Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1559 Realm Breakthrough

And the relationship between the two, also in this dark environment, became a little fiery.

The ambiguous atmosphere quickly heated up.

After a while, the two leaned against each other just like last time.

I don't know how long they have been together, but Wang Jingman, who was lying in her arms, suddenly moved a few times.

Chen Yang thought it was uncomfortable to lie in one position all the time, and wanted to continue lying in another position.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jingman turned around directly, with flushed cheeks and blurred eyes.

That erratic gaze met Chen Yang's, which instantly made his heart surge, and his whole body seemed to be congested with blood.

Before he could react, Wang Jingman actually took the initiative to go a step further, and directly came together and printed them together.

It's all come to this point, how could Chen Yang not have any attitude of his own?

Immediately, she hugged Wang Jingman's soft body tightly, and her affection merged.

I don't know how long it has been like this, but when Chen Yang's hand was about to make another move, it was stopped by Wang Jingman.

Wang Jingman held Chen Yang's arm with one hand, and turned her head back slightly, looking at Chen Yang with a blushing face.

"You stink...let's go take a shower first and then continue watching TV..." Wang Jingman said with a blushing face.


Hearing this, Chen Yang almost burst out laughing.

"Okay, then wait for me to watch TV with you..."

Chen Yang smiled badly, pinched Wang Jingman's nose, and then got up to go to the bathroom.

After that, everything became natural.

When he woke up the next day, Chen Yang was lying on the bed in the room, and Wang Jingman was also leaning tightly on his chest, sleeping soundly.

Chen Yang saw that Wang Jingman was sleeping soundly, and couldn't bear to disturb her, so he silently looked down at Wang Jingman's deep sleep.

After appreciating for about 10 minutes, Wang Jingman blinked her eyelashes, and then opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Chen Yang looking at her with a smile. She was naturally extremely shy, and immediately buried her face in her chest, not daring to look at Chen Yang.

Although Wang Jingman's temperament is that of a royal sister, her personality is relatively shy.

Chen Yang could clearly feel the hot temperature on her face.

The two hugged and rested on the bed for a long time, and finally Wang Jingman got up first.

She was only temporarily shy, and after that momentum passed, she was more natural.

"I'm going to change my clothes first, you can order some breakfast, and help me move after eating."

Wang Jingman said with a slightly red face.

"no problem."

Chen Yang agreed decisively.

Then Wang Jingman went to the bathroom to change clothes.

She left, and Chen Yang didn't stay on the bed any longer, and immediately got up and put on his clothes.

When he was on the bed, Chen Yang really didn't feel anything else.

But when he woke up, Chen Yang immediately felt that his body seemed to have changed.

His body has become much lighter, and his vision, hearing, and even reaction speed are much faster than before!

This feeling is very sudden.

It was as wonderful as eating the fruit yesterday, as if his cultivation had suddenly taken a big step forward.

In addition to these feelings, he also clearly felt that even the surrounding air had become a little different.

This feeling is not an instinctive feeling of the body, but the effect of vision.

In other words, he could actually see the flow of air in front of him!

And there seems to be a magical power flowing in the air!

Chen Yang was very surprised by these feelings.

But after thinking about it carefully, he understood again and knew what was going on.

Mr. Wang told him back then,

There are four realms in cultivation.

The Xuan Jin he was in before was only the third one.

The fourth realm is the realm of Qi training!

Practicing Qi, is it possible that you can no longer use conventional means to improve your strength, but rely on absorbing the power in the flowing air in front of you?

Now that he can see the air flow in front of him, does that mean that he has broken through to the realm of Qi training?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart.

I really didn't expect that there would be two big surprises in a simple and ordinary day!

It was really surprising.

"I understand. After I ate the fruit, I felt the existence of breaking through the shackles, and Wang Jingman is the body of Xuanyin, and last night...so I broke through."

Chen Yang thought about many things in an instant.

When breaking through Xuan Jin, it was because of Di Anni's help that he succeeded. .

Wang Jingman is also a body of Xuanyin, so it is not surprising that there will be such a change today.

"It's amazing."

Chen Yang felt refreshed and extremely excited.

There is nothing better than this in the best state of a person!

"Chen Yang, what's wrong with you? Is breakfast ordered?"

Just as Chen Yang wanted to understand what was going on, Wang Jingman changed into clothes and came out of the bathroom.

Wang Jingman put on clothes, everything was so natural, and she regained the demeanor of sister Yu, not as shy as before.

"Oh, it's okay, I just remembered something, I'll order it now." Hearing the voice, Chen Yang reacted from the state of thinking, immediately went to pick up the landline in the room, and ordered it with the front desk of the hotel Two hearty breakfasts.

It didn't take long for breakfast to be served.

Chen Yang and Wang Jingman sat in the room and ate breakfast quietly, then left the hotel together, and moved in a van.

During this period of time, Wang Jingman has been living in the hotel, so some furniture and electrical appliances purchased some time ago have been kept in the store, and have not been moved to the new house.

Today, Wang Jingman saw that Chen Yang had time, so he took advantage of the opportunity to move.

And Chen Yang really had nothing else to do, he spent all his day helping Wang Jingman move the furniture and clean the new house.

By the time everything was done, it was dark.

"I'm so hungry, how about going out for a meal together? I'm treating you today."

Chen Yang sat on the sofa and said with a long sigh of relief.

Wang Jingman also happened to finish cleaning at this time, put down the broom, sat down next to Chen Yang, and said with a smile, "Are you tired? Then let's choose a restaurant first, so as not to go down and look for it again."

As Wang Jingman spoke, she took out her mobile phone and checked the nearby restaurants.

Looking at Wang Jingman who is dressed like a housewife, Chen Yang has a feeling of being at home, very warm in his heart.

Taking advantage of the situation, they hugged Wang Jingman's waist, and the two chose the restaurant together.

After a busy day, they must have a good meal in the evening, so the two of them were very serious about choosing restaurants.

After careful selection, I finally chose a restaurant that specializes in roasted whole lamb.

This restaurant is newly opened, and I have never seen it in the county before.

"Just go to this and taste it."

Chen Yang made a final decision.

Wang Jingman mainly listened to Chen Yang's wishes. Seeing that Chen Yang had chosen, she naturally had nothing to say.

"Okay, listen to you, taste the taste in the past, the evaluation on the Internet is not low." Wang Jingman smiled sweetly, and turned off the phone.

"Then wait for me for a while, and I'll go and touch up my makeup."

Wang Jingman turned her head and looked directly at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded: "Okay, hurry up, I'm really hungry."

"it is good."

Wang Jing

Man nodded, and then got up to touch up her makeup.

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