"Well, that's what I mean, let's break up, we don't need to continue!" Zheng Zheng nodded directly.

As soon as Zheng Zheng said this, Nan Xun seemed to have been hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He almost lost his footing and fell directly.

After a burst of surprise, Nan Xun's face became extremely angry.

A pair of eyes looked straight at the car.

Nan Xun's sudden gaze stunned Chen Yang in the car.

What's the situation?It won't be the fault of breaking up, it will be thrown on me, right?

Chen Yang thought so in his heart.

"Come down for me!"

As soon as Chen Yang had that idea in his mind, the next second, Nan Xun really walked towards the van aggressively.

He even pointed at Chen Yang's nose and yelled loudly, telling Chen Yang to get off the car.

Nan Xun's sudden reaction surprised both Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng.

"What are you doing! I'm breaking up with you, why are you bothering Boss Chen!" Zheng Zheng rushed forward helplessly, blocking Nan Xun.

Don't let him trouble Chen Yang.

Because of this matter, it really has nothing to do with Chen Yang. From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang just played a few dice and won.

On the contrary, it was this Nan Xun who made trouble again and again, all because of his own imagination.

But in Nan Xun's eyes, things are not like this at all.

In his eyes, the current situation was caused by Chen Yang. If it wasn't because of Chen Yang, he would not lose face.

If he doesn't lose face, Zheng Zheng won't break up with him. All the consequences are caused by Chen Yang.

This made him even more eager to regain his lost "face."

"Of course I want to trouble him! If it weren't for him! Can you break up with me? Get out of the way, I must make him admit his mistake today." Nan Xun became angry and aggressive.

The appearance looks scary, but in the eyes of Zheng Zhengyan Qianning and Chen Yang, it is really ridiculous.

Also childish.

How old are you, still doing this?

No brains.

"This has nothing to do with him! Can you be more mature and don't lose face here, okay? It's my own decision to break up with you! Do you understand!" Zheng Zheng still stopped Nan Xun from passing.

At this moment, Nan Xun was furious and didn't care what Zheng Zheng said.

He only wanted to save face in the way he imagined in his heart.

But he never thought that this method would only embarrass him more.

"Are you a fucking turtle? Dare you come down! I want you to give an explanation today! Why are you dragging!" Nan Xun was stopped by Zheng Zheng and Yan Qianning, but he was still aggressive, pointing at Chen Yang is a burst of crazy clamor.

Chen Yang didn't want to talk to this guy at first.

But this has to rush to the front of the car, and it is a bit unreasonable not to go down.

So Chen Yang opened the car door and got out of the car.

"What are you doing? It's just a game of dice, so you can't afford to lose. No wonder Zheng Zheng wants to break up with you. Look at your worthless appearance. Don't you feel ashamed?" Nan Xun directly tore his face, Chen Yang Not being polite to him, he got out of the car and directly expressed his thoughts.

As soon as he said these words, Nan Xun's self-esteem, which was already stimulated, became even more furious.

"What the hell are you talking about! Who can afford to lose! Say one more thing, believe it or not, I will kill you!" Nan Xun was furious, broke through Zheng Zheng's block, and rushed towards Chen Yang with big strides.

This guy is really reckless.

I was completely overwhelmed by anger, and I didn't think about anything.

After rushing over, he raised his fist and hit Chen Yang on the head.

"Ah! Chen Yang, be careful!" www.cascoo.

"Boss Chen, get out of the way!"


Nan Xun suddenly made a move at the slightest disagreement, which greatly exceeded Zheng Zheng and Yan Qianning's expectations.

Subconsciously, he reminded Chen Yang to avoid and not get hurt.

Chen Yang heard the reminder from Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng, but he didn't move away, but stood still.

"You kneel down for me!"

Nan Xun let out a roar, and a fist the size of a sandbag flew towards Chen Yang's forehead.

Although he is very handsome, he even looks a little girly.

However, this angry punch still had some strength, and it hit Chen Yang's head with a lot of power.

But in front of Chen Yang, it was still too unsightly.

Chen Yang slightly raised his hand, and easily blocked his angry punch.

And he held it tightly so that he couldn't take it back at all.


Nan Xun pulled out his hand forcefully, but Chen Yang's grip was so tight that he couldn't struggle at all.

"People in their 20s, don't you want to be more mature? Don't be ashamed."

Chen Yang really didn't want to fight this Nanxun, not because he was soft-handed, but because he felt it was unnecessary.

This is the same as adults don't want to care about children.

Chen Yang let go of his hand, and Nan Xun struggled out immediately, taking several steps back.

Obviously, he was not Chen Yang's opponent, and Chen Yang let him go just now.

"Nan Xun! You are really too much, can you be more mature? Don't you really think you are naive?"

At this time, Zheng Zheng and Yan Qianning also caught up, and they scolded Nan Xun again.

At this time, Zheng Zheng really felt that he was about to explode.

She really didn't notice before that he was so childish.

People in their 20s are still immature at all. It's really embarrassing to engage in this kind of thing.

At this time, Nan Xun really didn't realize that there was something wrong with him. Seeing Zheng Zheng scolding him again, his self-esteem was damaged even more, and he wanted to use this stupid way to regain his so-called face. .

"I'm naive! Isn't he naive? I can see it. You want to break up with me a long time ago, don't you? Or do you like this guy?" Nan Xun said to Zheng Zheng angrily.

When Nan Xun suddenly said such words, Zheng Zheng was stunned.

She never had such an idea, and she always treated Nan Xun sincerely.

"What... what did you say? When did I want to break up with you? Do you know what you are talking about?" Zheng Zheng looked at Nan Xun closely with unbelievable eyes.

Nan Xun was completely dazzled by anger, and didn't think about other things.

At this moment, he just wanted to save face!

"Of course I know what I'm talking about! You don't have to pretend, don't you just hate that I don't earn as much money as you? What's so great about being an Internet celebrity? You broke up with me, and I won't serve you anymore! I'm here today You're looking for trouble with him, you'd better get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Nan Xun was completely irrational, and could even say such things to Zheng Zheng.

Zheng Zheng was a little silly.

She couldn't believe it in a short time, that the person who had been with her for so long would show such a side after breaking up?

"Okay, let's break up. From now on, you and I have nothing to do! But Boss Chen is my friend. If you want to touch him today, you must touch me first!" Zheng Zheng firmly stood in front of Nanxun, not letting him This guy clashed with Chen Yang.

But Zheng Zheng really overestimated himself, or overestimated the character of this Nanxun.

This guy is dazzled by anger, so why bother?

"Go away!"

Open your mouth and roar!

Seeing that Zheng Zheng was still standing in front of him, he was jealous and furious!

He actually raised his hand, and was about to slap him.

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