh and blood, He Jing kept thinking of what to say and said something for her. I excused myself.

But whether she has been coerced in this matter, it seems to be obvious.

No matter on the mahjong table or in the conversation just now, it is not difficult to see that He Jing is the mastermind.

Her domineering look doesn't look like she's being coerced at all.

So Wang Jingman still ignored her, and stood aside coldly, watching Chen Yang teach He Jing a lesson.

This He Jing is really hateful.

Originally, Chen Yang had no intention of doing anything to this kind of woman.

Suspected of bullying women.

But she is really too bad, if she doesn't teach her a lesson, it will be really difficult for her.

So when he got close, Chen Yang raised his hand and slapped him with two big slaps.

The force of Chen Yang's two slaps was quite strong.

Although He Jing was not directly knocked to the ground, the faces on both sides

His cheeks also swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Chen Yang finished the fight, the police arrived at the scene just in time.

Just now Wang Jingman had already called the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, Wang Jingman immediately told the truth about the situation here without softening her heart at all.

Directly characterize the situation here as a fraud.

And blackmail.

The police thought so too, and after checking the relevant evidence, they took He Jing and the others away for investigation without hesitation.

Wang Jingman, as the person involved, will also go there.

So Chen Yang went with him.

Made some notes and provided some evidence.

After finishing all this, the two of them had nothing to do, so they came out of the police station, took Chen Yang's van, and returned to the hotel.

It was very late when I came out of the police station, almost early morning.

Chen Yang's original plan was to send Wang Jingman off and go back.

But that once thought, Wang Jingman actually invited him to sit up and sit down.

Well, how do you think he refused?

Of course, he happily agreed.

Chen Yang followed Wang Jingman upstairs.

When she first entered the room, Wang Jingman arranged for Chen Yang to sit on the sofa and poured him a cup of tea.

"Chen Yang, you drink first, I'll take a shower first, I'm really tired today."

Wang Jingman said something, and then naturally went to the bed to pack and change clothes, and then went to the bathroom.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang was really stunned.


So direct and proactive?

It’s not implied, it’s directly stated!

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and then he was ecstatic.

I never imagined that such a surprise would happen in such a simple and ordinary day!It's incredible!

Thinking of the fiery scene, the blood in my heart couldn't help but churn.

Immediately, I felt a little restless, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, his mood was more of anticipation.

After waiting in anticipation for half an hour, the doorknob of the bathroom was pulled with a click, and Wang Jingman came out of the bathroom.

Her hair was wet, and she wore a simple gray dress that fell to mid-thigh.

The calf is a pair of short stockings, which looks ordinary and nothing special.

"Chen Yang, why do you keep looking at me, am I ugly without makeup?"

During Chen Yang's observation, Wang Jingman had already walked in front of him.

She looked at Chen Yang in a strange way, thinking that she had removed her makeup and her appearance had changed.

In fact, the difference between her makeup and no makeup is really not big, there is only a little difference.

Chen Yang kept looking at her, but he was speechless in his heart.

I thought something good would happen, but looking at Wang Jingman's outfit...

It seems that I think too much.

"No, it's just that you're wearing something special."

Chen Yang shook his head and said.

Wang Jingman smiled slightly when she heard the words, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Chen Yang.

"Tch, what's special about this, it's just a little different from usual, you won't be bored just sitting here, let's turn on the TV and watch for a while." Wang Jingman picked up the remote control on the coffee table, and turned the TV to opened.

At first, Chen Yang was full of expectations, but when he saw Wang Jingman coming out of the bathroom in ordinary clothes, he was instantly disappointed.

But this time, Wang Jingman sat down beside her, with an indescribable fragrance on her body, which made Chen Yang's blood boil again.

"Okay, let's take a look."

Chen Yang nodded his head with a smile, and after adjusting the TV, he quietly raised his hand to set the TV

The power switch behind the sofa was turned off.

The room was dark in an instant, and there was no other light source in the room except the TV was a little bright.

When Wang Jingman turned off the lights, she was a little surprised, and Chen Yangneng could clearly feel her breathing lifted.

But later, she may have known that Chen Yang had turned it off, so she returned to normal.

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