pastoral fairy

Chapter 377 Mysterious Spirit Mushroom

The traces of the formation are very faint, but Long Dahai is sure that the formation still exists and has been activated.

The outermost formation is for surveillance and also a kind of protection.

What are you guarding?

After careful study, Long Dahai guessed that the formation was protecting the scale-like rocks.

"Dahai, what is the use of this formation?"

Hearing the existence of formations, everyone did not dare to act rashly.

Being able to survive in such an environment, presumably has a good strength.



It seems that the races living here are also cautious enough.

The drunkard pondered for a moment, and then said: "Echo back and forth, go and have a look, maybe we can make a deal."

At the Golden Core realm, two monks with completely different languages ​​can communicate normally after calming down.

It's even less of a problem for a cultivator who refines the Void God.

Once a divine consciousness passes by, the basic communication is all solved.

The Drunkards are not the kind of arrogant people, and they don't feel or need to eradicate these races.

The matter of exterminating the clan and seizing the treasure cannot be done easily.

The five were scattered randomly, drunken man and Ye Meng were the strongest, at the front, and the other three followed.

The rock looks small in the sky, but each piece is hundreds of feet in size.

Everyone fell into the ground and moved forward through the cracks in the rocks.

Like a maze, mixed with chaos and darkness, it also has this effect.

If a Nascent Soul cultivator came over, he would get lost inside.

"what is that?"

Everyone walked through a few crossings, and saw a mushroom-like thing shining with purple-black light.

With the naked eye, there is only a slight light coming out, but in the consciousness, it is extremely conspicuous.

The rich fragrance appears in the consciousness, which is a concept that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The drunken man made a gesture, which means that everyone will share equally, and then each stand according to the assigned position.

"Maybe it is a precious elixir for thousands of years, full of fragrance, and it is a great tonic."

I don't know how long the elixir has grown, but this is not logical.

There are races here, so why don't you pick such a precious elixir?

There must be a problem here.

The drunkard must have thought of this too, so let everyone take their positions.

He slowly approached the elixir, but he didn't find any problems, and there were no dark beasts or traps around.

Only one step away from the elixir, the drunkard suddenly stopped, without any movement.

A late-stage cultivator of Void Refinement!

What's going on here? !

The four people who noticed the abnormality immediately looked around vigilantly, and then quickly communicated with each other.

"Senior Drunkard, why is this?"

"I should have fallen into a trap like Fascination. It seems that there is no way to break free immediately."

"What should we do?"

"Wait for a quarter of an hour. If Senior Drunkard doesn't move, I will pull him back with a magic weapon."

After a quick exchange, everyone waited for the result.

After a while, the drunken man suddenly made a movement and flew back quickly.

His breath was heavy and his expression was a little confused.

What on earth is this that actually caused a monk in the late stage of Void Refining to undergo such a change in such a short period of time.

"There is a world of unfinished treasures that reach heaven, like vast stars, confusing my consciousness."

The drunken man briefly introduced that Long Dahai could hear his yearning for this kind of thing from his tone.

An unfinished treasure that reaches the sky, and there is still a world, which is enough to show how precious this thing is.

The power of enchantment!

Long Dahai thought of this word, it seems that those who have this kind of ability can only comprehend it at the later stage of the state of integration.

If it is really a panacea with this effect, its value is immeasurable.

However, it is difficult for them to obtain the elixir that drunkards can't get close to.

"The old man restores his mana first, and tries other methods later."

The drunken man said something, then arranged a formation, and began to use his spiritual sense to recover his spiritual energy.

The rest of the people looked at the treasure in the distance, their eyes were shining, but they didn't try it first.

Looking at the other three Xulian cultivators, Long Dahai sighed in his heart: The person the Immortal League is looking for really has a good relationship.

After sighing, a copper lamp appeared in Long Dahai's hand.

He felt an unknown dark force appearing nearby, but he didn't know the exact location.

After notifying the others, he notified the shadow outside to be careful.

The black shadow is on the periphery, and the environment here is suitable for him to practice.

The drunken man recovered quickly, and then also felt abnormal.

"Who is coming?"

A clear will flew out, and if there were monks around, they would definitely know what it meant.

The consciousness came out, and after a while, a similar consciousness came.

"People from another world, this is the last habitat of my family, can you leave?"

Between the words, a human-like race appeared on the scaly rock not far away.

There is only one person, but it is not obvious in the consciousness, and the realm is very high, it may be a fit monk.

"Fellow Daoist, we come from the spirit world, we have no malicious intentions, we just want to find some items."

The projection of a fit-level monk does not pose too much threat to the drunkard, and it is impossible to let them leave with a single sentence.

Four Void Refining Cultivators and one Late Transformation Cultivation Cultivator, this combination is considered to be very powerful in the spirit world, let alone in this withered world.

The combined projection didn't speak immediately, but said after a while: "Then the mysterious mushroom, you can fight for it with your own ability, and you can also go to the north of this black wilderness, how good is that?"

The retreat of the fit monks was somewhat unexpected, but the drunken man knew that some monks were straightforward, and logically speaking, if they didn't obey, they would probably do it directly.

Come to a big fight?

It's not worth it.

Now that this thing called Xuanling Mushroom has been compromised, if it is obtained, the harvest of coming to this world is enough.

The drunkard said: "Fellow Daoist made such a concession, and we will abide by the agreement. However, we also have many rare spiritual objects here. If you want to exchange them, you can come here at any time."

The combined phantom was silent for a while, and then replied with two words: "Yes."

Then it disappeared, as if it had never been there.

After the projection disappeared, Long Dahai had many doubts in his heart, but he didn't say it out.

Come to think of it, other people can also notice it.

The combined phantom disappeared, and the invisible pressure disappeared immediately.

I didn't feel it when it appeared, but after it disappeared, I realized it very clearly.

Seeing this, the drunken man felt a little troubled.

A body-fit cultivator has never obtained this thing. As a cultivator in the late stage of Void Refinement, he has little hope of obtaining the Xuanling Mushroom.

But the treasure is right in front of you, if you don't try it, how can it be possible.

But before the test, the drunken man said: "It seems that this Xuanling mushroom is not easy to obtain. The five of us try it in turn. How about each one based on his ability?"

Saying this, the drunken man felt a little greedy.

Although there is a meaning of discussion, the result is already obvious.

Long Dahai and the others immediately nodded in agreement. The appearance of the fit monk just now gave them a lot of ideas.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

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