After this topic was over, Yan Qianning chatted with Chen Yang about promotion for a while.

Yan Qianning came to Chen Yang, not only to celebrate, but also to talk about the next steps of promotion.

Today's promotion has achieved great results.

What Yan Qianning meant was to make a link, hang it on the video, and sell tickets in advance.

In this way, they don't need promotion fees, they just need to extract a cut from the link sales.

Chen Yang knew about this commission plan when he chatted with Yan Qianning before, so he knew what kind of model it was.

Based on the commission plan, at present, Yan Qianning will definitely earn more.

After all, where is the traffic on the short video, tens of millions of exposures?

As long as one percent, or a few percent of people buy tickets and consume.

But her promotional achievements can be much higher than the normal promotion fee.

So it's normal for her to choose this way.

And Chen Yang has no objection to her choice of such commission method.

After all, the rules of this industry are like this, and Yan Qianning can be regarded as helping him, and he is not a stingy person, he still has to give what should be given.

"Okay, this will follow what you said, no problem."

Chen Yang decisively agreed to their proposal.

"Okay, it's settled like this. Zheng Zheng and I will make a link when we go back tonight. If there are no problems, we can sell the order tomorrow morning." Yan Qianning said with a smile.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, without saying anything, got up and went to the front desk, and bought the order for supper.

Then he returned to his seat and sat and chatted with Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng for a while.

Most of the chats were about work issues, so they were happy and harmonious, and didn't think about the incident that happened in Nanxun anymore.

The three talked and laughed, and chatted until about eleven o'clock in the evening.

It was getting late, so Chen Yang drove Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng back.

When leaving the supper shop, Zheng Zheng wanted to transfer the supper money to Chen Yang.

Because she felt that this supper was an apology to Chen Yang, so she had to pay for it.

But Chen Yang refused, it's just a meal, it's not necessary.

In addition, Chen Yang really didn't pay attention to the matter of Nanxun.

A child with an immature temper, why should Chen Yang care about him?

"I really don't need Zheng Zheng, you have helped me by posting the short video, I should come to this meal, so you are welcome." Chen Yang said while driving the car. cascoo.

"Yes, Zheng Zheng, don't be too polite, we are all friends."

Yan Qianning also smiled and helped Chen Yang speak.

Zheng Zheng saw that Chen Yang and Yan Qianning had said the same thing, so he didn't insist on giving the money anymore.

"That's fine, this time it's your invitation, next time I must come." Zheng Zheng said.

"Haha, it's no problem, next time you invite us to have a good meal."

Chen Yang laughed, and jokingly agreed, and then drove over according to the positions given by Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng.

Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng are very good girlfriends, and the two of them played short videos together and made a lot of money.

So we bought real estate together in a community in the county, and the two usually live together.

This information was known to Chen Yang during the chat in the supper shop just now.

According to the location, Chen Yang drove to the gate of the community.

The community of Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng's family is called a wealthy family, and it is considered a relatively high-end real estate in the county, and has a lot of fame.

"Yan Qianning, Zheng Zheng, I won't go in when I've arrived. I'll send you to the door."

Chen Yang's car stopped at the door, and he turned his head and said to Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng.

This neighborhood is high-end, and the guards are stricter. It is very troublesome to go in, so Chen Yang simply stopped outside, please Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng take a few steps.

"Okay, then let's go down, Chen Yang bye." Yan Qianning glanced outside, saw the place and quickly waved to Chen Yang, then opened the car door and went down.

"Goodbye, Boss Chen."

Zheng Zheng also waved and got out of the car together.

"Mmm, goodbye."

Chen Yang also responded, and then he was about to turn the car around and leave the gate of the community.

But before the car had time to start, more than a dozen men suddenly rushed out from nowhere and surrounded the car.

The men surrounding the car didn't look very old, only in their early twenties, and all of them were dressed very trendy.

It's not like a gangster, and it's not like a strong fighter.

Such a group of people rushed out suddenly, Chen Yang was really surprised, he didn't understand who these people were, why did they stop the car?

"Zheng Zheng."

Just when Chen Yang was puzzled, a familiar voice sounded.

Chen Yang looked in the direction of the sound, and immediately saw Nan Xun walking over from a distance with a dark face.

Seeing that it was Nan Xun's blow, Chen Yang really couldn't hold back his laughter.

What's the situation with this tm?

What mentality?

Could it be that he was making trouble at the bar, and now he is playing with his childish temper, feeling ashamed and asking his cronies to ask for a picture?

Chen Yang was very helpless, he smiled wryly.

He really didn't want to be familiar with this kind of kid, but he came to him again and again.

"Nan Xun? Why are you here?" When Zheng Zheng and Yan Qianning outside the car were suddenly surrounded in front of them, they were very scared, but when they saw Nan Xun walking out, the two of them understood what was happening in an instant, and they were angry again up.

"I came to see you, you left like that all of a sudden, don't you know I'm worried?" Nan Xun suddenly warmed up, and said very tenderly, and at the same time stretched out her hand very tuggingly, wanting to touch Zheng Zheng's face .

But at this time, Zheng Zheng is in a fit of anger, how can he accept his tricks?

"Don't touch me! You're worried about me, you're worried about your ridiculous face, right? Why bring so many people here? Are you going to continue to make trouble?" Zheng Zheng said angrily.

Nan Xun was tender one second, but when he saw Zheng Zheng's violent reaction the next second, his face darkened again.

"Zheng Zheng, you don't understand, this guy is too arrogant, I have to save face, otherwise I won't be able to get along anymore." Nan Xun said with a dark face.

Hearing this, Zheng Zheng was speechless to the extreme.

How old are you, and you still care about these faces?

Childish or not?

"I really can't communicate with you, you are too naive, don't contact me, don't look for me during this time, let's calm down." Zheng Zheng was speechless to the extreme, and waved his hands again and again, not wanting to talk nonsense with Nan Xun.

"Zheng Zheng, what do you mean? You want to break up with me?"

Nan Xun stared, very surprised.

When Zheng Zheng came out of the night snack shop, he still hesitated in his heart.

But seeing that Nan Xun not only didn't realize her problem at all, but went too far, she really didn't want to continue.

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