Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 222, Cheng Yuzhi and Cheng Yuling

Cheng Tianyue's attack was horrific, the iron-armed white-haired ape of the first-rank top grade pushed these evil cultivators horizontally, Cheng Tianyue also arrested several alive, asked some things, and killed them directly, and then they went to Cheng Tianyan The rest of Yizhuang.

"Tianyan, what are your plans next?" Cheng Tianyue asked.

"Seventh Sister, I really don't have any plans." Cheng Tianyan scratched his head, the family arranged for him to be stationed in Baixia Town for a year, and the rest of the time he can move freely before returning to the family.

"Nineteenth brother, what we cultivators have to do is not just to practice hard. The family arranged for us to go down the mountain to practice more in the hope that we can practice faster and concentrate, and better break through the bottleneck." Cheng Tianyue patiently She explained that she hoped that Cheng Tianyan could walk more and practice more.

"Thank you, Seventh Sister, for your teaching!" Cheng Tianyan grinned.

"Yeah, let's do this! Eldest brother established the Jiugong Academy in Shangjing, the capital of Xia Kingdom, and there is a shortage of teachers. You can stay there for a few years! Where is there enough spiritual veins for you to practice, besides, wherever the family's children are, they will receive a certain amount of help." preferential treatment." Cheng Tianyue said.

"Yeah, okay, thank you Seventh Sister." Cheng Tianyan said respectfully.

"Take your people and come back to Yangcheng with me! Big brother is recruiting teachers all over the country. Besides you, I have two martial arts masters to accompany you. I will issue another certificate for you to save trouble." Cheng Tianyue said .

"Thank you Seventh Sister!" Cheng Tianyan cupped his hands.

"My family, why are you being polite?" Cheng Tianyue said with a smile.

Xianyin twitched Cheng Tianyan's clothes: "Master, I'd better go back to my house! It's demeanor to follow you." Xianyin was born in a brothel, although her virginity was not broken, and she was a performer rather than a prostitute.

But it's not good.

Cheng Tianyue cast her a glance. Cheng Tianyan hadn't told her about her situation yet.

Seeing this, Cheng Tianyan whispered a few words to Cheng Tianyue.

Cheng Tianyue frowned. There is no one in ten thousand miles with spiritual roots. Based on this alone, Cheng Tianyue would not let her go.

"Although you were born in a brothel, you have never been polluted. As the saying goes, you will not be polluted when you emerge from the mud, and you will not be demonized in the clean water. It is no problem. My nineteenth family will not dislike you. I will send someone to Baixia Town to deal with your matter. Just follow my nineteenth brother." Cheng Tianyue promised.

Xianyin just nodded.

Cheng Tianyan was in a dazed state, and after thinking about it, let his Seventh Sister tell the truth. Although monks don't have any arranged marriages, it's best to inform Cheng Tianyan's parents.

The group left Baixia Town and returned to Yangcheng. Mayor Wang cheered when he learned that the matter had been resolved. Cheng Tianyue sent someone to the brothel, got back Xianyin's deed of prostitution, and changed her name to Wang Yin'er. Follow Cheng Tianyan to Shangjing, the capital of Xia Kingdom.

Days rise and fall, four seasons flow, it is night, a round of bright moon hangs over Shangjing City, Cheng Tianyi waits anxiously outside the door, with a loud cry, Cheng Tianyi's first son, Cheng Yuling born,

A twin, his younger sister Cheng Yuzhi came to this world after him.

Emperor Xia had a son, and the whole country celebrated with joy. When the prince was born, it was the mid-autumn festival in August. He went to the capital to promulgate the order that there would be no curfew on August [-]th, and the whole country rejoiced.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan were holding a child, followed by the maid holding the young Cheng Tiansheng, and arrived at the highest point of the Jiugong Academy, which is called the Zhaixing Building. Top, just finished.

In order to build the Jiugong Academy, Cheng Tianyi summoned skilled craftsmen from all over the country, as well as a large number of migrant workers, but they did not serve corvee. Cheng Tianyi took out 2000 million taels of silver from the treasury to build the Zhaixing Building.

His purpose is naturally to reduce the amount of labor. The population of Xia Kingdom has exploded in recent years, and the natural economy has gradually failed to keep up. Agriculture has not been able to keep up, causing a large number of laborers to stay at home.

Without war, although the people live and work in peace and contentment, the country has a large number of laborers, and turmoil is prone to occur.

In the past two years, Cheng Tianyi has reduced exorbitant taxes and reduced the exploitation of the common people. However, if the common people are rich, the officials will naturally be rich too. The fact that the state does not exploit does not mean that the officials do not exploit.

Cheng Tian collects less than [-]% of the tax, and the officials want to exploit the people by [-]%.

However, if the tax is reduced, the country needs to operate, and Cheng Tianyi needs to find another way to get the money back from the officials, and auctioning items is the most important one.

If the country wants income and reduces taxes, Cheng Tianyi will naturally make money from these wealthy businessmen and officials.

Cheng Tianyi has as many pills that can prolong life, and with Su Ziyan, the great alchemist, there are as many pills that can prolong life for mortals.

Cheng Tianyi only auctioned the elixir, earning more than 2000 million taels of silver and more than 100 million taels of gold a year.

However, Cheng Tianyi also grasped this degree and promulgated a law that only the state can sell this kind of elixir, and the rest will be executed after being caught, and the nine clans will be exterminated.

Cheng Tianyi's approach was to prevent the Supervision Department in front of the palace, the Kunwu Guard, and most importantly, the Zhenyao Division from reselling the pills in private.

Although they have few spiritual objects, Cheng Tianyi also forbids the sale of these objects, fearing that the country will be disturbed.

"It's rare for monks to rule the country." Su Ziyan said.

Cheng Tianyi showed a smile, many monks have to practice, and there are many affairs in the country. If Cheng Tianyi implements the cabinet system, implements imperial examinations, emphasizes martial arts and culture, the country can be regarded as prosperous and prosperous.

"Reporting the birth of the emperor, the prince, and the princess, all civil and military officials of the country congratulated them with gifts." An eunuch came over, bowed his waist and saluted respectfully.

Then the ceremonial officials and eunuchs reported all the gifts, most of them were silver and gold, and the ministers also knew that their own emperor didn't like antiques and cultural relics, and most of them were real gold and silver.

"A total of 1000 taels of silver, 22 taels of gold, and more than a hundred pieces of rare antiques." The etiquette eunuch respectfully reported all the gifts.

Cheng Tianyi hugged Cheng Yuling and nodded. These officials are quite sensible. It's not that Cheng Tianyi doesn't allow them to be greedy, but he wants to take it from the people and use it for the people.

"Arrange the treasury and private treasury to sort out the assets." Cheng Tian said as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yes!" The palace eunuch retreated with a salute.

"Ma'am, in three days, let's go back to my mother's house!" Cheng Tianyi said with a smile.

"Really?" There was a smile on the corner of Su Ziyan's mouth. She hadn't been home for a long time. Although Su Ziyan practiced in the Yin Corpse Sect since she was a child, she seldom went home. Now Dayan Kingdom is not peaceful, and Zhang Han is still in retreat. The Su family didn't know about their wedding, and it was normal for Su Ziyan to miss her family.

Cheng Tianzhen had just left customs, Cheng Tianyi let her supervise the country for a period of time, and he wanted to go back to his mother's house.

Cheng Tianzhen agreed very unhappy.

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