pastoral fairy

Chapter 378 Exchange and Tongtian Lingbao

The two sides reached an agreement, but Long Dahai and the others did not completely give up their vigilance.

Sure enough, not long after, several monks with purple bodies appeared above the rock.

These monks seemed a little stiff, as if they hadn't moved for a long time, but they were not as stiff as zombies, which was a bit strange.

These foreign monks came over, and the leader had the initial stage of refining the void.

"People from other worlds, I'm going to come over and plan to exchange some items. I wonder if it can be done now?"

The monk spoke straightforwardly, directly expressing what was in his heart.

Seeing this, the drunkard didn't rush to move the Xuantian mushroom, and replied: "Since fellow daoists are here, let's exchange them now."

The exchange was simple, as the monks of different races threw something similar to a jade slip, which recorded what they could provide.

After the drunken man got it, the five of them also each took out a jade slip, burned the items they could take, and handed them to each other.

Long Dahai got the list of items of the monks who were privately accepted as the Dark Rock Clan, and immediately browsed it.

Basically, he has never heard of or seen the things inside, but he can know the specific effects in things like jade slips.

When exchanging, we must check the effectiveness of the items with each other, and we are not afraid of cheating each other.

Many are dark beast items, which can be counted as spirit beast materials, and there are a lot of them.

There are also some spiritual plants, but the number is relatively rare. It seems that there are not many valuable spiritual plants in this world, or the dark rock tribe attaches great importance to this kind of plant.

In addition to spirit beast materials and spirit plants, there are many mysterious things.

Dark rock, dark flame, dark wind, black ice.

Four rarity levels of materials!

There are still a lot of them. It seems that when the world is about to be destroyed, there are a lot of good things.

There are fewer people competing for it, and rare things are easy to obtain, but if there are too many collections, there is no sense of use.

What a luxury.

Five people, but four rare materials, which is very interesting.

However, the quantities of the four rare materials are different, and the quantity of dark rock materials is quite a lot.

What do I need to exchange for rare materials?

It depends on how the other side asks for the price.

Maybe the material that they think is good is of average value in the eyes of the other party?

After careful inspection by both parties, the exchange began.

For the four rare materials, the five of them made their own choices.

The black ice that Long Dahai wanted was divided into three types by others.

During the exchange, the other party actually asked for a lot of spirit stones directly, and was even more interested in middle and high-level spirit stones.

For this kind of thing, it is understandable.

Spiritual stones have pure aura, even in this world, they are of many uses to many monks.

Things that seem ordinary are actually very precious.

Long Dahai carried the most spirit stones.

For the material of the black cold wind, he only used about 200 million spirit stones of middle-level spirit stones, and bought them.

In addition to these, Long Dahai is more interested in a rock mushroom material, which can increase some soul power if taken for a long time.

To increase the soul power, you can live longer without wearing a watch, but it has a good effect on dealing with the catastrophe of the sky and the catastrophe of the heart.

The most important thing is that with the growth of soul power, after switching to the ghost way, there are natural advantages.

After choosing his own items, Long Dahai kept his eyes restrained and carefully observed the Dark Rock Clan monk in front of him when he was exchanging them.

These monks are always a little weird in his eyes.

Although there was no problem with their movements, Long Dahai always felt that they were a little different.

"I have had a lot of contact with the wives of Han Ling who are in the state of their souls, and I have a special feeling for similar things."

These dark rock monks seem to be in this state.

The cultivator at the level of refinement was not very clear to him, but he was very aware of the other members of the Dark Rock tribe at the level of soul-transforming souls.

"In this state, it seems that the Dark Rock Clan has a lot of secrets. I'm not very interested in secrets, but it's different if I can help my wives have a body."

After a lot of thought, Long Dahai finished exchanging things.

There are a lot of rock mushrooms, and all five of them exchanged some.

After the exchange was completed, the monk said: "The exchange is completed, I wish you all can fulfill your wish."

After finishing speaking, the monk of the Dark Rock Clan immediately merged into the darkness, and then his breath began to fade, and finally disappeared.

Watching them leave, the drunken man said: "Qinghu, you are the master of formations. With Xuanling Mushroom, can you isolate the Dark Rock Clan from observing?"

The drunken man spoke, but Long Dahai couldn't refuse.

Hearing that Long Dahai is a formation master, the others were very surprised.

This news was not recorded in Long Dahai's public information.

Long Dahai nodded, and then took out a set of formation flags.

In this dark world, filled with dark energy and aura of destruction, it is somewhat difficult to arrange formations.

However, he still set up a formation for isolation and observation. Unless the monk of the Dark Rock Clan came over in person, he would definitely notice it.

After the arrangement was completed, the five people took turns to try.

Long Dahai himself was at the bottom of the list. Facing such an obvious treasure, it is definitely not something that can be easily obtained.

Everyone has a certain amount of preparation in their hearts, but they are unwilling to do so.

The drunken man made a request, so naturally he was the first to go up and try.

He had a close contact once, and he was somewhat prepared.

Come to the vicinity of Xuanling Mushroom, at a distance that can fascinate him.

A mellow breath came out, it was the breath of Tongtian Lingbao.

The drunken man was split into two, one holding the Tongtian Lingbao in the front, and the other holding a golden scissors in the back.

Look at that posture, as long as you use the Tongtian Lingbao to hold the mushroom, if you have a chance, the scissors will fly out, cut off the mushroom, and put it in your pocket.

But Long Dahai was most concerned about the treasure of the drunkard, the Tongtian Lingbao, which was a rare thing.

It was a slender thing, like a long sword, but like a streamer. When it came out, it had a water-blue luster, which was very eye-catching.

As soon as the Tongtian Lingbao came out, the surrounding space was cold, and the dark light in the space instantly dissipated.

Wrapped in the cold, thinking of the Xuanling Mushroom and leaving, approaching quickly, but far away.

Always approaching, but not being able to approach.

The space became different there. In this state, Long Dahai frowned, his eyes became clear blue, and he wanted to see clearly.

It is not a small opportunity for a great cultivator in the late stage of Void Refining to fight against an undeveloped Xuantian treasure.

The cold was still approaching, Senior Drunkard's aura became stronger, it was a defensive move.

For him, there is a reason why he must acquire this treasure.

However, some things cannot be forced.

A glare of light was born, and Long Dahai didn't have time to guard against it, and his body was thrown away, and the distance was tens of miles in an instant.

The half-dragon body emerged, or he might be seriously injured.

The rays of light dissipated and the formations were destroyed.

Leaving Senior Drunkard standing there rather embarrassed, the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure flew into the distance, and it quickly appeared in his hand at this moment, and then disappeared.

Feelings of regret filled the drunkard's surroundings.

Long Dahai flew back unharmed, but there was a slight difference in his eyes.

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