On the way to find a restaurant, Wang Jingman mentioned the poker game just now.

This time Chen Yang didn't hide anything anymore, and immediately told Wang Jingman what he saw and noticed at the time.

To be clear, to put it bluntly, He Jing and the others deliberately cheated her.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that Wang Jingman would be surprised and angry when he heard this sentence.

But never thought that Wang Jingman's complexion was very calm, as if she knew it a long time ago.

"You don't seem surprised to hear me say that." Seeing that Wang Jingman didn't respond, Chen Yang said something again.

Wang Jingman nodded: "Well, before you came, I felt a little bit of being tricked. When they sang together, they sensed something was wrong, so I came to you in time."

Hearing what Wang Jingman said, Chen Yang understood Wang Jingman's real intention.

"Oh, I see."

Chen Yang nodded and said nothing.

Wang Jingman said a few more words from the side, and then the two found a fairly high-end restaurant in the county seat.

Originally, there were many such restaurants in the county.

But most of the doors are closed this evening, and only a small part is still open. There is no choice but to go here for dinner.

The two walked into the restaurant, and immediately a waiter came up to greet them.

There are few people in the restaurant at night and it is very quiet.

The two had a pleasant dinner.

"waiter, Bill please."

After eating, Wang Jingman immediately called the waiter and bought the order.

This meal was originally invited by Wang Jingman, and Chen Yang helped her win so much money, so Chen Yang didn't try to be polite to her, and rushed to pay the bill.

"Let's go, Chen Yang."

After paying the bill, Wang Jingman immediately wanted to leave.

It happened that they were [-]% full, so they didn't feel like sitting down and resting, so the two left the restaurant.

But unexpectedly, he just left the restaurant and walked to the door.

I saw more than a dozen social youths squatting on a flower bed not far away from the road.

All of them had cigarettes in their hands, waiting comfortably for something.

As soon as Chen Yang and Wang Jingman walked out of the restaurant, their attention was immediately attracted.

At the same time, they also threw away the cigarette butts in their hands, showing unkind expressions.

It's obvious, it's for Chen Yang and the others.

Otherwise, where would such an attitude be?

"Chen Yang...what's the situation..." Seeing this situation, Wang Jingman was a little scared, and subconsciously hid behind Chen Yang.

Looking at the appearance of this group of people, Chen Yang already understood what was going on in his heart.

"What else could it be? I couldn't afford to lose, so I called someone to make trouble." Chen Yang smiled easily.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jingman behind her paused for a moment, her face a little surprised.

Her first thought was of He Jing and those classmates who were playing cards together just now.

She was surprised because she felt that it was just a loss of some money, so there was no need to hire someone to attack her classmates, right?

This is too bottomless.

Wang Jingman couldn't believe it, but before she could question it, Chen Yang spoke first.

"Stand back and wait for me in the restaurant. I'll deal with these people."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang walked forward with ease.

And those gangsters in the flower bed also approached Chen Yang by coincidence.

Most of these people are unarmed, only a few are holding a thing in their hands, and the fierce look on their faces looks like they are going to eat people.

"Boy, robbery, hand over all the money you have on you."

After the gangster confronted Chen Yang, he spoke

That's it.

Hearing the word robbery, Chen Yang really laughed.

Those who come to grab the card account will grab the card account and even rob.

Do more.

"He Jing is the one who asked you, where is she?" Chen Yang didn't bother to go around with these people, so he directly talked about He Jing.

Chen Yang's attitude stunned the gangster for a moment.

The leader glanced left and right, and then said: "I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm here to rob, take out all the money on your body, understand? Otherwise, I'll let your blood splatter the streets today."

The gangster's tone suddenly became cold, and at the same time he took out a gleaming dagger from his pocket and pointed it at Chen Yang's abdomen.

It's as if Chen Yang just said no, and he would go in and out with red knives.

Chen Yang saw that these gangsters didn't talk, so he had nothing to say.

He shot directly, grabbed the dagger in the gangster's hand as quickly as possible, then raised his leg and kicked it, and put it on the gangster's chest.

The gangster was kicked four or five meters away by Chen Yang's kick.

The whole person flew out and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.


The gangsters around obviously didn't expect Chen Yang to take the initiative to attack suddenly, and they all subconsciously froze for a moment.

But when they reacted and wanted to fight back.

Chen Yang's fist had already reached their faces.

The dozen or so menacing people were all dealt with by Chen Yang in an instant, lying on the ground and howling.

None of their injuries were serious, just some skin trauma.

"You die for me!"

Chen Yang had just dealt with these gangsters, but the one who was kicked over by Chen Yang suddenly struggled to get up.

Picking up a dropped dagger from the ground, he stabbed at Chen Yang again.

Seeing this, Chen Yang became angry immediately.

Seizing the opportunity, he kicked the dagger out of the gangster's hand with a side kick.

Then he punched again with his backhand, hitting the gangster straight on the bridge of the nose.

Hearing a click, the nose collapsed directly.

what! !

The gangster was in pain, and immediately burst into screams like killing a pig.

But it's not over.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that they were just a bunch of punks, so a little lesson would be enough.

But this bastard was obviously murderous.

Such a person, Chen Yang couldn't let him go so easily.

The bastard's nose was broken, and he couldn't care about anything because of the pain. He squatted down while covering his face, trying to relieve the pain.

But as soon as he squatted down, Chen Yang chased after him.

A whip kick kicked him over, followed by punches and kicks.

He was beaten so hard that he had no room to fight back, and even broke several bones in his body.

However, Chen Yang was still very careful in his actions, making him hurt and making him pay the price, but he still didn't cause huge damage to his body.

Just let him suffer.

After fighting for a while, Chen Yang felt that it was almost done before he stopped.

At this time, the gangster had already curled up into a ball on the ground, with a lot of blood bleeding everywhere on his body, and he looked very miserable.

"He Jing asked you to come, where is she?"

Chen Yang, who stopped his hands, stared at the gangster and asked.

The gangster was beaten so badly that he waited for more than ten seconds before answering.

"She's waiting for me in the vr hall..."

The bastard gave a difficult answer.

As soon as Chen Yang heard about the vr hall, he knew that he must still be waiting in the chess and card room before.

Knowing the location of He Jing, Chen Yang didn't bother to take care of this guy anymore, turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

"Chen Yang, he

Who are they?Did He Jing and the others find it? "

Seeing Chen Yang approaching, Wang Jingman immediately asked with concern.

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