Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 221, Seize the house

The old woman's behavior was uncharacteristic, and Cheng Tianyan saw that it was tricky. There was a spiritual force in Xianyin's body before, probably because she had practiced some kind of kung fu.

"It seems to be Duoshe!" Cheng Tianyan thought, what is it if the soul is out of the body?Of course, there are other things, not necessarily seizing the house.

Cheng Tianyan squatted there motionless and made no sound, Ren Poor, an old woman, was lying in Xianyin with a face of ashes, she knew that she was doomed today.

I still remember that just five years ago, she was a lady from a wealthy family in a town. Suddenly one day, people in the town began to die strangely. At first, it was just four people from a remote area of ​​the town. After that, More and more people died, and what is even more outrageous is that these dead people are all alive.

It came alive and ate people everywhere. Some people were dismembered by them on the spot. Her family was not spared either.

She ran for her life in a panic, and escaped from that town. At the age of 12, she went through many twists and turns, lost all her entanglements and flowers.

In the end, she was tricked and sold into a brothel. Although she also knew that a brothel was a dirty place, she also wanted to survive, so naturally she didn't think about it so much, so she was somewhat relieved.

Xianyin is handsome and beautiful, and the old bustard of the brothel fell in love with her at a glance. At that time, Xianyin was too young to receive customers, and the old bust refused to let her pick up customers. The brothel's money-making machine.

All these beauties made Xianyin feel a bit bitter and rewarding. Xianyin was born in a wealthy family, and she learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child, and she has been proficient in everything since she was a child.

The old bustard trained her, and Xianyin also loves playing the piano, and her skills are also very good.

A year has passed like this. On this day, an old woman came to the backyard of the brothel. The old woman said that she is a fairy who walks in the world. .

Xianyin was ecstatic, immortal!She heard that although her town was destroyed, some immortals killed those monsters.

So Xianyin started her long journey of cultivation. Four years passed in a flash. , just three days ago, my master asked me to talk about a piece of music, the piece is so beautiful that many people are fascinated by it.

Then they died, died, Xianyin heard the news, and soon realized that her master killed her, but what could she do?

If she continued to play, she would kill people. If she didn't play, she would probably die. As she continued to play, a Taoist priest came. Now she is tied to the stone table, waiting for her master to slaughter her, and she will die.

Looking back on the past, Xianyin's life was full of ill-fated fate, she slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

Cheng Tianyan watched the old woman's actions without saying a word, to see what kind of moths this old woman could make.

Cheng Tianyan saw that the evil cultivator's soul had left her body, so Cheng Tianyan quickly took out two talisman papers and pasted one on the old woman's body and the other on Xianyin's body.

The old woman's living soul wanted to enter Xianyin's body, but was bounced back by a golden light. She secretly thought that something was wrong, and someone around her had tampered with Xianyin.

She is in the state of a soul and cannot see the surrounding situation. Although she can sense the breath of strangers, she has not sensed it. She has a secret feeling in her heart and wants to return to her body.

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and she was thrown out again, the old woman's heart sank, she had just dropped the Broken Dragon Stone,

At this moment, the old woman has realized the opponent's superb methods, and her heart is ashamed.

Cheng Tianyan was also unambiguous, a magic talisman flashed in his hand, sealing the old woman's soul, and the old woman cast herself into a trap.

The quality and effect of the hidden symbols produced by the Cheng family are outstanding.

Cheng Tianyan came to Xianyin to look at her, and cast a spell to open the bone claws that restrained her. Cheng Tianyan's purpose of saving her was very simple. Cheng Tianyan's hidden talisman was used up, so he could only use her to take him out of here.

The fairy sound was brought by the old woman, at least she is familiar with the evil cultivators here, so it is easy to do things.

Moreover, the evil cultivators here are basically wrapped in black robes, so they are unlikely to be discovered.

Xianyin was already waiting to die, when suddenly the bone claws that restrained her were opened, she looked up and saw the familiar face, the Taoist priest came.

"Miss Xianyin, if you want to survive, you'd better cooperate." Cheng Tianyan smiled.

Xianyin nodded. Under such circumstances, if she wanted to survive, she had to listen to the man in front of her.

Cheng Tianyan walked up to the old woman's body, and took away her Qiankun bag. Cheng Tianyan also smiled when he took the Qiankun bag. Although the Cheng family has developed rapidly in recent years, most of them still buy resources for cultivation to improve the strength of the clan. The strength of the clansman has increased, catching monsters, exploring dangerous places, picking elixir, giving back to the family, such soft power as the Qiankun bag, many members of the Cheng family still use the mustard bag, including Cheng Tianyan.

Cheng Tianyan didn't have time to untie the old woman's hands and feet on the Qiankun bag, but used his mustard seed bag to put away the things in the old woman's cave.

"Let's go!" Cheng Tianyan beckoned Xianyin to open the Broken Dragon Stone, and left the old woman's cave. Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. Xiexiu usually has a withdrawn personality. The two are dressed in black robes and do not speak. Xianyin followed Cheng Tianyan out. The evil cultivator's nest, this operation is considered to be a surprise without any danger.

After leaving the entrance of the cave, it was already pitch black, Cheng Tianyan and Xianyin breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them hadn't walked a few steps when a long sword flew towards them. Cheng Tianyan was startled, and the magic weapon in his hand slashed at the long sword. Hearing a ding, Cheng Tianyan flew tens of meters away with his magic sword. Fortunately, there was a defensive inner armor, otherwise Cheng Tianyan would have been seriously injured.

A female cultivator appeared in front of him with several monks in the early and middle stages of Qi training.

"Sister Seven is me! I am Tianyan." Cheng Tianyan quickly took off his black robe.

Cheng Tianyue was taken aback, and quickly put away the magic sword, "Nineteenth Brother, why are you dressed up like this." Fortunately, Cheng Tianyue didn't make a full attack just now.

"Seventh Sister!" Cheng Tianyan smiled wryly, and then Cheng Tianyan told the story again.

Cheng Tianyan nodded, looked at Xianyin, and asked, "She has spiritual roots?"

"Yeah!" Cheng Tianyan nodded, the old woman would take away people with spiritual roots if she wanted to, and she would take away people without spiritual roots, Cheng Tianyan thought, she was not that stupid.

"Okay, she has no one to rely on, and her background is clean, she will be your concubine from now on!" Cheng Tianyue said firmly.

Cheng Tianyan: ...

"Okay, follow me to destroy this group of casual cultivators, and you have a share of the credit." Cheng Tianyue said.

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