Chen Yang didn't hide anything, and nodded to show that it was the thugs that He Jing had found.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding, Wang Jingman's complexion instantly became ugly.

Originally, she thought that we were all classmates, but she didn't expect the other party to do such a thing. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Go and find him."

At this time, Chen Yang didn't go to explain anything to Wang Jingmando. He took her hand and left the restaurant, and drove the van all the way back to the vr hall.

On the way, Wang Jingman already knew what Chen Yang was going to do.

So she didn't speak all the way.

Because she couldn't be more angry.

Originally, they wanted to have a class reunion to draw in the relationship between each other, but they set themselves a trap, even if they lost money, they would find gangsters to make trouble.

No one can swallow this breath, and they must be taught a lesson.

Wang Jingman sat quietly beside Chen Yang, without speaking.

After arriving at the place, he also went upstairs with Chen Yang and returned to the previous private room.

When the two entered the private room, He Jing and the others were chatting and laughing together, joking and joking, very happy.

But when Chen Yang and Wang Jingman turned back, they were all stunned.

Especially He Jing, she was a little dumbfounded.

After tens of seconds of astonishment, she finally realized, she pretended to be nonchalant and asked with a smile why Wang Jingman and Chen Yang came back suddenly.

"Jingman? Why are you back?"

He Jing asked with an awkward smile.

Wang Jingman's face was very serious: "Why do I come back, don't you know? It's just a loss of some money. As for finding gangsters to make trouble?"

Wang Jingman was not polite at all, and questioned He Jing as soon as she entered the door, directly exposing the hypocrisy.

He Jing obviously didn't expect Wang Jingman to be so direct, her tone obviously paused again, and then she still pretended not to know anything.

"Jingman, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? We have been here since you left, everyone is watching, you can't wrong me." He Jing said.


Hearing this, Wang Jingman laughed immediately.

"Don't understand? That's fine, I'll call the police. Anyway, I have already controlled those gangsters, and I will find out who they are when the time comes! Hiring a murderer to hurt someone is not a small crime." Wang Jingman was really tough. Very decisive.

Without further ado, he took out his phone and was really ready to call the police.

This move of hers frightened He Jing and the others.

The people in this private room are almost all in the same group and know the ins and outs of the matter.

It can also be said to be a guilty conscience.

How dare Wang Jingman call the police?


Just when Wang Jingman was about to make a call to the police, the door of the private room behind her was suddenly shut with a snap, followed by another stern voice: "Put down the phone for me!"

Listening to the movement, Wang Jingman slowed down a little, and looked back towards the door together with Chen Yang.

I saw a man who was at the poker table walking over from the door with a fierce face.

"Wang Jingman, I won't pretend to be with you today! So what if we called those bastards over? To tell you the truth, hand over all the money you have on you, and you two can get out, but today If you don’t pay it! I can’t guarantee what will happen to you two!”

The man said threateningly.

The man tore off his disguise and revealed his true face, He Jing stopped pretending, and even everyone in the private room laughed triumphantly.

"Haha, Wang Jingman, I really didn't expect that you are not only good at school, but also have a good ability to deal with other things, but I really didn't expect you to come back after taking care of Wang San and the others." He Jing was proud Said.

"Oh? Then you mean to admit that those people just now are

Did you call here?Today's so-called classmate reunion is also a bureau set up specifically for me? "Wang Jingman turned around again and faced He Jing.

This He Jing has a high status in the room, which can be seen from her series of actions.

Not only is her status very high, it is even possible that today's bureau was organized by her.

"Hahaha, now that we've talked about it, I have nothing to hide. The matter is exactly as you imagined, without any mistakes." He Jing laughed suddenly, and admitted without hesitation.

Hearing this, Wang Jingman felt really uncomfortable.

But it was only for a short while, and soon this uncomfortable emotion turned into anger.

"I really didn't expect the so-called old classmates to become like this. It's ironic." Wang Jingman glared at He Jing.

"The old classmate is right, but the old classmate also wants to eat. I asked you to come here today, just thinking that you are doing well and taking care of everyone. The matter is very simple. In addition to returning 45 to us, we will give you another 100 million, we are still old classmates, so we won't get too stiff."

He Jing didn't care about Wang Jingman's glare at all. In her heart, immediate interests were more important than anything else.

It's just a so-called old classmate, it's better to seize the opportunity to blackmail more than [-] yuan.

Not only her, almost everyone in the private room thought so.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have joined forces with He Jing to hold such a so-called classmate reunion together to take the opportunity to trick Wang Jingman.

"100 million? What are you thinking? Do you think it's possible? You are extorting, I can call the police and arrest you!" Wang Jingman said angrily.


Hearing this, He Jing smiled disdainfully.

The man behind him also walked over with a smile: "Look at how many of us are here? You still want to call the police? You are too naive."

Wang Jingman has long noticed that these people are plotting wrongdoing.

But with Chen Yang here, what does she have to be afraid of?

Chen Yang is the biggest confidence in her heart.

Wang Jingman ignored these people. Seeing that she had nothing to say, she immediately took out her mobile phone and really planned to call the police.

Nothing to say to these people.

"Damn it! It's really a toast and you don't eat or drink fine wine. Put down your phone."

Seeing that Wang Jingman insisted on calling the police, but ignored his threat, he immediately became angry.

With a loud roar, he rushed to Wang Jingman's face in three or two steps, raised his arm, and slapped Wang Jingman's face.

The slap was about three centimeters away from Wang Jingman's face, but it stopped abruptly, and one arm firmly grabbed the man's hand.

Don't let his slap touch Wang Jingman. .

The man gritted his teeth and tried hard to break free from Chen Yang's hand.

But Chen Yang's hand was like a vise, tightly clamping his arm, no matter how hard he struggled, he was still unable to move forward or back half a point.

"Boy, let go of me!!"

Seeing that struggling was useless, the man immediately yelled at Chen Yang.

"Let go of you? Okay." Chen Yang smiled slightly, and he really let go.

It's just that when he let go, he also gave him a kick.

This kick was so strong that it knocked him over immediately.

His waist hit the mahjong machine, and the machine was overturned on the spot.

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