Yan Qianning also instantly felt that her head was extremely low, how could there be such a person?

After all, chasing him out was only for the sake of a very inappropriate face, plus the bill for the drinks on the table.

Zheng Zheng was so angry that he didn't want to say a word, picked up his phone and transferred 1 yuan to his WeChat.

"Is this money enough for you to settle the bill? Don't come to me during this time! I don't want to talk to you!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zheng angrily pulled Yan Qianning away.

Seeing this, Chen Yang naturally followed the two of them.

"Zheng Zheng...Zheng Zheng."

Nan Xun still yelled tentatively from behind, but Zheng Zheng left without looking back.

And he didn't continue chasing, shouted twice without turning back, and continued to enter the bar.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

He really didn't understand what this Nanxun was thinking, and his girlfriend ran away angrily, not chasing after her.

Instead, he continued to entertain friends in the bar. Is it really so important to save face?

Chen Yang thought it was funny, but he didn't say much, and followed Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng all the way out of the bar entrance.

"Chen Yang, did you come here by car?"

After walking two or three hundred meters, Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng suddenly stopped and turned to ask Chen Yang.

"Well, I drove here." Chen Yang nodded.

"Let's leave in your car and change places."

Yan Qianning said.

"Okay, you guys wait for me here, I'll go drive."

Chen Yang had no objection, nodded and went to the back of the bar, and drove the van out.

Zheng Zheng and Yan Qianning got into the car together and left the bar entrance.

"Boss Chen, I'm sorry about what happened today. I didn't expect such an unpleasant thing to happen."

As soon as he got in the car, Zheng Zheng immediately apologized to Chen Yang.

Although Nan Xun did what happened just now, she is still Nan Xun's girlfriend, so this apology is necessary.

But Chen Yang didn't care about these things.

"It's okay, it's just a small episode, I don't take it to heart." Chen Yang said indifferently.

When Zheng Zheng heard that Chen Yang didn't take this matter to heart, he felt a little better.

"Zheng Zheng, this Nanxun, I didn't mean him, but you guys are really inappropriate, do you understand?"

Zheng Zheng just finished talking with Chen Yang, and Yan Qianning who was on the side started talking to Zheng Zheng.

What they meant was to persuade Zheng Zheng to break up with that Nan Xun.

It can be seen that Yan Qianning has actually been displeased with that Nan Xun for a long time, and this time such a thing happened, Yan Qianning naturally persuaded Zheng Zheng to break up even more.

But when Zheng Zheng faced what Yan Qianning said, she remained silent.

It could be seen that she also agreed with what Yan Qianning said, knowing that Yan Qianning was doing it for her own good.

But I don't know why, and I haven't expressed my opinion all the time.

"Sister, I really didn't mean to say bad things about him. Apart from being good looking, does he have other advantages? Money is for you, he doesn't make progress, and he knows how to fool around with those cronies every day. He has no ability at all, and he is still working hard." In terms of saving face, I really don't know why you are still with him."

Seeing that Zheng Zheng did not express his opinion, Yan Qianning continued to speak.

Even the more he talked, the more he was filled with righteous indignation, and his psychology was very unbalanced.

Chen Yang didn't have any good feelings for that Nan Xun at the first sight, so logically he would also say some of his own opinions.

But thinking about it carefully, he is not familiar with this Zheng Zheng at all, so it's better not to complain.

"Where are we going now, why don't I treat you to a late-night snack? It's also hard work helping me promote today."

Chen Yang drove the car, thought for a while and then wiped out a word.

"Yeah, okay, let's go for supper somewhere, I'm just hungry, so I can find a place to have a good chat with Zheng Zheng." Yan Qianning immediately agreed when she heard Chen Yang's words.

After answering Chen Yang's words, she immediately went to do ideological education work for Zheng Zheng.

Chen Yang concentrated on driving, found a decent night snack shop in the county town, and stopped the car.

Afterwards, the three of them got out of the car together, went to a supper shop and found a place to sit down and have a supper.

During the supper, Yan Qianning kept talking to Zheng Zheng about breaking up.

Chen Yang silently listened to their conversation.

Although Chen Yang felt very bad about the matter of persuading points.

But after listening to some conversations between Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng, Chen Yang felt very seriously that Yan Qianning was sincerely for Zheng Zheng's good.

Because that Nanxun is really quite down-to-earth.

Don't talk about ability, don't talk about how good he is to others, just what he did today, as a man, Chen Yang already looks down on him very much.

If you can't afford to lose a game of dice, what else can you afford?

For such a man, the sooner you break up, the better, don't delay yourself,

And Zheng Zheng is really good.

Whether it's physical condition, material condition, or personality, in Chen Yang's opinion, they are all superior.

Being with that Nan Xun really felt like flowers stuck in cow dung.

"Chen Yang, do you think what I said makes sense? Then Nanxun is just a showman, without any real skills. What else is there to be attached to such a person?"

Yan Qianning told Zheng Zheng a lot, but what she said later was not enjoyable enough, and even came to ask Chen Yang for his opinion.

Chen Yang ate the skewers with a dazed expression on his face.

Is there still a chance to speak for yourself?

"I'd better not comment. I'm not familiar with him, so you guys should talk about it."

Chen Yang smiled and replied.

When Yan Qianning heard this, she also felt something was wrong, so she didn't intend to let Chen Yang speak.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Zheng was very curious about Chen Yang's opinion.

"Boss Chen, I want to hear your thoughts. It's okay to talk about it." Zheng Zheng looked at Chen Yang seriously and said.

Chen Yang paused again, and said, "Do you really want to hear it?"

"Well, I really want to hear your thoughts and suggestions." Zheng Zheng nodded affirmatively.

Chen Yang didn't want to say it at first, but Zheng Zheng has said so, so there is no need for him not to express his opinion.

"I have the same thought as Qian Ning. It is best to break up, not because of what happened today, but because I think he is unreliable." Chen Yang said.

When Zheng Zheng heard Chen Yang's answer, his expression obviously paused.


Zheng Zheng asked curiously.

"I can't say anything about this. It's my personal feeling. It's up to you what to do. Anyway, my opinion is to break up. This person is a bit unreliable." Chen Yang said calmly. ,

"Zheng Zheng, you see that Chen Yang has already said that, just listen to me, there will be nothing wrong with this matter."

Yan Qianning seriously persuaded Zheng Zheng to break up again.

After getting Chen Yang's opinion, Zheng Zheng also seemed to have a clear direction, and his eyes brightened a little.

It is no longer the look in the eyes that was very entangled and didn't know what to do before.

"Let me think about this matter, no matter how you say it is a relationship, I don't want to end it so easily." Zheng Zheng said.

"Well, well, think about it for yourself."

When Yan Qianning heard this, she didn't say anything more, and asked Zheng Zheng to think about it and calm down.

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