Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 223, Master Zixue's Dojo

A spirit boat was sailing in the blue sky. The spirit boat was dark green, and quickly changed into blue, blending with the sky.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan sat in the spirit boat admiring the scenery outside, and what came into view were mountains, rivers and magnificent waves.

Lingzhou was not in a hurry to leave the territory of Xia Kingdom. Cheng Tianyi wanted to use this opportunity to study the trend of Xia Kingdom's mountains, rivers and rivers. If the country wants to develop, it naturally needs a granary. Cheng Tianyi has been on the throne for two years , although there are two seasons of surplus food, but if there is a disaster year, it is far from enough.

Cheng Tianyi is already ready, and the soldiers and horses have taken the Dao Kingdom into their pockets. The food, grass, soldiers and horses must be ready to take over the fat of the Dao Kingdom.

There are definitely not a few spiritual lands and spiritual veins owned by the sword country. Cheng Tianyi got the news that there are many evil cultivators in the country, and he just made a small fortune to speed up the cultivation of his power in the Xia country and collect resources for cultivation.

Cheng Tianzhen and Cheng Tianyi had the same idea, the Cheng family ruled the country of Xia, unified the power of the monks in the country, and established their own sphere of influence. Compared with the Cheng family's own limited manpower, it was really troublesome to have treasure land but not be able to mine it.

As soon as Cheng Tian sat in the spirit boat, although Xia Guo was known as the land of ten counties, Xia Guo's territory was small. If you talk about it, Cheng Tian planned the land of ten counties as the land of five counties as soon as he came to power, and North County was still Xia. The largest county in the country, followed by Xiangyang County, Nan County, Jiuhe County, and Shangjing County where the capital Shangjing is located.

Soon Cheng Tianyi's spirit boat came to Jiuhe County. Cheng Tian looked at the map of Xia State's mountains and rivers drawn by the Xia State Industry Department. It showed that Jiuhe County had nine rivers running through it. The source of these nine rivers came from Zi Jade Mountains.

Cheng Tianyi guessed that they might be a few tiny offshoots of the Qinglong River, but the Qinglong River is really vast and mighty, and its source is in the wilderness.

"These nine rivers are really wide!" Cheng Tian walked through the nine rivers one by one, and finally stopped at the place where the nine rivers meet, where the current is not very fast.

Cheng Tianyi released the green-headed shrimp and the others. For the past two years, the green-headed shrimp demon and the others have been staying in the pool of the palace. During this trip, Tianyi brought them out because he wanted to improve the water conservancy.

"It is rumored that there are many low-level monsters in the upper, middle and lower reaches of these nine rivers. From time to time, they come ashore to destroy farmland and even kill people. Now I ask you to deal with the monsters here in my name." Cheng Tian one by one Raising his hand, the water monkey jumped out of the golden seal.

The water monkey in the foundation building period is enough to frighten this place, but this water monkey is just a puppet controlled by Jinyin!

"Yes!" More than a dozen demon "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" jumped into the big river.

In the past two years, Cheng Tianyi has not been idle. He and Su Ziyan have encountered a bottleneck in their cultivation. They have no resources. The more powerful the exercises, the more exotic cultivation resources are needed.

Cheng Tian couldn't find these training resources for a while, so he studied Jinyin, and used Yinshen to refine the water ghost into a water monkey puppet controlled by Jinyin.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan came to the place where the Nine Rivers meet. This place is called Chakou. The water flows slowly into one place. Lingshi.

Cheng Tianyi designated it as the Nine Rivers Water Mansion, mined spiritual stones along the way, stored the spiritual objects in the river, and handed them over to Cheng Tianyi.

After finishing the matter, Cheng Tianyi visited Jiuhe County and learned that the land is sparsely populated and the fields are fertile, but there are not many people. The reason is that the nine rivers in Jiuhe County flood every year, flooding a lot of farmland.

Firstly, this situation is caused by monsters in the water, and secondly, because of the flood season in Jiuhe every year, there is no one to deal with it, and the floods are flooding.

After learning about the situation, Cheng Tian took Su Ziyan to find out the details, and then left Jiuhe County.

Time cannot be delayed, they are about to set off for Dayan Kingdom.

Inside the spirit boat, Cheng Tianyi wrote with his pen that Jiuhe County has a vast land and few people, and the land is fertile, but there are floods. If the floods are well controlled, the land can be reclaimed, the population moved, and turned into the granary of the Xia Kingdom.

Su Ziyan walked to Cheng Tianyi's side with the child in her arms, and said with a smile, "I think you are becoming more and more like an emperor."

Cheng Tian stroked his beard that he didn't have yet, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, I'm called doing a job, loving a job!"

The accompanying maid took the child from Su Ziyan's hand, and Su Ziyan took Cheng Tianyi's hand and sat in Cheng Tianyi's arms.

The speed of the spirit boat is not fast either. Whether it is the Xia Kingdom or the Dayan Kingdom, there are many undeveloped mountains and mountains. The spiritual energy tide makes them very dangerous for ordinary people or low-level monks.

Cheng Tianyi couldn't help sighing on the spirit boat: "The strength of ordinary people is insignificant after all! Fortunately, he is a monk, otherwise how could he get a glimpse of the beauty between heaven and earth!"

This time, Cheng Tianyi still chose the route of Lingzhou, which is Qingyunmen, the most important thing is safety, the most important thing is safety, the affairs of Dayan Kingdom are not known, Cheng Tianyi doesn't want to get into trouble for nothing.

Not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, Cheng Tianyi was extremely cautious, and the spirit boat flew unhurriedly. Suddenly, a beam of light shot up into the sky, and a blood-red light curtain swept across the sky.

Cheng Tian cursed: "I tm"

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan concentrated on manipulating the spirit boat to avoid the blood-red light curtain.

But it was already trapped, and suddenly the world changed drastically, and a vortex of light appeared in the sky.

Several figures fought in the air. Depending on the situation, it was not a means that the foundation-building monks could use. Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan left the spirit boat and put the spirit boat into the volley bead.

Several figures flew towards Cheng Tianyi and the others. Cheng Tianyi hurriedly pulled Su Ziyan to use the blood element escape method, and ran away at full speed, when suddenly an attack hit them.

The two of them were startled, and they were about to die when suddenly a figure stood in front of them.

"Why are you here?" Su Bangjie asked.

Cheng Tianyi: ...I said that I would bring my daughter-in-law back to her natal home, would any of you believe me?

"Hurry up, you can't hide, just go inside the vortex, it's safer than Master Zixue's ashram, not here." Su Bangjie said.

Cheng Tian pulled Su Ziyan to the whirlpool without saying a word. He, Su Bangjie, can cheat his son-in-law, but not his daughter, can he?

The two rushed into the vortex, and the next moment they appeared in a mountain range, suddenly a thick scorpion tail emerged from the ground.

Cheng Tian hurriedly retreated with Su Ziyan in his arms, and with a flick of his hand, there were five second-level low-grade charms.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Tian put the Fenling Fist on his hand, and punched it into the ground, and with a touch, a poisonous scorpion of the second-level low-grade came out.

Cheng Tian changed hands one by one and a black long spear appeared in his hand. When he killed those black-clothed monks, Cheng Tian got a lot of spiritual weapons, and the black tiger gun was one of them.

Cheng Tian stabbed out one by one, directly piercing through the scorpion.

As soon as Cheng Tian heard Su Kunshan say that no one has asked for scriptures in this ashram for at least ten thousand years, presumably there are a lot of treasures in it, and of course there are also a lot of monsters, there may be third-order monsters.

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